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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Its amazing how the Gta Place changed after these years i've been here. I can just rememer... anyway im honored of being a member of Thegtaplace. Happy Birthday TGTAP!
  2. I don't speak retard, a lot of people don't , sorry. Yea i wasn't expecting it to be there anyway. Its still a good game, even without the expansion.
  3. Yea I tryed the dodo and my game crashed. :/ Oh well. Some vehicles crash the game some don't . Pretty cool though.
  4. Niice spray can. Wasn't the default one just all green w/silver? Good Job Switch Designs
  5. well... 1.) You spelled ever wrong. 2.) Used to many smilies. 3.) I don't think this should be here (check for the topic "what didn't you like about GTA San Andreas") hope that helped.
  6. aweosme your back. Are you talking about News and announcements or The Gta Place news?
  7. Steven

    The Xcon~

    Nice car there man. It does look futureistic. I'm gonna use it.
  8. Yess.. finnaly the arcade. All we need now is the gang system and the store then we will be back .
  9. lol. Seriosly nothing? lucky you got one!!!!!!!! I am still on the waiting list Offtopic: my 300 post woooooo...
  10. Well not nessesailily. Sometimes the origional sucks and the v2 is a lot better. But thats my opinion
  11. I hated the Girlfriends and the raceing. ugh anyways GTA 4 should be longer ( at leat twice as long as SA) but not as hard missions. And an aweosme ending mission.
  12. True.. not a bad idea I like the hydra thing. Now all we need to do is get a Super Man skin for CJ
  13. I'll be there on the 13 of dec.
  14. true, and also this happend at my school... a kid printed out porn and brought it to my school and showed it to EVERYONE literaily. EVEN the pricipal!
  15. define "Street" please. Like ghetto? BTW i think thats done by computer.
  16. Yes it really does stink, nothing to talk about, as chris said when we hear about GTA4 and GTAPSP2 the forums will be kinda dead.
  17. But I didn't drop teh sope .... O well Glad you like it Dave
  18. Liberty City was based out of New York City. I think they were gonna add the Twin Towers in the game.
  19. lol. Too bad my internet won't connect to imagelodge because its wireless.
  20. OMG thats...simply...ugly ... lol j/k thats AMAZING!!!! I have seen a house similar to that but not as cool. Some one has a lot of time.
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