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Everything posted by TheGunslinger

  1. Nice one brotha, you fully deserve that, ive seen your videos and they are proper good.
  2. My dad died of cancer when i was only 6. Anyway, condolences and respects to all who have lost someone.
  3. I had a look around for a topic like this, but couldnt find one. So yeah, what hairstyles do you guys have at the moment? and why do you have it like that? (if any) Anyway my hair is just short at the moment, yeah its nothing special or flambouyant, but i like it. Usually the longest i will grow my hair to is about 1 and a half inches, any longer than that and it starts to gets annoying.
  4. heres some i dont trust: freemasons and other secret societies the english government the royal family (they have a lot more power than people think) george bush the police in my town (they abuse thier powers)
  5. i wanna live in kazakhstan. they have horse milk there.
  6. That happen to me on san andreas, this car somehow got stuck in the ground and then it was just stretched. Its a really weird glitch
  7. For some reason i acctualy quite like the feeling of physical pain. But i dont self harm or anything cos thats just......weird
  8. Well if GTA IV does consume most of your life it doesnt matter, cos at least your mind will be stimulated and thinking quick while your playing. Unlike a certain *cough* point and click MMO, whos players become mindless vegetables
  9. Im pretty sure it will be released on PC, i mean theres no real reason why R* wouldnt, it would boost their profits, so.....yeah, bring on the PC version
  10. Currently im trying to get my number of people killed up to 1000,000. Im on approximately 20,000 at the moment.
  11. forelli excess, dunno why i just like it
  12. im eating pinecones, with milk on them
  13. Are you talking about who we trust in the government or just people in general? Well the only people i know i can trust 100% is my family and my close friends.
  14. Today i brought a banged up old quadbike is for just £15 from the local junkyard. I got it so cheap cos they guy who owns the place said the engine would probably never work again, but i took it anyway and started working on it. Anyway after 6 hours of cleaning, bodging, injuries, swearing and throwing tools in anger, i finally managed to get it running, and i cant quite believe it but everything on it seems to work fine. I think i got a very good bargain
  15. They are both very good games, i mean cmon, R* made them. But i say san andreas is better, i dont think i need to say why.
  16. Raymond, no offence, but your not making an ounce of sense. You say that everyone is 100% straight, then say you meant otherwise. What the fuck do you mean?
  17. my guess is that it will be a mix of small street gangs and big organised gangs (like the mafia, drug cartels, yakuza ect). the real new york has both, so i dont see why liberty city wont. i dont think niko will join any gangs though, he seems more of a one man army
  18. GTA I - stopped playing it too long ago to remember GTA II - /\ same GTA III - diablo stallion GTA VC - infernus GTA SA - buffalo GTA LCS - v8 ghost GTA VCS - cuban hermes Out of all of them - buffalo
  19. no, rockstar already said you wouldnt be able to change nikos physique.
  20. Connor@ I say, fight him. But let him throw the first punch, then you kick his ass. That you can say to the teachers you acted in self defense, surely they cant punish you for that. Anyway good luck with it all, man. No one should have to take that much shit at school
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