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Everything posted by Mpilk901

  1. Well I'm not exactly a pro at photoshop myself, just know the basic stuff. Anyway good luck with the artwork and thanks, I like it too .
  2. Looks good Deji! Only thing that I noticed is that the edges look a bit choppy where the image is split up into four. Maybe you could try smoothing them out a bit. Nice work!
  3. Happy Birthday Spaz! Hope its a good one.
  4. I'd easily pick American, I love muscle cars. Not so much into those exotic cars. Pontiac, Chevy etc.
  5. Well it doesn't really balance on it does it I would suggest no, why would you want to anyway?
  6. Yeah you did amazing, I played crap haha. Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I'm bad. Been playing Warhawk alot recently and I've gotten back into it (not like my addiction before ). But for some strange reason I want to play COD4 now... Must... Resist... Edit: Wow! I just had I think my best game yet on COD4, 22 kills and 9 deaths! I racked up about 1100Xp too.
  7. Trust me, this guy MUST of been asleep. I was in that game for over an hour, he didn't move at all. I know what you mean, I hate fags like that, whats the point?
  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday Toxic! Have a good 18th.
  10. My brother found Resistance 2 (obviously pre-order) on a website for only 30 pound, thats pretty good considering it's not even out!
  11. Who needs CS when you have COD4 (I'm joking) I'm currently playing Warhawk, but I'm also jumping in-between other games too like Burnout Paradise and COD4.
  12. Husky, try doing this (I do it every month). Unplug everything from your PS3 and set it standing upright on a table, Blow hard through every single air vent and then get a straw and blow through that into the corners, USB slots, disc tray etc. If your up for it I suggest using a small hoover on it. It's hard to describe but use one of those add-ons which makes the end of the hoover a small pipe. Put that against all the big air vents. There you go! Your PS3 will be almost 5X more quieter! I do this all time so don't worry about damaging it, but it's up to you if you want to do that. It REALLY helps mine because I live in a very hot country and things get dusty here very easily. Oh, and also make sure your PS3 is in a nice open area. If you have your PS3 on a carpet, you might want to move it onto some hard floor or stand it upright. If its just on a normal floor lay it horizontally. This works because hot air travels up and if the PS3 is more spread out the whole console will generate less heat. But if you have it on a carpet the soft carpet material will have more places for it to get hotter thus your PS3 getting hotter. Get it?
  13. Mpilk901

    MGS 5

    I don't play MGS, but I think it should of been the last one. MGS4 was just such a big hit, can they really make anything more mind-blowing than that on the PS3? They should start a different game IMO. Its like having an amazing band with really good albums then your last one is crap It destroys the brand image.
  14. This game looks so badass! I can't wait for it, perfect to play in the toilet!
  15. I'll probably buy it when it hits Platinum or when I next go to the UK so I can buy it pre-owned. And thanks for the folding tip, will do that now.
  16. Shhh, I'm undercover...

  17. Try PM'ing him, maybe they forgot about this topic...
  18. Yeah I tried that last night, nothing was there! It just opened 1.31 of Folding@Home like normal! Oh well I did really good in COD4 last night but it's time to leave that game for a bit and focus more on Warhawk and Burnout Paradise! I still haven't bought MGS4...
  19. Looks good, I'd say make it a little bit more thinner and add a border. Nice work.
  20. I plan on buying the official sony headset when it comes out, looks like its going to kick third parties ass!
  21. Your signature looks badass man!

  22. While everyone's on the topic I just thought it might be funny to actually mention that I came across a guy asleep while on free mode! You could hear his heavy breathing and the occasional snore over his mic. The tv was also on in the background and his character didn't move at all! Was pretty damn funny! Just goes to show how many idiots have mics, there's a bit of a shortage on PS3 but there seems to be more static and background noise which is a shame.
  23. Looks good, my only concern is that it's too big and you may get asked to remove it.
  24. After months of offers, extensions, refusals, and relatively polite talks, Gamers Daily News reports that the two sides have officially broken contact. It's over. Source: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/3768.html This is good news!
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