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Karate? You name it. Talk about it here. What kind of fighter are you? Do you workout? ECt.. Know any special moves? Cool videos? Post it all here. :D

I am a street fighter.. I know that really isn't a style of fighting. I also cheat. I use the environment on almost every move I do.

I punch


Body Slam


Use a weapon :P Only if my life is in danger


and gore

P.S- Don't mistake me for a bad person. I only fight if my life is in danger.

Edited by 7.62mm
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If I were to get in a fight... I'd use the little bit of boxing I know. The stance and hits alone would probably win fights around here, cuz people around here are IDIOTS.

Bold: Oh don't make me start lol.

I don't know what type of fighter I am....I got into a fight in the 5th grade with this popular idiot and kicked his ass lol, and then a year of football but really I havn't had much physical conflict in life.....

My training is basically parkour and skating. Beas training in the world for me imo. But ya, I do push-ups and crutches(50 in the morning and 50 a night.).... Not the 10push-up thing every post though now lol. I actually think I'll start doing that again......

Edited by Nate10
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Ha, I have a great story.

It was earlier this year and I was at my old school. I wasn't the most popular kid, (I Rejected this chick and she turned the school against me...long story) and I had people wanting to bash me. So this Asian kid (He was, not being racist. And he was bigger then me) kept calling me names (i.e, Gay, Female...shit like that) and I wasn't doing anything to him. So he got mad (yes him) and hit me, (didn't hurt, just if someone hits me I'll hit him back) and we got into this full on brawl.

So I has fighting back, only defensively. And I has holding him like the cops do (On the ground twisting there arm), then a teacher came over and saw what I was doing. So we got sent to the princeable's office. So I told him what happened and cause the teacher only saw what I was doing I got a Saturday, and the fact that he was a year 8 (remember he hit me first and was bigger then me).

Now I am at a better school without him.

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You can't kick a guy in the balls, it's unmanly. How would you like that? It's an easy way out, but really painful. And yeah Jared we had a fight on YouTube, but it got taken off.

You can't kick a guy in the balls, it's unmanly. How would you like that? It's an easy way out, but really painful. And yeah Jared we had a fight on YouTube, but it got taken off.

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Like Nate, I've barely gotten into fights (just a couple of times) I used to take like Tae Kwon Do if that's how you spell it and Karate when I was in like grade 3 or 4. Didn't get much out of it, and in fights just used my fists. It's hilarious when people who are much weaker than you start dissing you and stuff and try to punch you but fail miserably. Happened in grade 6 when this kid was like dissing me, mom and then just came running at me. Tried to punch me but I felt nothing, so I just took him down and punched him until he swore to piss off. Then when I was walking home I saw him running home crying XD Had a couple of other experiences but not much. Maybe I'll start doing the 10 push ups per post too. Like now. :)

Edit: I also used to do sit ups everyday and had a bit of abs but got lazy and lost it now :P But now I'm not gonna be lazy and get it back! :P

Edited by Artur
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Whats the easiest way to break someones arm in a fight?

Arm bar. or if the person really sucks and your really good, block a left hook with your left hand, put your right foot in front of there left knee and on the other side of there right ankle (with your knee slightly bent,) move a little bit counter clockwise so you are on his left, then move your body left, attempt to trip, push his left leg with your knee then pull his right foot back by moving your foot back, thrust him forward, put his left leg behind his right, swing your rightleg around, keeping his right foot down and his left foot over then pull his arm left and smack his elbow with your elbow. then it cracks then smack his head into the ground, rotating him towards his broken arm and away from his right. while doing this make sure he doesnt move his torso or bend his left elbow.

heres a great story. One of the best fighters in the world's son, who is a gimp, was taking a piss and it was just an ordinary day. A rival gang put a hit on him, and to kill him without other people knowing, he was told to be shot in the bathroom. so hes taking a piss and he feels a gun to his head. he looks to the right and asks the guy, "do you mind if i put my dick away before you kill me?" the nodded, so he half put it away, and the other half of his motion he broke the shooteres arm, hand, ankle, right shoulder then his knee. BEAT THAT! (by a gimp too!)

