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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Lol why would someone stand on a dog? Almost all breeds of dog would be killed by the weight, maybe not a fully grown St Bernard but yeah. I mean if I was a dog I would bite if some twat decided to stand on me.
  2. Accepted you Bateman, and TM I sent you a request since you're too lazy to send them yourself Gonna continue my single player campaign in Resistance 2 now, try and get some more trophies while I'm at it.
  3. Yeah I thought exactly the same. This was actually on the front page of our local paper last week (Cheltenham is my home town for those who don't know) and on it's website. Everyone was ripping the shit out of him because they thought he had bought the game for his son, when in fact, the article said that HE was the gamer, and thus bought it for himself to play. However, in this article, his quote is different and he actually admits letting his 12 YEAR OLD play the game. Awesome parenting. I know a lot of you guys here play it underage but you all seem sensible enough not to do shit in real life. But just look at him. Look at his son. Look at their eyes... they're definitely on something. Must be from the chavvy area of Cheltenham
  4. She has yellow teeth. Dirty smoker. Fair play on pulling a member of the opposite sex though G. Better than me and you're not even straight. I think you are taking the piss. At least be bi or something to make it worthwhile
  5. If you're on your PS3 right now then you should be adding us BTW, anyone hooked their PSP to their PS3. Many games you can use it with yet? I heard in some of the racing games they're planning to make it act as a live rear view mirror which is about one of the only cool use I can see for it to be honest. I'd like for that to be in GT5. Apart from that I think the fact you can link them up is fairly pointless.
  6. Oh yeah I didn't mention South Park, thanks for reminding me Bear. Yeah SP is probably now the longest standing cartoon that's still funny.
  7. Excellent. Good to see this live now, hope it all runs smoothly. Need to get on with other projects of mine Rem's the main dude over there since obviously I need to spend most my time here. You're in quite capable hands though BTW, I don't know if any of you use the domain TGTAP.com to get here, but we'll soon be using this to house our portal page, basically linking to all the game sites now in my network since this is actually the 4th one but one which will easily become the 2nd biggest. Would kind of make sense to have a page set up for them all. There will be a mini profile of each one too to make it worthwhile. Hope you guys are hyped for Max Payne 3, I know I am, should be awesome. Hopefully see some of you guys over on the forums there.
  8. Meh, I say cancel. Nowhere near as funny as it used to be. And Family Guy and American Dad pwn the shit out of it, as do many of the other new cartoons that have been made since. Futurama etc.
  9. LOLSCOTLAND. Very fetching, sir. I just got my hair cut so I look normal again. May get a pic up later though it'll just be the same old shit as usual @Unnamed: Who? I don't watch shit TV, especially not shit American shows ripped off from shit British shows.
  10. Probably quite a few IPs we banned thanks to people who used them in the past to spam.
  11. proxy.org if you want a web one. Or get an IP:port off samair.ru and configure your browser with it (HTTP proxy setting). Or if you use Firefox there's numerous extensions that you can save and quickly switch to, such as SwitchProxy and FoxyProxy.
  12. ROFL I don't even know why that's funny but it just is haha. And yeah we never needed to draw stuff, especially not in year 5. If we did though it would have been hilarious.
  13. I'll get us back on topic then... Long hair is long. Though you can't really tell from the pic. But yeah I haven't had it cut since the last pics I posted, which were taken in January. So it's been 3 months, longest I've ever gone without having it cut. Was hoping it would look decent when longer but because of my shitty hairline and the fact it kinda curls at the ends when long, there's nothing I can do with it that looks good on me. So yeah it's a fucking mess here, didn't even bother to gel it or anything... having it cut tomorrow so I'll be back to normal Also that is a terrible picture, apologies in advance if I drove any viewers away from the topic
  14. One of the TGTAP mysteries you must solve guys!

    It's not me btw, I'll tell you that.

  15. I guess for me it was the first time I ever got tricked into seeing Goatse or Pain Series... but that was many years ago, I imagine when it first got started... since then I've seen this kinda shit so much from sites like 4chan that while I don't particularly like seeing it, if I do, I'm completely unphased by it. @Undercover: Lol if that's true you have some serious blackmail material on your hands. You can never go to class again and get A grades for the rest of the time he's your teacher simply by threatening to show the school the material Oh yeah there's some way more serious disturbing stuff I've witnessed but I can't talk about it. More serious than anything that will ever be said in this topic.
  16. Ha. I've watched Slumdog Millionaire (epic film) so I know that you all live in slums and just shit into big swamps of ... well... shit and piss etc. But yeah I can imagine you're a lot more civilised over there
  17. @SV: No I do use Vista. I have a MacBook Pro as well though as my laptop. Still use Windows as my main machine since I have a shit ton of storage space for all my .... stuff ... also I can game on it.
  18. I like our female members have completely avoided this topic so far They're gonna go fucking mental when they read some of the stuff you guys do, e.g. what Connor just said. LOL.
  19. LOL. Yeah I'll take your word for it saying it's easy to remember. I wouldn't know since I don't speak any other languages and the ones I can speak bits of use the latin alphabet Good to see another Mac user here, we must be the only ones
  20. ^ Yeah that's what I meant, it's all very well if the equivalents come up when you press the latin letter but I'm pretty sure the cyrillic alphabets have way more than the 26 latin characters. Fair enough if you've memorised it I just thought it would be kinda difficult and at the very least confusing - thus taking quite some time to type out a correct sentence. @George: You don't have many posts here so I didn't notice you. I see you do actually live in Serbia. BTW how come you use the Montenegrin flag when you live in Serbia? Are you originally from there or something? I don't get why you're all talking to me as if I'm retarded. It's a valid question.
  21. What does that prove? You still gotta know which letters to press on your QWERTY keyboard...
  22. Do any of you even have a cyrillic keyboard? You're all using translators right? Most of you who are speaking in cyrillic languages don't even live in those countries, except Steam... so he might have one. I'm not saying you don't understand/know the languages I'm just saying you're not actually typing all the shit out.
  23. @bateman: People actually took shits in school? LOL I don't think anyone would ever shit in a public toilet, nor at school. I always thought it was weird in American Pie (the first one) how they took the piss out of, and even played a prank on Finch because he always went home to take a shit. I mean to me that's completely normal not shitting at school. No one does. Though to be fair, no one goes home either, you just hold it in.
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