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Tales of the School Bus

Kitsune Inferno

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This one actually happened a few hours ago on my bus on its way to the elementary school in the afternoon. (my bus goes to my house, the elementary school, the high school, then back to the elementary school and finally, my house. I swear to god, an friggin' PLANE FLEW like, ten feet, over my bus. I didn't know until the plane landed in a patch of field to our right.

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There was a fight on my bus where this "wanna-be thug" white boy was starting things with this black kid, and the black kid pushed him from the middle of the bus to the drivers seat. The white kid grabbed a broom and started swinging. Some girl got hit in the shoulder and the black guy took the broom from the white guy and laid him out and started to beat him multiple times with his fists. This is going on while the white guy's head is to the right of me. :P

Then the white boy got up and walked off the bus. It was very entertaining to say the least, even though that girl got whacked in the arm with the broom handle.

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  Jaruff said:
There was a fight on my bus where this "wanna-be thug" white boy was starting things with this black kid, and the black kid pushed him from the middle of the bus to the drivers seat. The white kid grabbed a broom and started swinging. Some girl got hit in the shoulder and the black guy took the broom from the white guy and laid him out and started to beat him multiple times with his fists. This is going on while the white guy's head is to the right of me. :P

Then the white boy got up and walked off the bus. It was very entertaining to say the least, even though that girl got whacked in the arm with the broom handle.

Wiggers, when will they learn :P

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Not really alot of School Bus trouble, and situations that are not so serious. This one dude threw a crumbled piece of paper at the School Bus driver and we almost crashed into a van. He stopped the bus, and we all flew forward.

And, this very annoying kid behind me keeps on slapping my head. Man, I swear if I see him doing that one more time I'd probably rip out his eyeballs and squash the guts out of them.


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Those are great guys, I wish mine were a bit more fun.

I've just come back from rather a shitty bus journey, the maximum capacity of this single deck bus was 54 people... This absolute loser driver accepted about 100 people, most of them pensioners and small school kids. Uh, it was soo annoying, I had to stand for about an hour just leaning on other people. lol and people kept ringing the bell to stop without getting off.

Worst sodding ride ever.

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a bus from our school went up to a ski resort and i swear the guy (bus driver) must have saw FNF toyko drift, every single corner we were f**kin drifting, we even got it on a CAMERA!!! And all of the snowboards/ski's shifted from one side of the bus to another every time we took a corner. we thinks that why the buss drifted, but damn it was fun ass hell,except the bridge part...

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