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Your Personal Hate list


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Let's see...

1 - Racism

2 - Fanboys

3 - Spam

4 - Stupidity

5 - Wannabe rappers

6 - Twilight and it's sequels

7 - People who write English or Portuguese wrong (except on MSN)

8 - "Orkuteiros"

9 - Emo

10 - Suicide Silence

11 - Driver haters

12 - Atari

13 - Dial-up

14 - Stupid teenagers that make me feel ashamed of being one.

15 - Religion

16 - Brazil and brazilians

That's all I guess

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A hate list!

1. Racists

2. Sexists

3. Spam

4. Viruses

5. Spyware

6. HIV/AIDS ( no free sex :( )

7. Religious Freaks

8. People who act they're religious freaks and control the other religious freaks

9. My history teacher :lol:

10. People who loves controlling other people just to get what they want

11. Cleaning the damn pool!


Edited by warrior13
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  Bear said:
Hurst and Emin are Post Modernist artists. They saw cows in half and other stupid crap. One of Emin's most famous 'art' was stitching names on a tent with people she had sex with and then littered the tent with condoms and vodka bottles.

Jeez, what an artist! Must've had some personal problems :hurrhurr:

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  Bear said:
Hurst and Emin are Post Modernist artists. They saw cows in half and other stupid crap. One of Emin's most famous 'art' was stitching names on a tent with people she had sex with and then littered the tent with condoms and vodka bottles.

That's not an art for me, I think it's crap.

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  Urbandecay said:
  Bear said:
Hurst and Emin are Post Modernist artists. They saw cows in half and other stupid crap. One of Emin's most famous 'art' was stitching names on a tent with people she had sex with and then littered the tent with condoms and vodka bottles.

That's not an art for me, I think it's crap.

I think it's a classic! :rofl2:

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I apologise for the epic longness of this post, but meh deal with it :P

  macorules94 said:
4. White people listening to Rap

13. People with freckles

15. People born in 1995

16. 2008

18. People that make history which we then have to learn at school

19. People that want to be Accountants

4. Why? It's personal preference, that's a bit of a big statement to make

13. Again why?

15. Random not all people who are born in the same year act the same you know, people have individuality most of the time.

16. Again, random, any reason?

18. That is a very narrow minded opinion, history is an integral part of who we are.

19. Very prejudiced in my opinion...

  Chris said:
Hmm... my list is going to be huge. People are going to think I'm a right miserable git :P

Some of it really pisses me off, but very few things on this list I actually "hate", it's more just a list of dislikes :)

But because I'm bored, here is a list I just made

  1. Internet Explorer and it's users
  2. People who ask "are you alright?" to someone who is crying or is otherwise visibly upset/distressed
  3. People who don't make an effort to use correct spelling and grammar (unless their first language is not English)
  4. Wiggas
  5. Severely obese (say, over 125 kilos) people who even after endless insults and public ridicule, continue to make absolutely no effort to lose weight, or worse, think that is ok to be so disgustingly fat
  6. Severely underweight people who even after endless insults and public ridicule, continue to make absolutely no effort to gain weight, or worse, think that is ok to be so disgustingly thin
  7. Girls with huge "burger nipples" (massive areola that take up almost the whole breast) who think it is sexy to show them off in public.
  8. Double standards (one of my favourite examples: black people and the word nigger - ok for them to use it, but a white person uses it and he will be murdered or at the very least seriously injured)
  9. Natural bright orange (ginger) haired people and the fact almost their entire body consists of just freckles except in regions that receive little to no sunlight, and when there's too much that you can't even draw a dot to dot picture on them
  10. People who don't question questionable acts/statements and blindly agree/follow
  11. Teens/pre-teens on YouTube who are massive retards but don't know it, and actually respond to the shitstorms they stir up with their ridiculous videos
  12. Religion
  13. People who think history is trivial
  14. People who have no geographical knowledge
  15. Bad films with no redeeming qualities whatsoever
  16. The fact you can legally have sex at 16 but can't look at porn until you're 18. What's supposed to change in those 2 years? And what about whilst actually having sex? You're supposed to not look at tits/vagina/penis/anus?
  17. Homophobia
  18. People who make child pornography

All of those are so true lol although I wouldn't hate people who use IE...

