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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. High School Music is just so depressing.
  2. It really looks fake to anyone who has played SA.
  3. Graphics are important, no doubt of that, but what I prefer in a game is the gameplay. Awesome gameplay/story/etc.. and medium graphics= GTA IV
  4. Ok, so even if that's not the way I think I respect your opinion but you don't need to get so angry just because of this incident.
  5. It's not that my parents don't care, it's just they trust me and they know for sure that games don't have a negative influence on me.
  6. I hope the sixaxis we'll be used like in mini-games and stuff like that because I don't really like doing important things like driving,etc.. with the sixaxis.
  7. Dirty Harry, Da Ghost started acting like an asshole so we got mad, is there such a big problem in that? And I DO think before I post.
  8. I cannot believe people are actually buying PS3's still. The Xbox 360 is the system to get, i am not being fanboyish or what ever you Retards like to call it. ( You only use that to dodge the fact PS3 is rubbish ) I am just telling the truth....I woudl rather play GTA 4 at the highest quality and not have low FPS.......and Six-Axis is the biggest Gimmick i have ever heard! Two words: You Fail.
  9. Thanks a lot Thomas, it looks great. Do you want money or credit for the sig?
  10. Nope, just Revolver Ocelot in it.
  11. I hope someone hits you in the head with a wrench Da Ghost then I'll just tell your mom to make another son.
  12. I need a sig. Size: 500x200 Theme: Revolver Ocelot from the MGS Series Border: Yes Colour: Maybe red Cheers, hope I gave enough details.
  13. Maybe if you post in ZmoonChild's topic, you'll get more help.
  14. You made that artwork didn't you?
  15. Geez, you guys are annoying, if you think it's boring then don't watch, stop insulting his video.
  16. It depends.. I mean it can be in a multiplayer game, real life,etc....
  17. Yeah, you can only fully customize your character in multiplayer.
  18. Avi: 5 Sig- 8 Person: New to the forums but seems like a nice guy
  19. Yeah , but still it would be nice .That way it would contain the more rich ,sunny and "gang-banging" feel of the game.Or Rockstar should've made some missions in those places , to make those more than just stinking there and costing computer space territories. Don't you think ? Yeah, that's a good point right there, also count that pools were knee deep.
  20. Dude if you go to starfish island you'll see lots of expensive houses, ya know.. it can't all be expensive houses, not everyone's rich.
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