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GTA IV vs. Saints Row 2

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to be fair i think that gta 4 is gunna be beta than st row but then agen i am not rele a fan of the 360 and most ofits games espescially if they are a replica of exsisting games just in a shiny new box with the alterations that ppl wanted with gta! thats jus earnin money off of rockstars "failings" i use the word VERY

  gta player #69 said:
to be fair i think that gta 4 is gunna be beta than st row but then agen i am not rele a fan of the 360 and most ofits games espescially if they are a replica of exsisting games just in a shiny new box with the alterations that ppl wanted with gta! thats jus earnin money off of rockstars "failings" i use the word VERY loosely
shit sorry bout that the i tried to edit it and it didnt work so soz...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Think that the first saints row was san andreas with a few bits taken out and bits added in. When you think of all the things that R* are putting into gta4 you would think that saints row 2 would have a job to keep up. The only reason why I think gta is better is because its original, it was the first game of its kind that started on the ps1 and through the years it has been a bit hit for gamers. Its been that big other companys have deciding to copy the ideas and remake a gta game which i think is impossible to do. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Big O, SHOWTIME! (nice avatar, InGn006. Bog O would make a good game if they did it right.)

Volition did a good job designing & coding SR, the models are nicely done & the physics are decent, I think they've come

the closest to a GTA clone w/out being a rip-off. I don't think they're waiting to rip-off R*, but really are trying to put out a

quality game. Besides, what's the last GTA (or "clone") to start you on the premise SR2 uses?

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None. Every other clone tries to be mature and shy away from the crude sexual humor Saints Row is famous/infamous for.

Volition said that they weren't trying to be groundbreaking. They're just making something people want, and believe me, that works. I want GTA, and if another company is making a game very similar to it and is GOOD (Unlike Driv3r or the Getaway), I'm buying it.

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the hype for this game is dead

Obviously not... Look at the total forum posts for this section. GTAIV has more posts tha the Entire San Andreas section...and it hasn't even been released yet.

are rockstar games losing there touch

No... What gives you that idea? They just won best handheld title 2 years in a row, and they've got the most anticipated release of '08 on their hands.

could gta 4 go the same way???

No. Why would it? I think that no matter if fans are shcoked by the changes R* make, they'll still rate the game highly... Just because it's GTA.

And don't join a GTA forum, only to put the latest title down. That's just plain stupid.

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Then does that mean the game isn't going to be as good than if we got all the information leaked to us? I think not. If we knew all the info, then there would be nothing new when we actually played the game. Just sit it out and wait. Patience is a virtue.

You didn't join the forums to bash GTA? Well that's kinda what it looks like.

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I never played the original Saints Row, but it looked good from the videos on Youtube.

One thing that has disturbed me is how people say Saints Row's graphics are better than any GTA. WTF?

It's on a next-gen console, and GTA has never been about graphics.

For what it's worth, it just goes to show that these GTA clones that are much newer, can still only just match a 3+ year old GTA game.

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yh saints row is good, not that good though, SA was a little better than SR. And who cares about graphics, the ps1 GTA were better than most games just being released and dat must be saying somethin!

but SR VS GTA... well buy them both, they both being released on ps3 and XB360 so... judge it yourself

And On another note, did you know

that they have taken ammunation out of the game?

that you eating food raises health

or am i just reading old info?

Edited by b0odaboo
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Yeah, it's already out there. Don't let that discourage you, you might find something new, just have a source.

GTA (up until GTA4) has been about game play & built to run decently on current consoles, SA was R*'s last major PS2 title.

SR was one of the first titles made for the X360 & took full advantage of the better graphics that came w/ it.

The result was that as good as SA looked, SR looked better. Just a side note, as of last weekend SR was still $30 (US) at

Wal Mart.

MiamiViceCity - If you can find SR used for $20, it'll pass a little time while you're waiting for GTA4. If you're into GTA you

should like it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just saw this topic and wanted to let everyone know, I was flipping though the latest GameInformer issue while at Barns & Nobel's earlier today and they had a preview of Saint's Row 2 with around 5-8 screenshots. I didn't read much of it, but one of the screens had a guy surfing on top of a car (just imagine a guy on a surfboard, in normal clothing, only the surfboard is a car), the caption said that "car surfing" would be an activity in the game.

If your interested in the game, go pick up the latest GI. It has "Ghost Busters" on the cover of it. On a side note, Saint's Row is only $29.99 now and I'm thinking about picking it up. I can't decide, that or Dead Rising. :S

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