  Red Devil said:
  macorules94 said:
14. The Asian InvAsian

What do you mena by that?

  macorules94 said:
19. People that want to be Accountants

You wont like me then

Anyway I don't really hate anything just dislike things such as

- Families that are not together

Thats all I can think of at the moment.

That's not a bad thing man, when a marriage needs to end it needs to end, believe me I know that better than most...

  geran30 said:
Ha where do i beggin hmmm

Windows Vista (Biggest peice of shite ever, to the point MS have to make a new OS so they dont f**k up their image)

Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer 64-bit (It's on windows 7 and i mean the original is f**king bad enough why do we need this shit)

Intel (Cos their CPU's run slower than AMD and dont have as much overclocking potential)

Rant over, there is more but i wont go on :P.

Oh and i hate people that say their so and so is better than yours, when half the time they are arrogant and narrow minded and they are usualy wrong. (Tip, dont try to be smart about PC's to me i grew up in a computer shop for 10 years that my dad owned, i dont like it when people try to talk down to me about them, i dont know everything obvs im not arrogant lol, Woo can't wait for the Motherboard that support 2 CPU's cheapen :P.

Do you mean windows explorer or internet explorer? There's a difference.

  L-RiC said:
1. Racists.

4. Rednecks.

17. Anyone who insists I'm fit the above two items. (Even though you're right.)

20. Twilight twats.

29. Movie theaters.

34. Sports, with the exception of combat sports.

35. The asshole at the other end of customer service.

40. Politicians.

1. and 4: LOL! Hypocryte.

17. You shouldn't hate then then.


29. What wrong with them?

34, 35 and 40. AMEN!

  Bear said:
  Red Devil said:
  macorules94 said:
14. The Asian InvAsian

What do you mena by that?

  macorules94 said:
19. People that want to be Accountants

You wont like me then

Anyway I don't really hate anything just dislike things such as

- Prices at Mcdonalds

- People who are rich and showoff

- People who are ignorant (at one time I think this used to be me :thumbsdown: )

- Families that are not together

Thats all I can think of at the moment.

Don't hate families that are not together, some are very happy that way. I love that it is just me and Mum.

My list:

8. BNP (that is a huge hate).

9. Chavs.

18. People who don't know even the most simple geography.

20. People who don't wash.

Totally agrre with those, especailly 20, there's this guy at my school who constantly smells really bad, it's nasty.

  Katharkën said:
Let's see...

1 - Racism

9 - Emo

11 - Driver haters

16 - Brazil and brazilians

That's all I guess

1, 9 and 16. Again, like L-Ric, hypocryte.

11. Once again, personal preference.

  MrLlamaLlama said:
I assumed this meant people when i first read the title, so i'm gonna go ahead with that anyway :P

1. Damien Hurst

2. Tracy Emin

3. Kate Nash

4. Jim Ashbolt

5. The guy who I always forget that I hate.

Oh my god get me a towel mate >.< number 4 actually made me laugh out loud, seriously I could not agree more!

Right time for my list:

1. People who hate other people for liking something that they do not like.

2. Hypocrytes.

3. People who ask me where I live and then say 'Is that near London?'

4. Jim Ashbolt.

5. Andrew Cakebread.

6. That burning feeling you get in your throat for no apparent reason.

7. The fact that there is no reaasonable alternative to Windows.

8. Microsoft in general.

9. General Studies.

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Long post is long...

  Lee-1991 said:
  Katharkën said:
Let's see...

1 - Racism

9 - Emo

11 - Driver haters

16 - Brazil and brazilians

That's all I guess

1, 9 and 16. Again, like L-Ric, hypocryte.

