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A) the mission is called 'light my pyre'

B) This bug is very common, alot of peolpe have noted it, have concluded that it is not firmware specific.

C) Turn on your subtitles if you REALLY want to know what is said

D) this does happen in the cutscene of another mission, can't remeber which.

E) I had this problem also >.<

Damn, that 'b' wasn't supposed tot urn into a smiley!

Edited by MrLlamaLlama
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A) the mission is called 'light my pyre'

This bug is very common, alot of peolpe have noted it, have concluded that it is not firmware specific.

C) Turn on your subtitles if you REALLY want to know what is said

D) this does happen in the cutscene of another mission, can't remeber which.

E) I had this problem also

Damn, that 'b' wasn't supposed tot urn into a smiley!


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  Madlabrador said:
When i was playing the mission (cant remember the name) were u go to the mendez house to rescue louise,

at the end cut scene there is absolutly no sound at all. bloody hell Louise is speaking her last words to vic and you dont even know what they are. :pissedred::pissedred::pissedred: any1 else have this problem?

Aren't there the subtitles? This is one of the very overrated glitches.

Edited by Rashon125
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  • 4 weeks later...
  Rashon125 said:
  Al the Killer said:

There was for me. Its an option though.

Thanks for telling me that. It shows that people overreact with a simple glitch. Next time, Madlabrador, turn on the subtitles!

lol, it is nice to hear what they are saying. Otherwise it's like one of the old silent movies with words for peoples' dialogue. Also sometimes the subtitles read differently to what they are actually saying.

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