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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Nah. Just some twats. I actually like school in general.
  2. Abused? I love the AboveUltimate server for SAMP and never noticed any abuse.. So just tell me what you mean with it being abused. Just having one spawn now and then won't cause havok on a server. Sometimes idiots will wait with a hydra at spawn points.. that's very annoying though. But I guess spawn points could have some sort of barrier so you can't be killed in those zones. Should be possible I guess.
  3. *Leaves* lawl. I can't stand this Moroccan boy at school. He should really shut his mouth before the day comes I shut it for him. Fucking hell. I seriously considered breaking his neck today. I'm trying to study for an exam I was going to get the next school hour and then that idiot and moron friends come in and sit beside me, realise I'm studying and then do everything in their might (2 of the 3 idiots actually) to annoy me and block me of just learning. He really looks like an idiot and is something like 1,5 years yougher. I'm not suppossed to accept it actually.. but the very next time someone complains about me I'll be kicked out for a week and my parents wouldn't really appreciate that.. Oh, and I don't hate Moroccans in general. But in general they're quite troublesome in Holland. On the other hand, they can be very kind too. On a bit more disrespectful way, but if you ignore their language usage they can be pretty cool. This one isn't one of those who vandelise everything. Just some annoying kid who thinks everyone will take his shit. His friend thought the same last year, but he felt the consiquences. He left school after that.
  4. If we'd intergrate the forum store (what is probably very difficult to do) I don't there's a need to leave anything out cause you'll buy everything. If it's not intergrated then maybe just spawn 1 hydra for every gang once every 10 minutes.
  5. I didn't say that you said it had bad graphics I mean this whole 'next-gen' business. Like I said, next-gen should be something revolutionary and not just tweaking something (more power in this case). So you got it all wrong And we aren't specifically talking about GTA IV. Just a GTA game. Now why would it have to be beter on the ps3/360? It just depends on how you want to play the game. If you want the bit more interactive gameplay you'd go Wii. If you want sweet graphics and be able to play with controller under your blanket you'd go ps3/360 (I've don't that with my gamecumbe and N64 a lot). So yeah, just quote the posts where I said that you said Wii had bad graphics. If you'd want to reply, perhaps use the console war topic (PS3 vs 360 vs Wii). I think Chris would appreciate us not clutering this topic with this. Edit: Just noticed your edit. So I guess we both agree then. Not about which console is better, but about the next-gen part what is basically just what I wanted to say. So I guess we're done with this little argument (sort of..) then
  6. Well, just imagine a ramp in some Gang base, so they can jump out (and enemy gangs can't just enter cause there isn't a ramp at the other side). I think that'd be pretty cool. Especially when there are lots of people joining the 'war'. Stunt area... meh.. It's for gangwars so I don't really see why we'd have some friendly stunt area.. Might just be me though.
  7. Oh, that was at Ivan, not you. Cause he said that GTA IV is a next-gen game when IMO Zack and Wiki, Corruption and Galaxy are actually more next-gen then GTA IV. Just having more power doesn't mean it's next-gen. Next-gen is if something is revolutionary, and I'm not just talking about consoles BTW.
  8. Being an Elite doesn't have to mean you actually help building the site. I haven't. Well, just small things like pictures for the gang system and the San Andreas tags, but I don't think that really had any influence. Avatar: 8 Sig: 9 Person: Can make very good sigs Cool member.
  9. I've not seen him make any attempt to change. If his post is not annoying (hate topic) it's just stupid and/or senseless (SLI topic and rate person above you and the girlfriend help topic). I've just seen a hand full of 'good'/ok posts come from him. @Airashii: Read the Hate topic in Forum fun and off-topic. Another thing. Everytime he wants to compare something to something or someone stupid he'll talk about Malaysians which is pretty racistic IMO. And he's somehow got the idea that every person who can't do programming is stupid. And he basically stated that all girls are stupid cause they can't or are not interested in programming. It's just downright stupid IMO. It are these small things. But after seeing 50 of them it just starts to get seriously annoying.
  10. Raymond will post all of our names for not liking him. With 57 '!' at the end of each name.
  11. In any case, you'll need those files I once uploaded. Chris posts has links to all of them. I'm pretty sure it's just the GXT and font files you have to replace. That's how Rockstar works their language system.
  12. Here we go again... Define next-gen. Does it always HAVE to be graphics? I'd go for the experience. Not for something as amusing as a slide-show.
  13. Rating Raymond. Raymond style. Avatar: -99999900000000/10 Signature: -100000000000!!/1000000 ugly sig is ugly Personaly: -99999999999999999999999999999/10 you are realy suck. Can you see how annoying it is? Even if you don't like someone, give sane ratings like 1/10 and not these absurd negative numbers.
  14. And what does that have to do with tri-SLI? Seriously dude, think before you post.
  15. You fucking shut up about Malaysian people already. If I knew you in real life I'd bully you too. You're an idiot. If you behave like you do here at school you must get beaten up all the time. I feel sorry for your mom..
  16. Raymond, please, STFU. Try to get some sense into your posts. I mean, WTF does this mean? That makes no sense at all. Just like 90% of your posts. What does programming have to do with loving a person anyway? And this: id dont care your knowledges... what is that suppossed to mean? IMO you're just trying to shout to the world that you're learning programming/scripting. But guess what? We don't care. Or at least I don't.
  17. I'd go nVidia. They're doing great lately. Can't wait to see how the 9800GTX2 turns out. Their budget and mid-range cards suck compared to ATi's performance/price ratio though.
  18. Is it Russian like? In that case --> link
  19. Germans have always hated the Jews. Hitler just came with laws that'd actually threat them different, on a negative way. The hate was nothing new really. Hitler only gained supporters by wanting to take measures against them. Especially by saying that it was their fault that the country was it the state it was in.
  20. I wouldn't say one can't survive without their mother. But she does pretty damn much for you. I've had (still have now and then) problems with my mom. But I've come to the conclusion that those annoying moments just are part of the 'full package'. She does extreemly much for me and I should appreciate that and not get angry for the smallest of things (though sometimes she does behave like a bitch.. but I can live with that). She's the one who helps me at the moments I need most help in life. Or lets just call it support.
  21. Test server. Just to slowly get those scripts right. Just have a hand full of members who'll be like beta-testers.
  22. I can't wait. I've been looking forward to it for months. Much more then GTA. But SSBB just isn't a game you can revolve a community about. Somehow GTA is. Probably because of the free-roaming theme.
  23. Avatar: 7- Sig: 8. I actually like it Personality: The few posts I've seen of you make me think you're a pretty sensible, cool and intelligent member.
  24. Legend of Zelda and Mario within the Nintendo community. It's pretty big, but doesn't spread to other forums. Just those dedicated to Nintendo games.
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