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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Currently, it's Polaris by Zero7.
  2. The Europa League is getting interesting, 3 portuguese teams could be in the semi finals, it would be amazing. Benfica got a decent draw, PSV is completely manageable and I'll be goint to Lisboa to see the first leg, and if we go all the way to the finals then I'll watch all of it live, hopefully, things like these don't happen often so I gotta seize the opportunity.
  3. It makes sense really, but maybe if the situation changes the sites could be brought back.
  4. I would try out in a store but I suppose I can't buy them there though, prices are insane here. Yeah, I'll check costumer reviews and all that, thanks guys. I looked into that one Llama and it's got a major price cut, used to £89 and now it's 58. Plus it's got great reviews. It appears to have 2 "problems" though, a weak bass( or maybe normal ) and some issue with listening at more than 75% volume on your ipod or mp3.
  5. I do not want to imagine the day you encounter a serious problem, you'll go batshit insane bro.
  6. I've been looking for some headphones specificaly for Music/Movies, I searched around but I don't know shit so I figured someone here could help. Found out this one at amazon uk, sounds awesome. Btw, anything higher than 60 or 70 euros or whatever might be a bit too much.
  7. Ivan


    Yeah, it's really long, like 40 hours or something. It's pretty epic. It never gets old though, at least for me.
  8. Welcome everyone, let's try and get shit back on track, it's possible if everyone steps up.
  9. Underbelly season 1 is an Australian TV series based on the real 10 year gang war that haunted the country with an impressive body count. Also there's a book( boo ). I've only watched season 1, it's like 13 episodes long. There's another 3 seasons but they're not as good as the first from what I hear, plus they aren't about this 10 year gang war. It has a great atmosphere, really gritty and shit. It's really a great crime drama, if you're itching for something new after watching the Sopranos, this could be your solution. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Underbelly-Complete-Season-1-DVD/dp/B001B1G6O6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299625164&sr=8-1 Pretty cheap in the UK so if you're in Europe, it's a good buy. I know I haven't exactly build a compelling case but I urge you to search past this topic, it's pretty great and I personally recommend it for what it's worth.
  10. Mourinho back would be amazing for Chelsea, depends on how this season with Madrid goes. Tonight's match, Arsenal vs Barcelona was kind of disappointing, it was being a good game until the ref unecessarily gave Van Persie a red card, it's a shame. Was hoping to see Arsenal moving on.
  11. Ivan


    Figured I shaked thing up with some ps2 classics here, trying to recommend some shit and getting some new activity. Will be doing a bunch of these hopefully. First off Okami, obviously considering the title. Developed by the now closed( seriously Capcom? ) studio Clover, Okami is a game that basically gets everything right in such a beautiful way that it's almost insane how they managed to produce this baby. Set in the awesome ancient Japan, it mixes a bunch of japanese folklore and legends. "The game is set in Nippon based on Japanese classic history, and begins with a flashback to events 100 years prior to the game's present, and describes how Shiranui, a pure white wolf, and Nagi, a swordsman, together fought the eight-headed demon Orochi to save Kamiki Village and the maiden Nami, Nagi's beloved. Shiranui and Nagi are unable to defeat Orochi but manage to seal the demon away. In the game's present, Susano, a descendant of Nagi and self-proclaimed greatest warrior, breaks Orochi's seal due to the fact that he does not believe in the legend, and Orochi escapes and curses the lands, sapping the life from every living being. Sakuya, the wood sprite and guardian of Kamiki Village, calls forth Amaterasu, the sun goddess, known to the villagers as the reincarnation of the white wolf Shiranui, and pleads her to remove the curse that covers the land. Accompanied by the artist Issun (an inch-high Poncle)" From wiki because I'm a lazy bastard. It's a long, beautiful tale about friendship, loyalty and many other things. It has a really gorgeous art, hand drawn characters and settings. A great soundtrack consisting of a ton of japanese instruments and innovative gameplay: you use a sort of magic brush to attack your enemies by drawing on the screen with your analog stick. It's one of my favourite games, almost brought me to tears near the end, if any game is art, this it folks.
  12. Awesome, really got me hyped for some reason, even if it may not be true.
  13. Garden state. It's Zach Braff's( JD from Scrubs) first film I think. I got it just out of love for Scrubs but it's genuinely a great fucking film. Awesome performance by Zach and Natalie Portman, very funny and dramatic at the same time, cool story, really wel filmed with some great photography and a nice soundtrack. I really recommend it, it was inspirational for me. Next I'm gonna watch Trainspotting, been avoiding it for way too long.
  14. Yeah, Chelsea needs them to get back on top. Awesome attack with Torres and Drogba.
  15. yEAH, it's insane man. 35 mil for carrol is just ridiculous even though he's a great young striker. Also David Luiz signed for Chelsea for 20 mil plus 5 mil depending on his performance and N. Matic comes to benfica. Ir's good money but my Benfica is definitely going to be weaker now.
  16. Sony should go for a real portable device, this is basically a home console you can take to the bathroom. Nintendo knows this and that's why they sold so much DSs. And something this powerfull has to be really expensive, I hope the price tag won't be like when the PS3 first came out.
  17. Welcome man, hope you fit in and enjoy the place.
  18. Fuck, if they can get a good price on it, it'll be the shit. I'd also love to see them releasing some PS2 collections for it, playing SA and Vice city on my PSP, actually NGP, would be awesome.
  19. I think you'd have to put yourself in the same place as dudes who haven't eaten for days and don't have an home to understand shit. I really can't blame them for stealing some food or something if they're in that position.
  20. MGS1 on the PSP, I always like playing this game again.
  21. El Topo is amazing, anyone seen it here? Definitely one of my favourite movies.
  22. I've smoked through an entire week then spent 2 weeks clean, I just don't feel addicted and I'm sure I'm not.
  23. Well, I always saw myself doing drugs for most of my life, not like an addict but every now and then. I smoke weed about 3 or 4 times a week and I don't feel dependant on it. But when I grow up I'll start smoking less and just doing it rarely.
  24. Fuck, that is so awesome. I love Bethesda.
  25. Ivan

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    I get the feeling people want GTA to become more and more like an RPG. I love being able to make decisions and shit but I don't want Rockstar to overdo it, the way it was done in GTA IV was fine for me. But yeah, totally agree on changing your character's clothes and shit. Something like SA but with more options should really be done.
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