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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. So what shop are you going to close or merge or are you going to keep ignoring me and Noru?
  2. It's probably not from Australia, India, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand etc. Who drive on the left hand side of the road. We have RHD vehicles not LHD vehicles.
  3. Seriously, don't leave man.

  4. Is two shops even allowed... Nope. Check the Trading Stalls rules lad, you'll find that you are allowed only the one shop.
  5. Hey Alkaline, how are you?

  6. Everyone is trying to help him though. But it has got to a point where nobody is bothered if they post something or not because either way he will probably end up banned because he didn't take our advice. Last night he was even arguing or insulting Moderators (Specifically Rockstarrem (and perhaps Llama)) and yet I don't think he will take my advice to stop doing it. So he better listen to what me, Connor, you, Alkaline etc. says otherwise he may end up being banned. He isn't even accepting ideas from his own "Samil's Stories" topic where he asks if people liked them. If he continues to write them while nobody likes them in his previous style, he isn't going to be rather popular with his stories across the forum. Right now his approval as a new member is getting rather low because people are sick of seeing his stories. I'm not meant to say this but i have actually been laughing at them (With numerous other people - on MSN and other places) and using them as an excuse to keep me from being bored (Usually that meant listening to music or going off to play Fifa 08 or PES 2008) that means they aren't funny 'Haha' but funny in a strange way. Maybe he should try listening or taking our advice then he will improve and have an even less chance of being shouted at by us. It's a pain in the arse right now with the amount of these topics being made, that's about 8 made this week (From Wednesday last week onwards) that makes me wonder if he is actually typing them.
  7. But Alkaline is right, all you're doing is insulting him in three separate posts. You could have said why you didn't like them and how he could improve upon that instead of saying the same except re-worded in each of the above quotes from this very topic alone.
  8. Another topic, Wow? I've never seen someone post so many topics in a week, this forum is only minor compared what he's posted elsewhere. In my opinion it is average, maybe you should listen to people's thoughts for once, Samil. Just like Rockstarrem said the other day back that you should write in a paragraph form, I completely agree with him. I can't be bothered to read that up there simply because it does not look like a book or a story that I would read. I would rather prefer reading a book or a story that has the Paragraph form. I have wrote a story like that before and my possible next one will be in Paragraph form and my stories were posted 4 months ago not a day ago like what you are doing. I kind of think you are copying and pasting text from elsewhere the rate you are posting these. I would suggest that you stop posting these kind of topics for a while but why should I bother you don't listen to a single thing anyone says anyway so what would be the point in trying. Expect a ban, suspension or warning in the near future, that's what I think right now.
  9. Watch the film "Hot Fuzz" for some of the best policing examples I've seen. I don't know if the US get that film, I never saw it when I was over there.
  10. Czech Republic have won quite a few Golds. They are doing quite well and yeah, China for win over USA (GBR for 2nd place - not likely)
  11. Here are the ones I tried: [IMG=http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii95/TFY13/chrismana.png] [IMG=http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii95/TFY13/chrismanb.png] Hope you likey.
  12. @ Ice: Why were you even advertising TGTAP or whatever on there anyway? There would be more n00bs to handle for the moderators here when even the better members over there join. I'm surprised that you haven't posted a topic in the suggestions forum entitled "Chris did you change the Moderator Buttons?" like the "Chris did you remove the latest news heading?" or something. lol
  13. I've watched (so far): Men's Cycling Men's Swimming Relay Men's Swimming Women's Swimming Relay Women's Swimming British Women's Team Archery against Japanese Women's Team Archery Men's Judo Gymnastics Britain are doing shite right now, 7th in the table when I last looked, 2 Gold medals and 1 bronze medal. That sucks for us then.
  14. Plus flashing lights on the roof. Me, I don't like the American police cars or ambulances etc. But yeah I am from a different country so that's bound to happen.
  15. Relflections like on bikes are what the yellow are for, I don't see any on the American police cars so police cars over here are more easier to see in the night.
  16. Ok, yeah sure. I will get it done as soon as possible, same to you Ice. Once I have access to Macromedia Fireworks, alright Here you go:
  17. nm really. Bored to death though, you?

  18. I say they are boring. I've read one but I haven't read the others, there are simply too much and the amount of topics is beginning to annoy me and many others. That's the only reason this forum (Graphics and Writers Pad) is actually active because people are discussing these so called 'ghost' stories. People would actually like them if you created topics about a month after the previous instead of just posting day after the other, that's what I would call "Raising your post count".
  19. This forum doesn't suck! How could you say that? /Sarcasm Ummm, then TGTAP probably wouldn't be here right now if he didn't.
  20. Lol, Fight. British fire engines, British Ambulances, British Police Cars and British Riot Vans all have a unique style so do the Americans and so does almost every country in the world. And smstevenms please don't double post, use the edit button instead. It's a pretty decent mod request so if someone could do it then fine.
  21. Yeah sure. I don't have access to Fireworks right now but I will get it done
  22. Does that mean you have duplicate accounts on here too?
  23. I forgot I even made you it :P Anyway, no problem man ;)

  24. Because you're sig looks much nicer than Thomas's . What does that mean? or was it Sarcasm?
  25. I've only got 3 posts on there One of them was a very vile, rude post aimed at johnny-kazuki (aka a drunk Hazer on GTAForums that night) it was a hilarious topic and Derty Jerzian ruled almost every post in it. Never liked GTAForums, Never will. I might as well go log in but I can't remember the password nor my username . What a relief.
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