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Everything posted by evabin2libertycity?

  1. ok just curiouse. ill think of downloading. ahh wut the hell ill get it rite now
  2. how about a stunt dare-devil evil canivle type jet car or something that goes off a jump and flys like 3 miles. no purpose really. they cud probably involve it in a mission. but it wud be cool
  3. that sucks man. make it real. no limit to the realness. and wtf up with no deserts?!?! they awesome! wuts rong with them?
  4. nukes wud be very unlikely. but the shark idea sounds pretty cool. lol
  5. lol some parts of that where pretty funny. and about the flowers, u can pick them. not just buy them. and in both gta and real life u can give flowers as a gift. and wut u meen about the last part of modding cars? besides those, that was pretty funny
  6. no. ur opinion is. but hey its just an opinion. and not even close to the truth
  7. yes all of those. especially submarines. it wud be nice to have all of these and how about an f1 racer? dude i am desperate to know. are u in a different forum?! like gamefaqs? yes! i was thinking that! those are like underwater jetpacks. idonno wut they are but i like them. me and my frend brought one to the race pool at our school and we where playing with it riding back and fourth. they go really fast.
  8. well now that they got all this extra room, (blue ray disks) and a machine that is extreamly high performance, (ps3) they gotta make one hell of a game. but they gotta take there time and do good. no pressure R*. take ur time
  9. go suck a dick. wut was the point of that? i dont give a shit if youde rather have more missions than clothing. all i sed wuz it was a good idea for u to pick out ur clothing cuz the default cloths where retarted. and speaking of barbie vidio games, my cuzin was curiouse. she wanted to know wut the cheat code for all makeup is in barbies pony ride. i assume u shud remember it by heart now.
  10. xbox sucks. its ps2. and nothing els. period. so how bout we stop talking cuz this thing is older than a dog shit i found in my backyard yesterday when my dog died when i was 7
  11. good man. doing it again to show yourself that u can do it without cheating. good luck
  12. im strait. i like girls alot. i just love being around them. unless they are too girly or just not right for me. but besides that i just love atractive women and.......erm, doing things to them. dude. i hate wut this planet has come to. if someone is g ay, (sorry the site blocked the word ga y) noone shud judge them. noone shud make fun of them. alot of people that i love and take care of (mostly my family) are gay. so wut if u like men. u shud have the right to like whoever u want. and gta duznt have to do a god damn thing about it. so many homophobes and even more sexist ppl out there then ever before. if there where less ppl like this, then more and more innosent, average, gay ppl wudnt be afraid to tell thier frends and family. the ppl that need to know the most, and u cant tell them cuz of some immature ppl who might hurt u. at one point, same sex merrages where gonna be ilegal cuz of swarchanegar! (another reason why me and many others hate him. oh and im from california.) thats sick! just leave them alone! there is absolutely nothing rong with being gay! when ppl think of gay they think of guys acting like women or some other bullshit! *sigh* there is just no sence in anyone anymore.
  13. limewire is the best! i love limewire. get rid of the game and search gta san andreas full version on limewire and there ya go. it only has version 1. so u dont have to worry about it being v2
  14. u shud be able to go to a cloths shop and get a first person view at every shelf and u can click on a shirt or ect. and preview it on a fake dummy and have the choice to try it on in the changing room or just go strait to buying it. and it wud be more real if u had to bring a bag of cloths to home and put them into ur wardrobe. if they are gonna still have prostitudes, (witch they will) or any other kind of sex, (wich they defenently will) they shud do it sims style. it duznt show. it shows u moving and u can see ur feet and hands and it gets all foggy and u say all this sick stuff and u make noises. and if R* is still willing to take a dangerouse risk right after getting forgiveness for the whole hot coffee thing, then they shud put hot coffee without showing no skin. because for one, they did a crappy job on the girls privates and that made hot coffee lame. and tilly. dude. relax. he just wants it for something more to do. u dont have to get all angry. im shir he duznt want it cuz he is a pervert and he wants to look at cartoon porn. (i hope so cuz if thats the case then get a life fag!)
  15. in san andreas, i wud be in red county, walkin around. then i see a river. i look across the river, and i see a desert. that was bull. so there is a thick healthy forest and across the river is a dead dry desert. not so real. if they make a desert in the next gta, they need to surround it with mountains and make it a valley. and so its not so small, they can do that smart idea mentioned earlier about making more desert just like making more ocean. and do the same thing with the badlands if there is one. (witch by the way, i agreed with and he started dissing me for nothing.) but so the desert and/or badlands isnt freakishly long, it shud eventually stop and u shud get to another large mountain surrounding the desert/badlands. and they shud have more than one island, just like the previouse games, only the islands shud be very very very very very far apart so the at400 has a use. i hope they do something at least similar to this.
  16. well gta is gonna need alot of room. all that stuff to do and the graphics. i know for a fact that ps3 can handle that but do they have a disk that can fit that? theyre gonna think of something.
  17. lol rite to the point. "i joined" lol thats funny. have fun dude
  18. im glad to see ppl are using this topic for help. i hope this prevents alot of new help topics from being created. sorry dude i cant help. im just like u.
  19. thats a horrible picture. im not gonna download this. its not worth a download unless ur that into it.
  20. they dont need to completely get rid of it! i am sick of ppl saying to completely remove it. they just need to work on it. u only get a small choice of ppl to date. that was pretty retarted. and the prizes where gay. yno if they didnt have prizes, that wud have been alot better. and gang wars where complete crap. but all they need to do is work on it.
  21. no that wud NOT be rubbish. there can not be too many of a similar type. unless they are cars. cuz in real life there are. and san andreas did a good job on that
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