11. Once again, personal preference.

1, 16. I was thinking about this after I posted, so yeah, hypocryte.

9. I was refering to the music, not Emo people (I have Emo friends, so yeah)

11. Yeah, I hate those people who says that Driver is a bad game without a valid argument (Yeah, there's no problem to dislike something, but you have to give the reason why you hate it and not only saying that it sucks and etc.)

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  Lee-1991 said:
  L-RiC said:
1. Racists.

4. Rednecks.

17. Anyone who insists I'm fit the above two items. (Even though you're right.)

20. Twilight twats.

29. Movie theaters.

34. Sports, with the exception of combat sports.

35. The asshole at the other end of customer service.

40. Politicians.

1. and 4: LOL! Hypocryte.

17. You shouldn't hate then then.


29. What wrong with them?

34, 35 and 40. AMEN!

Do I seriously need to defend my hatred against a fellow LCF member? Fine, there are such things as non-white rednecks. I just don't know any personally, but I do know they exist. Blame me for finding Southern accents annoying, xenophobia infuriating, and coveting the naughty parts of your cousin and/or tractor a little bit more than unsettling. As for the Twilight twats, I'm talking about the insane fangirls who'll fuck you up for not worshiping the series as the second coming of sexy, nekkid Christ. As for movie theaters, I don't like the idea of paying eight bucks for a movie with shitty definition, fifteen bucks for popcorn, and ninety minutes of my life dealing with the other fuckers at the movies. Happy?

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Agreed on Movie theatres, if I ever have to go, I always choose a very quiet one since there's always those guys that will be talking, eating popcorns like savages, playing with their mobiles,etc.... and can't have the decency to let me watch the movie.

Ah, also agreed on customer service, been recently dealing with those gamestop fucks....

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  Katharkën said:
Long post is long...
  Lee-1991 said:
  Katharkën said:
Let's see...

1 - Racism

9 - Emo

11 - Driver haters

16 - Brazil and brazilians

That's all I guess

1, 9 and 16. Again, like L-Ric, hypocryte.

11. Once again, personal preference.

1, 16. I was thinking about this after I posted, so yeah, hypocryte.

9. I was refering to the music, not Emo people (I have Emo friends, so yeah)

11. Yeah, I hate those people who says that Driver is a bad game without a valid argument (Yeah, there's no problem to dislike something, but you have to give the reason why you hate it and not only saying that it sucks and etc.)

9. Oh right fair enough

11. Still you can't really hate someone because they don't like something that you do otherwise no one would ever have any friends

  L-RiC said:
  Lee-1991 said:
  L-RiC said:
1. Racists.

4. Rednecks.

17. Anyone who insists I'm fit the above two items. (Even though you're right.)

20. Twilight twats.

29. Movie theaters.

34. Sports, with the exception of combat sports.

35. The asshole at the other end of customer service.

40. Politicians.

1. and 4: LOL! Hypocryte.

17. You shouldn't hate then then.


29. What wrong with them?

34, 35 and 40. AMEN!

Do I seriously need to defend my hatred against a fellow LCF member? Fine, there are such things as non-white rednecks. I just don't know any personally, but I do know they exist. Blame me for finding Southern accents annoying, xenophobia infuriating, and coveting the naughty parts of your cousin and/or tractor a little bit more than unsettling. As for the Twilight twats, I'm talking about the insane fangirls who'll fuck you up for not worshiping the series as the second coming of sexy, nekkid Christ. As for movie theaters, I don't like the idea of paying eight bucks for a movie with shitty definition, fifteen bucks for popcorn, and ninety minutes of my life dealing with the other fuckers at the movies. Happy?

Yeah but you can't really say oh I hate racists and then say oh yeah, I hate rednecks... And yeah I kind of get what you mean about the fangirls but I don't know, I just don't see the point in hating someone for having a different opinion... About the cinemas (English movie theatres :P) yeah I agree man, they are so ridiculously over priced it's stupid, that does get on my preverbial breasts.

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