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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Jared

    GDT version 1.0

    Just Honda here to I'm afraid. Like Dazza said our main ones are Fords (the best) and Holden (pure crap).
  2. Curtly? Their is no Curtly. There is in fact a Curly Bob. Be he wasn't removed. Could he be the one your talking about? Just did some research, turns out Curtly did/does exist, however no information is available on him. It is thought he was with Darkel, a friend or something possibly,
  3. I'm sure a topic can be made when it is fully working, yes. In the mean time, I will do some research on whether it will in fact be updated. We may have to go with a different product.
  4. I would pre-order it but 1) it's more expensive for Australians to do so (shipping is likes 30 bucks on top) and 2) I don't yet have a console for it. Hoping for a PC release myself. Although like with SA, I won't be able to wait that long.
  5. Think again.... Your's does look a lot nice though, I'll see if I can do a list, although it will be quite large. Maybe I'll just do PC games first.
  6. Exactly . And as in other sites, I mean I've seen these icon descriptions on many other websites.
  7. The links are dead on that page (the external ones), only one goes to a site that works, but it's just a testing site. Is it possible it's discontinued?
  8. Right-click the layer, go to "Blending Options" and click the "Stroke" checkbox button.
  9. What do you mean, like selecting an object in an image?
  10. No idea, but it wasn't needed. Fix your post please.
  11. It's just the images location, that one is http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t269/Wu...AMSignature.jpg
  12. Just got the error when trying to access this. Reloaded and it worked then. Very odd.
  13. Enough with the quote trains aye.
  14. Jared

    Jackass: The Game

    Firstly because, just like the movies, it's a pathetic excuse for fame. Secondly, it's net exactly the type of thing that the ratings people will be to happy with. If they don't like GTA, why would they like something about inflicting injuries onto yourself? Just asking for trouble if you ask me. Not sure if you messed up that sentence or not...because I was a little confused when I read it. But just because something is a pathetic excuse for fame...doesn't mean it'll be banned. I consider rap a pathetic excuse for fame...but you don't see that getting banned...just bleeped out and shit. Typo, sorry about that. About rap, well what do you call 50 cents video game? It was banned in Australia, New Zealand and somewhere else (forget where).
  15. Sorry to be picking, an annoying, but it's June, not July . Meaning even longer we have to wait.
  16. Jared

    Jackass: The Game

    Firstly because, just like the movies, it's a pathetic excuse for fame. Secondly, it's net exactly the type of thing that the ratings people will be to happy with. If they don't like GTA, why would they like something about inflicting injuries onto yourself? Just asking for trouble if you ask me.
  17. Call me stupid, but I could have sworn you were an Elite Member yourself.
  18. There aren't even enough money icons for that, the limit it 999999 I believe, give or take 1.
  19. Yeah, people do it all the time, buddy. But only idiots jump from planes without parachutes. What if the parachute just simply, broke? Or didn't work?
  20. Eminem's Birthday is the same day as mine . Anyway, I don't have a favorite singer, I just like anything that sounds good. Yep, I'm one of those people.
  21. Ctrl + A to select the whole image, then Edit -> Stroke.
  22. First one is awesome, mouse cracks me up, and the border is perfect!
  23. 1. My Controls (top of the page). 2. Edit Avatar Settings (left menu, 80% of the way down). 3. Enter a URL to an online avatar image - place this URL there http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_1672.gif. 4. Done.
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