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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I haven't closed this yet you know. I'll be discussing with the staff about topics like this. There's a number of reasons why they are utter shit, but also a few good reasons, but we don't want numerous topics like this because sometimes people's randomness can have a tendency to drift over into other parts of the forum where it's not welcome.
  2. This topic is more retarded than the random post topic. In fact I'd rather have that re-opened than see this continue...
  3. Well this topic is fucking retarded. Nobody gives a shit what genres of music you do or don't like. No need to label and stereotype listeners of the genres you don't like is there. Keep your prejudice thoughts to yourself please. Gonna have to close this because some people just need to learn when to STFU.
  4. Is the controller working and calibrated? Go into Control Panel -> Game Controllers to check. If it's all working correctly then we know the problem is with SA and not with the controller...
  5. The thing I'm worried about though is how they seem to have put a lot of effort into these activities. I reckon the storyline and other gameplay elements might suck - the fact they've actually made this video emphasising how great their activities are is what makes me think this. But no one will ever beat GTA. I don't care though, I'll still buy SR2. A fun game no doubt, even if IV is better.
  6. Yeah the airport is the easiest place to do it off the little yellow ramps. If you can't do it with a sports car, try using the Huntley Sport SUV as that's what I managed to do it (not actually trying). Go as fast as you can and hit the corner of the yellow ramps, so either the left or right side of them, don't go straight over the middle of it. Should easily roll your car a lot
  7. May also try green and purple. Pastel colours seem to work more nicely than a more solid bright colour. But pastel yellow didn't look all that great I decided, hence the quick change to blue.
  8. Lol owned by Sky. You don't have to apologise for being inactive you know.
  9. Anyone wishing to discuss the pinned topic highlighting please do so in the announcement topic. Thanks.
  10. Earlier this evening I performed a minor upgrade on TGTAP's forum software, which mainly fixed a few bugs and glitches, none of which probably affected us but it's good to keep up to date. One new feature was added to your profile pages, and that is the "About Me" tab. This takes over as the default tab, showing instead of your latest topics. Here you're supposed to just write a little bit about yourself, if you want to. You can edit it by either going to My Controls, or by viewing your own profile and clicking the edit link. Another change which we made ourselves was colour highlighting for pinned topics. At the moment we're using a bright yellow for announcements, and slightly lighter colour for pinned topics. Some people welcomed this, and some have made it clear they'd prefer different colours. It's something we can easily change - if you have better suggestions for colours then let me know and we'll decide if it would be better. The point of it though is mainly for our newer members so that the important topics stand out more. Too many newbs have been making topics asking questions that have already been answered numerous times and already have a pinned topic etc. So we'd like the colours to be fairly bright, but not so much they become off putting to members. That is all.
  11. Fuck yeah Netherlands - Italy. My two fave Euro teams against each other in the group of death. Pretty good match so far, looks like the Netherlands will win it (3-0).
  12. I just upgraded the forums, was just re-adding all the code for our various mods. It's back to normal now. As for the pinned topic colours, I'll experiment with them a bit later.
  13. Yeah, by default, the only thing IPB does to differentiate pinned topics from normal topics is 'sticky' them to the top of the board (which is usual) and add the prefix "Pinned:" to them. This wasn't enough and people tended to skip past them, so I made the links bold so they'd stand out more. But, recently it's become even more apparent that people still miss them out - you can see just by looking down this forum's first page and the amount of store/money related topics, despite the fact there's a pinned one at the top explaining everything. So, today I made it so announcements and pinned topics have the entire row a different and brighter colour to make them stand out more. It's yellow at the moment and I think it's good and attention-grabbing. We can easily change it if need be, but I think for now yellow is fine. Let's hope it's as effective as planned.
  14. Ha, I like where they've taken this game now actually. The first Saints Row was their first sandbox game on a next gen console, had some nice features but it was really flawed and kinda sucked. GTA IV just blew it completely away. Now though, it looks like GTA IV has got some good competition, which btw, is the best thing that could ever happen - because, not R* will work even harder on GTAV (if it's happening) to beat Volition. I can't wait to see how they parody GTA IV in this, what they've done with activities is unrealistic as hell but funny so should be better to play. Hope they've got other cool stuff too. Then when it's GTA's turn, can't wait to see how they parody SR2... I love this cycle
  15. No, I didn't actually. The only names in which it's spelt with a C is Nicolas or Nicholas. I was already familiar with European naming variations of Nick, and was aware his full name was most likely Nikolai. Besides, we didn't hear the name spoken until very late after it was announced, it was always written before that. So everyone should have been familiar with it already, Anyway, that's irrelevant. I don't understand why you don't like anti-aliasing, you actually like looking as those jagged edges?
  16. Yeah the text is horrible. Need to give it some anti-aliasing, crisp usually works the best, or sharp. And yeah, you're on a GTA forum, you've spelt the protagonist of the biggest videogame in history's name wrong - might wanna fix that too I like the brushes on the first sig but really don't think they're suited to GTA/violence related images.
  17. Cat Licker diarrhoea'd himself in the shower before asking that.
  18. Yep, too many newfag cretins fail to read pinned topics. Everytime some idiot makes one one of the staff has to reply and point them to the pinned topic, close theirs etc, but before they can they ask a shit ton of other questions and it pisses everyone off. Now, newfags won't even realise we have dollars unless they click the link to the store, which, for the lulz, I may just redirect to the pinned topic.
  19. LOL WTF. I didn't even notice that, but OP actually is talking about forum money. What a pointless thread, you can just see it in everyone's post anyway.
  20. Strange. Logout of the forums, then clear all cookies from thegtaplace.com. Then, login on the forums and tick remember me. Now you should be logged in across the whole site. Visit the downloads database and you should already be logged in. It shares the same cookie. Also, didn't you already have an account here? I remember you posting your videos a while back. I approved your tommy skin btw, there's nothing else from you there though, so feel free to resubmit anything you'd like in our database
  21. GamesRadar have recreated the famous introduction scene from The Naked Gun using Grand Theft Auto IV, and the result is pretty good, check out the embedded video below to see it. And for the people who've clearly never seen a good comedy before, the original is below that.
  22. Way more than you, but like most people I don't really want to divulge details of my finances to the whole world. :/
  23. Because you said "how do i remove the first four i had" So I removed the first four... that's how I knew...
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