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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Believe it or not this isn't the only case of a knife into a childs head this month. There was one in Scotland recently and the child again survived.
  2. (Yeah I know you changed your name ) I have indeed been swimming in that pool before. I also hope to go into that Swimming Pool again because it will be hotter than winter now.
  3. I just found my grandparents house in Sarasota, Florida. This will be where I am staying for a few weeks. I found this on Google Maps: Nice house I must say.
  4. I am teh leader of this topic and I am back... Here are the spam standings from Stats proof: Thomas. - 1271 TM™ - 1163 Silberio Silva - 1151 Gorilla - 1146 Rashon. - 1099 Gycu Brun - 977 Jace - 713 Andrew91 - 420 V - 356
  5. Deji, try something simple but something that looks good. Try cutting out some characters out of GTA Games with the Polygon Lasso Tool which is easy to use on Fireworks. Then use that Character cut-out and create and effective background or find some cool effects on google and that is the start to becoming a good graphics maker.
  6. That guitar what Spaz posted is a little bit awesome. I actually quite like the guitar what Spaz posted. Anyway, I really want an Electric Guitar but my parents won't allow it because they think it would be too loud which is Bull because you can actually adjust the volume on Modern Equipment.
  7. I made an attempt at the grunge effect. I must say I could have done better but I didn't know what else to add, here goes: I added a cloud to the right of the original Banner I made: Anyway, me and TM agreed to try and make a banner together. It could be well better with mixed ability. I don't know if this will actually take place but it is very possible it will. Here is the logo I used:
  8. This is going to be extra hard. I attempted a grunge sig the other day there. TM knows I made these and he commented on the 2nd one. I guess I am going to need some more Fireworks experience.
  9. I agree with you there. Gerard should I attempt different versions of the banner I made such as Greyscale, Different colours etc. I could Mess with the Hue and Saturation to see what comes out, would you like me to do that?
  10. Foolish move by EA games if you ask me. If Take-2 are indeed bought by EA then Take-2 and it's shareholders are foolish too. If EA do get Take-2 and Rockstar Games, I will never play a GTA game by EA Games.
  11. It would be very hard for something like that to be painted up on a wall for individual people. That is quite awesome, shame it was only New York but it is still awesome.
  12. Thats okay GTA Don, I never mentioned a Specific holiday in the topic title and forums or boards are meant to be posted in along with the topics in these forums and boards.
  13. Really? I have been on about 10 plane journeys in my lifetime and I will be adding more to that list. I think it is about 10: 2001 - To Florida To Newark Airport, New Jersey from Glasgow International Airport To Tampa Airport from Newark 2001 - To Scotland To Newark Airport from Tampa Airport To Glasgow Airport from Newark Airport 2004 - To Florida To Newark Airport from Glasgow Airport To Tampa Airport from Newark Airport 2005 - From Florida To Newark Airport from Tampa Airport To Glasgow Airport from Newark Airport 2008 - To Florida To Newark Airport from Edinburgh Airport To Sarasota Airport from Newark 2008 - To Edinburgh To Newark Airport from Sarasota Airport To Amsterdam Airport from Newark Airport (The first time I will step on Mainland Europe, Brilliant!) To Glasgow Airport from Amsterdam Airport I don't really know what that is in total.
  14. I want to fall asleep on the plane, the last 4 plane journeys were utterly boring. But the big advantage is going to a better place what doesn't have quite as much of the usual british rain and cloud. I know it will be warm at least.
  15. Yeah, I can't believe I will be up at 4 in the morning. That is very unusual. I might as well go and watch WWE Raw what ends at 4 am.
  16. Sorry for the bump and double post (Mega-Bad) I thought I would bump this topic back up because it is less than a week until I will be off the forums for a minimum of 3 weeks. I have 130 USD and that is still growing rapidly. I have already started packing, actually half of it has already been done which is more than what the rest of the family have been doing. When I get back from the holiday I really want to post up pictures of it so I can't wait to that. If I get the chance I will come on via my Grandparents Dial-Up in their ranch or I will find a Sarasota or Orlando Internet Cafe. Anyway I have a list of things to do in Florida. Go in the Swimming Pool (Duh? Relaxation is usually what holidays are about) Go to my first American McDonalds (Not healthy but I have never been to an American McDonalds) Buy gifts for people at my school Get a Tan (Wooo!) Drive my grandparents Tractor/Lawn Mower again (That was fun, the last time I went) Go into a theme park. I went to Universal Studios and Disney Land in Orlando the last few times. Thats really want to do. Just normal relaxing stuff what holidays should be about. Yeah I will really miss this place but I'm sure you would all agree I would need to get way from the computer for a bit.
  17. i NEVER said i disrespect people who use flash or photoshop. and i didn't say that he had copied. i said someone else copied his. so your the only c*nt here. Both of you just quit it right, yeah Spider-Vice does have a point but Connor there was no need to emphasize it. There really isn't a need of calling people "c*unts" so there is no c*nt here so lets have a nice peaceful discussion instead of flaming each other. (Sorry Connor in advance)
  18. Umm, until he improves his graphic making skills then he may not get any customers simple as that. I am not flaming or anything but I got customers in my store for talent and not just for the sake of making sigs and rather large graphics that no-one wants to have. Here are a list of sig sizes you could start out with Deji: 400 x 100400 x 150450 x 100475 x 100450 x 130500 x 100500 x 200These are actually quite simple to do and should be easy for someone whos graphics look like a beginner and look like they were made in paint. People don't like random sizes for their sigs or graphics.
  19. At least we got that Pollution thing settled. Hope you've had a good day so far.

  20. You need some sort of evidence that SA:MP is better to back-up your point of view. If not it could be counted as Fanboyism. Anyway, I think they will get the server done when they want and the longer they take, the more effort they put into creating this server. I doubt this server will be bad but I think it will be better than good.
  21. Thanks, yeah I will try to but the next ones will have to be between now and 18th March because of the holiday what I can't stop talking about.
  22. 3500 posts, 7/8 on the way to 4000. To get here has taken a little while.
  23. Yeah you laugh at strange things If it still there then the boy won't be able to see because the knife went into the front end of the head.
  24. Well I thought that my graphics wouldn't be complete without having to show them off in a topic. In here you will see some of my best sigs, avatars, userbars and other graphics in which I made. Before I go on there are numerous People I would like to thank for helping me out with the graphics... MrLlamaLlama for helping me all the wayTM for teaching me the table code and for influencing me to make graphics again[/b] Quickdeath for being the 2007 graphics helper to me Gerard for helping me with some of the graphics GTA Don for giving feedback of the sigs on MSN K9 Krew just because he influenced me in 2007 Anyway here are my graphics... Once and if I make new Graphics I will update the topic.
  25. That looks even better. Good Work TM. I may use that actually. I am looking to make a sig soon anyway, so a Temp will be needed.
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