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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'll delete the first four. And yeah, BMP is one of the worst image formats in use. Massive file sizes and 0 compression FTL. lrn2internet.
  2. FATALITY! Shit, I'm sorry, yes I'm going to hell but I just had to say that because no one else had so far. And yeah, in all seriousness this is horrible, and she's only 7, wtf, if you're gonna fight at least choose someone of a similar age and size. Man there's some fucked up people in the world. Reminds me of an article I read last night about a woman who was raped and tortured for 19 hours... not sure if I should post that here though.
  3. Ok I can't tell if you're being racist or really fucking ignorant, Voodoo, but I'm closing this topic before it gets like that anyway.
  4. Yeah it seems the PS3 already has it unlocked.
  5. Nah it's just for portfolio balancing. Basically, they have absolutely no games coming out in that period, so they pushed the DLC into it and now have a release for the period.
  6. Yes ALL the assists are turned on by default for some reason. Oh yeah Midnight Touge is awesome. Also, I love the fact that Ravenwest are a genuinely awesome in-game team, as in they're sometimes actually quite hard to beat and are a lot better than they other in-game teams. It's kinda cool that them and a couple of other teams stand out.
  7. OMG has anyone tried driving with the stability assist on? Jesus Christ it's fucking impossible, the cars oversteer like fuck. I personally don't like driving with assists on anyway as they annoy me so I turned them all off straight away, with the exception of Traction Control - otherwise the grip sucks
  8. I have this for 360, it's a great game. Yeah it has a few flaws, but some great unique features too. I think I still prefer Forza and PGR (360) and GT (PS3) to the race driver series (despite owning every race driver game to date!) because of their realism, but GRID is still a great game, and one I'm going to be playing for a while.
  9. Oh shit yeah sorry, got here from the latest post so I didn't read that It's just your topic title made it sound like you didn't know why it was funny.
  10. Take Two have today released their Second Quarter Fiscal 2008 Financial Results, revealing that they've already managed to sell over 8.5 million copies of Grand Theft Auto IV since it's release just over a month ago. Along with all the stats and other data was a small statement saying that "in order to provide a better balance in Take-Two's release schedule", the first episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV has been pushed back and will now be released during the first quarter of Take Two's Fiscal 2009 year - that means somewhere between November 1st 2008 and January 31st 2009 - still allowing for a possible Christmas release.
  11. ROFL! yet another person way too young to be playing GTA to understand all the jokes. You may wish to read this article to help you understand why 69 is a funny number. Although just the title is probably enough.
  12. OH SHI- Why don't you sign in on your old account biggie? If it's really you. Vets still around are of course myself, plus Spaz, Sky, smallpancake sometimes, and recently insane_pyro under his new username osiris., Chrisman, smartboy4 occasionally drops in too, 888ball and Righty (millermagic) are also still around I think. That's probably all the people you remember.
  13. No, they're relatively rare but it's not the only one.
  14. Doesn't matter since it's sold now anyway. And Jesus Christ what's with people still in the whole "never trust ebay" attitude. Only retards get scammed now, I mean you can tell just by the persons feedback how reliable they are. I myself have over 100 feedback and never once had a problem, simply because I don't buy from low feedback users.
  15. I was wondering if that was the case with Friendster being dominated by one country, seems it is. In which case I take back my earlier comments and will just ignore the website because it's clearly not targetted towards me. I guess it's more comparable to Orkut which seems to be only used by Brazilians, like 80% or whatever. Weird.
  16. Because a number of you started being dickheads and copypasta'd lame things like ORLY and YA RLY thousands of times... then quoted each other for no reason. It's the random post topic not random spam. Posts here are supposed at least make some sense, just being random in the fact it's not following any conversation and is completely out of context etc. That being said, anyone who makes more of these topics will be sent to the naughty corner for everyone to point and laugh at. At the very least they will also receive a formal warning, but the severity of your punishment will be at the moderator's discretion, so you may have a nice suspension to look forward to.
  17. Two popular SAS topics have now been merged to form this one, which has now been pinned. Please continue to use this to discuss your thoughts and ideas on this possibility of a game. As far as we know nothing is planned for this game, and nothing has been announced.
  18. Kinda boring though no? You're basically just sat there, camping. Oh and I believe Hangmans NOOSE is the game mode that gets you the most amount of money, if you're wanting to rank up quickly.
  19. Topics merged. And yes it is 100% viral now. I just played a team deathmatch just so I could get it, and this other guy on my team also got it and he said something like "omg fuck yeah I just killed the developer, awesome" - I lol'd a little, don't think he realises it's been made viral now and that pretty much everyone has it
  20. Ever since I started TGTAP I have in some way or another been tracking statistics on visitor info like any good webmaster should. Back in 2002, almost everyone used IE. Unfortunately, IE still has the biggest install base in the world of any browser, and I believe it's still used by about 75% of internet users. Discrepancies are often seen on tech/gaming sites though, as the sort of people who use these websites are generally more aware of alternative browsers and tend to not get as many IE users as more general websites. Now, ever since we've been tracking stats at TGTAP, we've seen IE's user share fall EVERY month without fail. The main browser responsible for this is of course Mozilla's Firefox, which pretty much everyone here recommends when someone having browser problems turns out to be using IE! Logging in today I view the stats for last month from (1st May to 1st June) and to my surprise I now see IE usage BELOW 50% (I think last year it was about 70, the year before about 80... etc.) Below is a screenshot from my Analytics account, it shows that from almost 700,000 unique visitors (that's individual people, NOT page views) last month (will we ever hit 1 million a month?), 49.7% of them used IE, yes, still the majority, but only by a few percent, look at the 2nd most popular, Firefox with 42.4%. I reckon in the next few months the gap will be closed and it'll be pretty much equal between the two. Another thing good to see is that those of you who still insist on using IE, 63% of you have thankfully at least upgraded to 7... but a worrying 36% are still using 6! I dunno if anyone else here is interested in seeing the stats but I thought I'd post them here anyway to please all the Firefox promoters we have. If anyone wants to see other stats then just let me know I'll screenshot more things if you like. "For what?" you may ask, well, pretty much anything you can think of.
  21. Facebook because every single person in the UK/USA old enough to be in high school uses it so I can actually stay in touch with my friends now that we're all at different uni's and stuff. It's also used by professionals so it;s good for work and such, also don't get spam and shit on there, unless you install crappy apps on your profile. MySpace I don't use but still have an account there if I ever need to get in touch with my friends who went emo, I also used to use it to find new music but not so much anymore. Main reason to hate myspace is that almost everyone has shit layouts where you can't read any text. At least facebook is clean. The worst social networking sites are most definitely these three below. Anyone who disagrees with me clearly actually uses one of them, seriously this is like, well known among internet denizens now... Bebo is a pile of shit infested with kiddies under 16's in the UK only who can't type properly and can't design themes for shit Friendster is just full of people who for some reason don't like Facebook or MySpace, they ironically have less friends because of this. Hi5.com is full of annoying fucks who just spam everywhere, and is seemingly only popular with people from certain countries
  22. Yeah apparently in the first few weeks this achievement wasn't enabled or something, but it is now, and loads of people seem to be getting it. At first we heard it wasn't viral which is why hardly anyone had it, now it appears they just hadn't enabled it.
  23. You'll need at least 50 posts to do that
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