It would be fine if rockstar made a gta style mmorpg under a new franchise, but at the same time continue to make normal GTAs, that way everyone would be happy.
It would be horrible. I can just see it now, your quietly trying to do a mission, and then some precocious little troublemaker comes along, kills you causing you to fail, and then says "HA HA, U FAILEDED DA MISSION, ROFLCOPTER!". mmorpgs suck imo.
Not gonna happen (thank god for that), i remember reading an interview with Dan Houser in a ps3 mag, saying that they dont ever want to turn gta into a MMO.
Im going to Center Parcs in 3 weeks time, with my mum, sister and uncle. Then later in the summer we might be going to Scotland for a few weeks to visit relatives.
No, you would have to edit the model, thats the only way as far as i know. If you want to do it, try talking to Dr.Dbl-Gee, he does quite a lot of car modeling.
gtaiv74656, believe it or not some people actually like this game (im one of them), and your exagerated bitching about glitches that are barely noticable is not gonna change their minds. Its quite simple really, if you dont like the game, dont fucking play it.
Firstly, as far as i know, there are no real paramilitary groups in America.
Secondly, the chances of a paramilitary group ever successfully stealing, buying or making a nuke is practically 0%.
And thirdly, most paramillitary groups (excluding terrorist groups) arnt bent on killing every living thing in existance. Paramillitary groups are usually set up to overthrow their countries government