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ninjitsu is alot different.

jujitsu is all about locking and choking and breaking stuff. Ninjitsu is the art of the ninja.

I never said they're the same, just said those two styles look badass....

Like Nate, I've barely gotten into fights (just a couple of times) I used to take like Tae Kwon Do if that's how you spell it and Karate when I was in like grade 3 or 4. Didn't get much out of it, and in fights just used my fists. It's hilarious when people who are much weaker than you start dissing you and stuff and try to punch you but fail miserably. Happened in grade 6 when this kid was like dissing me, mom and then just came running at me. Tried to punch me but I felt nothing, so I just took him down and punched him until he swore to piss off. Then when I was walking home I saw him running home crying XD Had a couple of other experiences but not much. Maybe I'll start doing the 10 push ups per post too. Like now. :)

Edit: I also used to do sit ups everyday and had a bit of abs but got lazy and lost it now :P But now I'm not gonna be lazy and get it back! :P

Hah, I just started doin sit-ups again. Wanna get the abs again :P.... I'll tell my fight story later. But don't think I'm like an unpopular kid at my schools when I say "poular idiot" :P

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Stamina+Power+Brains=You're guarenteed to win every fight.

I run out of gas fast.. I get tired quick. but If I land one punch say goodnight little timmy.

I have kinda like a boxer style type fighting. I wish I was more like jackie chan or something and knew Karate and stuff. I wanted to learn. I would wrather be a boxer though.

Whats a good way to practice guys? Punching bag?

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I'm sorry, but I have to say I'll find a lot of stuff on here as lies, just based on the fact that 96% of this message board is 15 and under.

Sparring with friends is fun. Especially when hard punches, kicks, and random objects are allowed :lol:

I have very low stamina and get tired easily, so the only way I have an advantage is if I get the first hit and can use agility to keep myself from getting hit. If I'm knocked down or anything, I'm probably f***in' out of the fight.

I'd like to pick my nunchakus back up and practice with them again. I also need to start training with my sais. Of course, there's my bokken, too. Regardless of training, though, you probably wouldn't want to try to force your way into my room. Between my sais, bokken, nunchakus, short sword, iron cross twister((four-blade folding weapon)), my dual-blade folding.... "knife"((I'll post pics of it)).... and the random glass bottles/guitars/metal bars/etc........ Have a nice time trying to get out unharmed.... Or alive, even....

Yeah, I think it looks little intimidating.


Nunchakus and short sword.


"Twister", closed.


"Twister", OPEN. I love this thing.


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I'm sorry, but I have to say I'll find a lot of stuff on here as lies, just based on the fact that 96% of this message board is 15 and under.

Sparring with friends is fun. Especially when hard punches, kicks, and random objects are allowed :lol:

I have very low stamina and get tired easily, so the only way I have an advantage is if I get the first hit and can use agility to keep myself from getting hit. If I'm knocked down or anything, I'm probably f***in' out of the fight.

I'd like to pick my nunchakus back up and practice with them again. I also need to start training with my sais. Of course, there's my bokken, too. Regardless of training, though, you probably wouldn't want to try to force your way into my room. Between my sais, bokken, nunchakus, short sword, iron cross twister((four-blade folding weapon)), my dual-blade folding.... "knife"((I'll post pics of it)).... and the random glass bottles/guitars/metal bars/etc........ Have a nice time trying to get out unharmed.... Or alive, even....

Yeah, I think it looks little intimidating.


Nunchakus and short sword.


"Twister", closed.


"Twister", OPEN. I love this thing.


Buddy those are really cool, you should see what I have. I will have to show you a picture sometime. I have about 35 knifes. One looks like Freddy Kruger.

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