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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah it doesn't. People who say it does are either just sheep following a crowd, or quite often they happened to try a beta version of it (those did suck, lacked drivers etc.) and believe the final build is exactly like that, which it isn't. A common complaint is the fact is that it uses more resources, memory/space etc., than XP. Which is kind of a given though, it has more stuff so of course it will. If you have a low end system then yes, XP is probably a better option, it doesn't mean Vista sucks, it just means you need better hardware to run it properly. All operating systems have legitimate reasons why they "suck", Vista just got more stick because 1. It's by Microsoft, and 2. It was rushed and it could've been a better product.
  2. We had to update our ad codes the other day so I'm guessing that's why we've been having these new ads that seem to pop in to the entire screen if you accidentally rollover them. Unfortunately we're required to display them because of our hosting agreement which gets us a fully dedicated server to ourselves. I'll send off an email about it and see if there's some problem in the flash code for particular banners that that particular vendor can fix so if the ad is displayed it'll be normal. Thanks for notifying us about this. If there are any others that are slowing your systems down post them in here. Screenshots would help too.
  3. The raw AVI's are messed up. If VLC can't play it it's definitely the raw file. If it's not too big a file, try uploading it to the TGTAP media player once I've finished it (should be sometime in the next hour or so) and see if it can get converted ok. If it can't then it's definitely the raw file.
  4. Viagra makes blood rush to your penis so that it becomes erect, he basically made his heart pump so much blood down his body that (this is the part where I don't know what I'm talking about) it couldn't keep up and just gave out on him.
  5. What were you doing in Oxford Street? Also, I like how you're looking at a lovely crotch shot on the TV there
  6. Well this is SA not IV, I thought SA could just about run on Intel GMA's.
  7. Please stop reposting this shit. We've already moved it once. How about you check out the relevant forum instead of posting in Website Suggestions.
  8. LOL this is awesome. I was gonna do a Soviet Russia meme in this post but the story itself is already hilarious and it would ruin it
  9. LOL. Weirdly that's the one I was awake for. The one I missed was the one in Coventry which is so much closer to me than Essex, can't believe I slept through it. I know they're tiny in the UK but because we never ever get them it's kind of a big deal. Weird to hear about one is Australia too.
  10. não is pronounced like now in English right? I love that ã, it's probably one of the best letters of all the alphabets. It should be used in other languages too.
  11. Wrong forum. Did you download a pirated copy of SA from the internet or did you buy the game?
  12. Those are disabled in usernames. Anyway you'll need to wait until the 90 days are up. Or since it's a minor change you might be able to persuade Sherman to do it for you (I'm busy with other things), you could PM him but he might just tell you to wait as well.
  13. You should sue (you won't win) to make an example to other Americans who think they can just sue for anything.
  14. Chris


  15. rem's made me laugh out quietly, but I voted TM. Looks pretty cool.
  16. It was an employee error. But the news (this was last week) prompted Sony to talk about how they want to keep GTA on the PSP... so I guess Sony might push R* for another game, no one knows... well, some high up folks at R* do but we don't
  17. I don't know about the PS3, but on the 360 you're able to see your times by accessing the leaderboards for that mode. Maybe you misread one of your times or something? I'm not sure if difficulty makes a difference or not but if it does I'm guessing you need to do it on hard.
  18. It's been approved now. Sorry for the delay, we've had a lot of stolen mods uploaded recently which has caused a massive backlog - having to check each one etc.
  19. Don't say that, you'll start another war in the Eastern Bloc
  20. Bale is like a god in my eyes :P

    I totally fuck him if I were gay too... but I'm not... so I won't...


  21. Our 100% checklist might help. There's probably a fair few things you may not have been aware of that count towards 100%.
  22. Awesome film. Leave your name like this, and that quote in your sig ;)

  23. Rockstar have launched the official Chinatown Wars website and with it released a new official trailer for the game, along with new screenshots, character bios and more. Also on the site is the first of series of feature clips, this one focussing on "Hotwiring, Carjacking & Peeling Out". Be sure to check that plus everything else at the official site.
  24. Jeans: Normal or baggy. Never skinny jeans because I am already skinny and showing your cock bulge makes you look like a raging homosexual just gagging for attention - Emo's can somehow carry the look off, indie kids just look fucking retarded though with all their bright colours and shit (sorry Misho!). Occasionally I wear combat trousers when I want to look like serial killers such as Dexter for no apparent reason. T-shirt: witty slogan / a band I like / or brands typically associated with skate/snow/surf culture (I do none of them though) Hoodie: same as above really though often just fairly plain in comparison Shoes: Vans or Globes at the moment, but I really need a new pair You do realise it's the other way round right? Plain clothes make you look plain, wear some cool shit you'll look better for it.
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