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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I'll make it tomorrow but i need 2 go to bed now

  2. Hello. Welcome to TGTAP

  3. Good Guide Man. Keep up the good work
  4. Hello. How are you

  5. Yeah when i grown up im going to try and get a career in Graphics or Computing. I have decided to choose these subjects at school including Biology, French, History and Music. My mum said that i could choose whatever I wanted unless I chose what i needed that includes Graphic Communication and Computing. I also chose Biology for a Secondary Job. A Surgeon, Its not that i want to be a Surgeon (I Freak at the sight of blood Sometimes). I chose French because it would open up my career options. I chose Music because i own a Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar and Keyboard. I have to take Maths what i hate but its one less time a week now. In 2 Years i have to drop 2 Subjects. I may drop French, History, Music, Biology.
  6. Hey. So you and Jade have sort of put your differences aside

  7. I think everyone does. One of my other Ambitions are To lose my Maths Textbook for some freak reason. Joke Real Ambition - Buy a laptop
  8. I added you to my friends list since your in my gang.

  9. Hello? How are you?

  10. Hey YJ your 5 Star

  11. There are basically No Civilians When you have 6 Star Police level
  12. If you have so Many then its obvious you will forget Dazza Now Added
  13. Thomas.


    Most people in this topic Hate some sort of Spider
  14. Thomas.


    Thats just Gross. I would usually think that of a worm when someone cuts it in half it forms double the worms. Still its Gross
  15. Thomas.


    thats what makes me hate them. Their Legs.
  16. Although they got beaten they are still one of the best Teams in the UK. I dont see them getting PWNED at all in the future
  17. Thats okay. Thanks Guys The Fonts were chosen Greatly by Quickdeath so I would like to thank Him While im here
  18. Yeah I could of but i didnt did I. Ambition 1 - A New Computer/Laptop Ambition 2 - Be Successful When I grow up Ambition 3 - Like what GOF said World Peace
  19. Post in here what your lifetime Ambitions (What you want most)
  20. I like your new name

  21. Thomas.


    I Fear Maggots in large ammounts and Flys in large ammounts also Cockroaches and Beetles
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