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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. FUCK! I can't watch it EDIT: I can watch it now and all I gotta say is that it was awesome, really fuckin' awesome!
  2. I WANTZ TEH LOL CATS!!!11!!111!
  3. Don't make those kinds of posts, just a heads up
  4. Also don't worry about changing from one controller to the other, I did and got used to it really fast.
  5. There were no lol cats there!
  6. Who the fuck are you to say anything about me? It was your mistake not mine so don't act like an idiot.
  7. What type o cheating are they up to?
  8. At least you are having fun.
  9. Okay so you already know what's the problem. The weird thing is that I played it yesterday but now it doesn't read it, can anyone help me?
  10. Cool then, we won't have to wait too long.
  11. How can the same game be based before it self?
  12. As someone previously said.... fuck it.
  13. I don't think you should be deciding something so important only focusing on GTA IV, the game will be great but not enough for you to decide wich console to get based on it.
  14. The most important prize has to be one that's rare and original, too bad I can't really think of anything like that. Maybe you could make a Niko action figure
  15. I know, I was just saying. What's your budget for the prizes?
  16. The forum has more than 300 members, OMFG!
  17. There's also going to be another contest, I have the link here
  18. Now I know what those guys are hiding at area 51
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