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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Happy Birthday Chris. Have a good Birthday.
  2. They need to change all of the controls and try to put it and test it out on a computer etc
  3. He will probably lose it at Unforgiven. It will be a case of hold it for a year and then make a big huge screw up in the Unforgiven Match-Up.
  4. We all have. -------- I forgot to put Favourite Boat Well my favourite boat has to be - Squallo
  5. We don't even know if it will come out on PC yet. So stop asking about the date. When we find out we will tell you
  6. Welcome new Members. Stay Active and Enjoy Yourself (I have for the past 6 Months )
  7. You just reached 1700 (*celebrates*) not me.

  8. 1700 posts now (*celebrates*)

  9. Do you have GTA vice City? Did you Open VCMP.exe first? Did you click connect on the Server (Right Click - Connect)?
  10. List of Wrestlers I Like............. Triple H (#1) Shawn Michaels (#2) Undertaker Rey Mysterio Edge Wrestlers I Hate........... John Cena MVP Batista (Greedy B****rd) John Morrison Big Daddy V The Great Khali
  11. That was Awesome. I didn't see the whole of WWE Raw I just saw what Bottom Line gives us. Also They Replaced Todd Grisham (:sad:)
  12. 1500 Posts about 30 Posts ago
  13. @7.62mm - Listen Too Spaz. Although Most of the time on your MSN Display Picture you have your GF in it. She's always wearing a hoodie. If thats all she wears.........Get her something that she will. Depending on what type of Girl she is she may want something with Flames on, a Heart on or Cars. This would all depend really on what she likes and what she dislikes. Your the only one here that knows who she is.
  14. RIP to the Late Antonio Puerta
  15. Welcome to the Forum Trixx ! Stay Active and Enjoy Yourself........ and....... Don't Spam.......
  16. Spell Checker told me too. i guess its a foreign English Version of "Favourite"
  17. I don't Use Internet Explorer and I am On IE5 so the tools must be diferent then
  18. Thomas.


    Yeah I used to play Runescape but it got boring for me straight after the Tutorial Because it said "You Must buy a membership in order to get past this" or something.
  19. I see you don't go on GTA Real Estate Often

  20. Yeah its Quite a good Sig. Iceage

  21. Welcome to TGTAP

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