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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Wow didn't realise this topic was still pinned. I'm unpinning it now since we've known the location for several months though.
  2. The other possibility is that a real life phone company has paid R* to put their brand name on it... I.e. it might say Nokia on it or something... not actually sure they'd do that. But lots of games do.. in FEAR.. all the laptops have Alienware wallpaper
  3. LOL. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if R* parodied such a massively hyped up piece of equipment. What would they call it though?
  4. Chris

    Jokes ...

    I lol'd at that last one. Dirty jokes like that are the best. I will post some sometime.
  5. None of you are even fapping, you're just posting PLUS 1 for the fun of it. Also who the hell put 1.5? How can you have half a fap? Did you even cum? what the hell... +1 in the next hour lol.
  6. So I should say +1 now huh? And are you supposed to say +1 each time, or say the next time I post here I'm should put +2?
  7. Yeah well there's like 248 images to get bigger I think it's better having small ones though, takes up less space.
  8. ^ Fixed. Also I'm not sure his Mrs. would approve of the latter What type of place do you work in anyway? Is it just like a standard office type thing?
  9. Start building a house then
  10. Could still work you know. Most people here are like 13-18. Probably the highest fapper frequency age range thingy.
  11. Chris


    Announcement concerning this has now been posted.
  12. Long time members of TGTAP may remember that about 3 years ago we used to have country flags selectable in your profile, to let other users know what country you are from (or currently living in, whichever). It's useful for several reasons. Firstly, finding other members from the same country as you, another is that if the member doesn't have good English and you see they have a European flag for example you can assume their first language isn't English and cut them some slack. In 3 years there have been numerous changes to countries, mainly ones regaining independence. I have taken the time to check and update the flags/country list so that is completely accurate to the latest ISO list. One such example is Serbia & Montenegro... both are seperate countries now and as such, two different flags are available... if you happen to be from there... So basically, there is a flag for all 248 (I think) countries in the world. Also, a note to UK users: You can choose "United Kingdom", or if like me you prefer specifying from which part of the UK you come from, there are also flags of England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey - these countries are listed underneath the option for UK Please do not abuse the system and select a random country or something like Iraq (unless you are actually from there), it's merely for informational purposes. Also note that you don't have to choose a flag if you wish to remain secretive about where you live. Flags are displayed at the bottom of your post bit (under your avatar and everything). Hovering your mouse over the flag will show the name of the country. To choose a flag, go to My Controls ->Edit Profile Information... it's at the bottom. UPDATE 1: I have quickly put together a Country List allowing you to see how many members are from each country. You can also see who those members are. UPDATE 2: The flags under your avatar are now clickable, they take you directly to the country list page for that country.
  13. Nah, it's not exclusive to the PS3. It'll be on both systems. They said it's a big part of the game.
  14. See, I'm not the only one with this viewpoint
  15. Oh Lord. This must be one of the most bizarre, strangest topics on all of TGTAP, ever, tbh. No it shouldn't. But lol @ the innuendo. Lol you're both implying everyone on TGTAP faps so much that they'll end up spamming this topic with so many posts! Well, I honestly do not know if people here will actually participate, at least seriously though. I'm not all that interested in how often others fap. Moving to fun and games anyway because no doubt it will be spammed... *sigh* Someone also needs to make some intelligent/mature/useful topics to counter-act these sort of ones too you know
  16. The Xbox 360, unlike the PS3 and Wii, unfortunately does not have a web browser... so, that pretty much confirms it's simply an in game feature. Otherwise R* would need to code (or adapt) a web browser to somehow work on the 360 version... not gonna happen.
  17. I don't at the moment. Not sure when I will actually... haven't passed my driving test so I have to be with someone who has whenever I drive at the moment. Tbh I don't really need to drive so that's why I haven't been too fussed about getting my full licence. My mum has a Ford Focus though, I used to drive it occasionally (like last year), but now I hardly ever drive it... thinking about it, I should probably get back into driving, I'll need to one day anyway.
  18. Chris


    Yeah I (re)-added this feature some hours ago, haven't announced yet as I may make a few more changes, you can do what Dmac said above though until then.
  19. This topic has now been cleaned of all discussion regarding people postings pics from Google Images etc. Please if possible post actual pictures of your OWN car, or of your family's or whatever, but please, your OWN pictures. DO NOT get them from Google Images or some car website
  20. Umm no. Since when has modding any game on PS2 ever been popular anyway? I still don't understand why people ask this question. Only a small minority of people actually modify PS2 games. Not exactly a simple procedure. The fact you have an illegal copy of San Andreas tells me your PS2 must be modchipped in order to play it... yes? Either way, you're in the wrong community here. Try Afterdawn or Dcemu for PS2 mod advice and such. I don't even know if it's possible to mod the games on PS2. But try there, I don't think many people here have experience with this... and the legality of it is questionable too. Also just because you're new, that's no excuse not to read notices. This forum isn't even for GTA related stuff...
  21. Wow what a shitty way to get visitors. I checked one of the threads and it seems that they're (sort of) associated with the former CodenameGTA... weird because I wouldn't have thought they would pull a stunt like this to get people to their site :/
  22. Google returns nothing. Do you still have the instruction manual for it? If so I suggest you read it to find out if you're able to change the region on it yourself. For example, on my Dad's Sony dvd player, for instance if you wanted to set it to region 2... you can hold down the number 2 on the remote for 5 seconds, then turn the dvd player on and it will be set.
  23. Chris

    Backing up Steam?

    EDIT: Disregard this topic. I am silly.
  24. Chris

    Ford and Chevy

    You perhaps might want to learn about Holden at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holden
  25. Chris

    Backing up Steam?

    Ok so my new PC is all up and running for the past couple of days (pics up soon), getting everything installed. One thing I haven't ever had to do before is backup all my Steam stuff including HL1 and 2 etc. I need to get it off my old PC and on to my new one. I am aware there's some sort of backup option in Steam itself... no idea how that actually works though and what exactly it does. So does anyone have any experience in doing this? I quickly googled it and read about how the backup function can take hours to actually do, and also it sometimes crashes / isn't always reliable. I've also read how some people have done it and it hasn't worked... i.e. they have to purchase their games again or something. It's not important as I rarely play the games anyway, but since I did pay for them I do actually want them there, so any tips?
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