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Everything posted by azn

  1. Lol it's hard adjusting my daily activities. Last night I went to bed at 1230 and woke up at 830 this morning to play Splinter Cell 3.
  2. Cough* Why the hell would you turn against Rockstar just because they aren't releasing their titles onto PC? It's not even confirmed yet whether IV will be ported onto the PC why the heck are you coming to conclusions before hand? So do you hate every single company that doesn't release games you like onto PC? Countryside..Well, if you haven't noticed yet IV is based on New York. And planes..if Rockstar allowed planes in IV there would be no where to fly to. The map will be smaller but will include a lot more interiors, so why would we need planes when there's heaps of interiors to explore?
  3. Please don't post it CJ's hands looked deformed you couldn't see individual fingers and the clothes looked like textures stuck onto him
  4. I voted Buccaneer, TFY isn't the Manana the Vietnamese gang car..? And the Sultan is Woozie's gang car too I think.
  5. Hey dude, been real busy. I'm surprised I can get on MSN at these times because school started and I only get about 7 hours sleep >< Thank god it's the weekend though, you wanna talk on MSN?

  6. I hope there will be a PC port mainly to see how people will mod it or so I don't have to share the PC version with my brother
  7. Better then last time, huh?
  8. Banned because Ima do that right now!
  9. Raymond because hefuckedyou
  10. School's started, I'm getting less then 8 hours of sleep a day and I can't keep up with getting up at 730 every morning and going to bed by 12! And in addition I can't get on TGTAP as much anymore . School homework is on my ass and I can't finish it all before Monday... Bleh I'm so busy I'm surprised I can get on at this time ><
  11. I agree with VCG. It's depending on how you see it. People who love big maps would possibly dislike the fact that the map of IV will be smaller, but that is compensated for with a lot more interiors then SA ever had. People who hated all the socializing stuff like dancing, dating, changing clothes etc would like the fact that in IV the character will focus more on climbing the crime ladder rather then go to a club etc. And people who hated the detail in the cars for SA would like the fact that in IV there will be CAR BRANDS (yeyah!) and other details for the cars and bikes.
  12. @ GTA Don: Well yeah it was very helpful at times but when you want to aim freely it just doesn't work out. The textures were very bad, I couldn't see Cesar's face properly! The car damage was the worse though, it was an indestructible body with destructible parts that turned black when blown up.
  13. I think it's because planes in SA are programmed to fly straight and occasionally will fly low enough for the player to see it then it will fly out into the countryside and clip a few trees, loose it's altitude and crash into the ground. Or fly into the skyscrapers of LS..
  14. Lol yeah Ar-v is right, San Andreas FTW. Although I think it was banned in Australia, haven't seen a copy...
  15. Y'all better say your happy birthdays or Righty's gonna ban yo sorry ass! Jks. Have a happy one Righty.
  16. Banned. What the eff is your msn
  17. Banned because you're now not on MSN
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