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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well, what most current PS3 games use it for; Controlling aircraft (both planes and helicopters) - tilting both x and y axis Leaning left and right when needing to look round a corner
  2. I searched my iTunes playlist for "metal" and it returned 871 songs from 65 artists and 104 albums, across 9 different types of metal genres. You want me to pick the 3 best songs? Yeah it really is impossible. I went through a phase where I loved Metallica and Iron Maiden, I still listen to them occasionally now, but nowhere near as much as I used to.
  3. Wow, you remind me SO MUCH of Dennis and his gf, it's like, very similar Moar I dunno. Oh and do you straighten your hair? It's like, overwhelming smooth and silky... no offence by the way I was just wondering Oh and we actually do have another girl there, I've been away from the forums so long I didn't even notice, well, at least it proves I haven't been womanising
  4. Chris


    Kids, this is what happens when you do drugs. Don't do them!
  5. This has been there for several a year, and then back again once the delay was announced. I don't think we should be looking at patterns anymore, there is no conspiracy, that's ridiculous. It'll be released when it's done.
  6. Might not be a scam though, I mean the guy has sold about 30 or so games and all have positive feedback. Faking all the accounts and purchasing his own items would be way too much effort - but then again he could have done that, but I'm not exactly going to check when each one was registered. Anyway, who the hell preorders games from private sellers? Buy them when the game is out sure, but preorder? Preordering from an actual store is the best way to do it.
  7. Yeah you just copy and paste the new line over the old one.
  8. Also great for finding new bands, like if you visit the page of a band you like it shows similar artists, some you'll know and some you won't. Click on the ones you don't and you can usually listen to a bunch of tracks, like 30 seconds of it. Sometimes they have the whole track up, and sometimes they actually provide the mp3 file too.
  9. Cool, join The GTA Place group on there Link is earlier in this topic.
  10. Cool, well we have 3 members now, lol. Seriously is there like nobody else here who loves listening to music and keeping a track of it and finding new bands and shit? I know Righty has a last.fm account, that's about it.
  11. Upgraded to IPB 2.3.3 today and fixed this bug, thanks.
  12. Well actually that's a point I forgot to bring up as (to me) it was obvious, but clearly needed to be said, and you said pretty much what I was thinking at the end of your post anyway. But yeah we'd definitely record wins and losses to act as a leaderboard in the forums, that would be awesome and even though it means little, it gives gangs some sort of achievement incentive, and we'd give awards out periodically and stuff. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm with you. Just that would leave no chance to smaller gangs. You'll need to have big ass gangs or no gangs at all . Actually no, it would, because if large gangs split into console specific divisions, then smaller gangs would have a chance as they wouldn't need to get many members before they could go up against one of those splits. Remember that money on the forums and items won't matter whatsoever anymore, all you need is members who are good at playing GTA, so basically, not n00bs, or newbs, but at least with the latter you can train them and tell them what to do etc.
  13. Spaz brought up some good points there that I'll think about and perhaps discuss in a separate topic. Slayer, yeah or we could just do both, obviously though if you're gang has only 1 members with say the ps3 version, having gang wars on that system would be retarded. Perhaps each gang could recruit console specific members (and limit their gang only to that console) and they could war with another gang also with that console. Gangs gaining popularity might open up a recruitment thread for the other console and get a bunch of members for that and thus be able to organise wars on both consoles.
  14. Voice actors would be a lot better, but a couple of people have posted here before looking for some and I believe just ended up subtitling as it was easier for them, plus not many seemed to want to lend their voice. By all means post a voice actor request here, you never know you may get a few respondents. If one is great with accents then he/she can voice many characters.
  15. There hasn't been as many responses to this as I would have liked so it's still a little bit mixed. But in general we can see that most of you are wanting to play multiplayer, and most think the new gang idea is good. The problem at the moment is how we're gonna sort out what gangs are playing what game. Let's take the DS for example as they're arguably the most powerful gang at the moment... Firstly, I doubt ALL the members own either the same console, or, are all waiting for the PC version. Should the DS now split into new gangs (e.g. the original DS remains as all Xbox 360 players, while members who didn't have a 360 start their own gang up as they all have PS3s...) OR should the DS stay as one, but have some of the members playing 360, and some on PS3 (this would be fine but would make organising gang wars in-game a little confusing and more difficult than it would be if it was obvious that the entire gang were on one platform) That's just an example of some problems we'll have. One thing that has surprised me the most is just how few of you are currently playing multiplayer on your PCs, it seems like you're mostly completely uninterested in the whole multiplayer thing. If more of you played SAMP for example it would be great to get some gang wars going on! You guys have any thoughts/comments/opinions/ideas?
  16. When you think about it, October 08 is definitely a posibility and right now I wouldn't even be surprised if that was announced, slightly annoyed that it would be so long before I could play it, but still, at least they'd have all that time to perfect it.
  17. Wow a whole lot of my posts seem to have disappeared from this topic :S um yeah anyway there is a second series already, episode 7 just aired in the US Monday night and I just saw it today. Due to the Writer's Strike it looks like they're going to have to end the season by episode 11. Which will suck ass, you can tell they're trying to wrap all the story arcs quickly, and new characters aren't being developed well. Hopefully they'll either continue it on or start season 3 pretty soon after.
  18. Big bump but just to see if we can get more last.fm more popular among us, not sure why, just for fun! But yeah, I made us an official group: Join The GTA Place group on last.fm
  19. It doesn't really mean anything, but yeah it's not bad. Here's the full list: http://www.thegtaplace.com/vicecity/criminalratings.php Which is evidently wrong according to your current stat, weird, I'll have to check that out some time.
  20. This should probably be updated, not sure when it was last done.
  21. Yeah it's working fine, I will reply to it now.
  22. Or, ya know, get a computer from this decade?
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