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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Hurr beta, etc...you can't expect Google's code to magically accept Microsoft's the second a beta is released. Not that anyone should be using IE ever anyway.
  2. Wurrr As for new technology, I like Virtual Reality. No, not those arcade games you play at the mall in which you hold the handle bars of a large hanging object and stare directly into a screen. I mean Matrix-style brain engagement. According to the pedia, Sony has already patented this.
  3. I meant the subsequent audio inputs. Virtual? It's still surround. Besides, the meat and potatoes is the 5.1 headphones, where what I really want 5.1 for (gaming) is available.
  4. 1680x1050 is 16:10, which I want anyway because more height as well as the width. So more fov while computing/gaming and still generous use of the screen space while watching media. Also I don't care, all TV stations in the US either broadcast in 720p or 1080i, so the 1080i will be scaled nicely anyway. I am going to use it for a TV, if I wasn't I'd get a monitor without TV inputs. Keep in mind that my desk is less than 10ft from my bed, and I watch TV/play the Xbox 360 at my desk too, so it's a fine size. I've also changed my mind on what I'm buying. Samsung T220 HD 22'' The monitor thinks it's a TV. It has a DVI port (which most TVs with VGA inputs don't), and also has HDMI/Component/Composite/VGA for video input and RCA as well as PC and optical for audio input to its Dolby Surround speakers, eliminating the need for that. Turtle Beach HPA2 5.1 Headset True 5.1 Headset, over-ear, force feedback, includes splitter so can connect to speakers from the same sound card. Creative Sound-Blaster X-Fi XTreme Audio Cheap, will make use for my PCI-express x1 slot, allows pass through of optical audio, etc... So basically I will connect my PC to the DVI port, the Xbox 360 to the VGA port, the cable box to the Component port, and use the headphones for gaming/chat/etc...and use the optical out/passthrough for the Xbox 360 and watching media.
  5. Who the fuck uses Macs? For that matter, even if they did, so few others do that security is generally not a problem. Hence And software like this is not that uncommon in the first place, if you really nead an anti-virus for Windows look no further than Kaspersky or if you're cheap, AVG/avast!
  6. Too much work? Why play the game until you hear the ad (at which point you'll start recording but will have missed some of it) when you can just find it, download it, and convert it?
  7. Search YouTube for "San Andreas Epsilon Program" Google "YouTube video downloader" Google ".flv .mp3 converter" Have fun.
  8. So there And it's working! Crysis is primarily used as a benchmarking game. If what you said is true, it shouldn't be because that would mean ATi's cards will show as performing badly in that game, but not others, and therefore the game would be flawed as a benchmark utility. 4870 Crysis benchmarks The GTX 260 and 4870 are around $250 including rebates. The 260 was originally much more expensive? Why? I think you know the reason. Sure, some games are optimized for certain graphics chipsets. The 280 has a ~5fps lead on the 4870 in Crysis but in BioShock, the 4870 has a 10fps lead on the 280...the 280, which costs around $400! Slightly better performance in some games, worse in others, either way you'd be spending $100-$200 extra for abysmal gains, and only some of the time. Why would you get an envidya card again? As far as crossfire/SLI goes, I wouldn't recommend either one of them. Not nearly enough performance gain to justify buying the graphics card twice.
  9. It makes no difference in performance lol, envidya just pays people to do that. Those screenshots were upsized, the ones provided were smaller for some reason, so those are lower quality.
  10. lol envidya DA WAY IS MENT 2 B PLAYD. What a load of shit. Of course anti-aliasing will be an option, even if they don't put it in the menu, you can force AA on in any game through ATi's CCC and nVidia's control panel. Also I hate the oil effect as well, either they will add the option to disable it or a mod will be made doing the same. For all the people worried about it taking an arm and a leg worth of parts to play properly, Sam Houser said that it looked and played beautifully on PC. Of course they're not going to make it so only 1% of PC owners can play. The requirements will be taxing, but they shouldn't be impossible.
  11. Damn, you're fucked either way then. The decision is yours whether to use 64-bit. I personally don't because I only have 2GB of RAM and Adobe CS4 isn't out yet. However when I double my RAM and get CS4, I will probably get 64-bit, as most companies will be providing drivers by then anyway.
  12. lol wut Resetting the BIOS' CMOS can fix a problem related to overclocking preventing you from booting up or corrupted BIOS settings but I don't think it's related to Windows. A picture of the BSOD is a good idea as well because not all BSODs are the same nor do they have the same cause. We can look at the error and see what Windows is interpreting the problem to be.
  13. Newegg will not stop selling it on the 31st, the combo deal currently active simply ends at that time. The combo deal is you buy the processor and if you buy whatever hard drive they want you to buy with it, you will pay less than if you had bought the CPU and hard drive separately. Yes you will see better performance in Source-based games, especially when Valve enables dual-core support. Currently, TF2 and all other "Orange Box" Source engine version games can utilize dual-core processors fully, increasing FPS massively, but it is known to crash the game under certain circumstances and therefore Valve has it disabled by default, regardless of how many cores your processor has. COD4 is more GPU-based but you should see gains nonetheless. According to that information, the CPU will work fine, just make sure you have thermal compound (Arctic Silver recommended) and a compatible heatsinkfan. If it doesn't fit, send it back. Read up on installing before you do it so you don't accidentally mess it up the first time. And your FSB is simply how fast your mobo transfers information, this is multiplied by your CPU speed multiplier to achieve your CPU speed and is a standard feature, sometimes the number changes if you overclock/change components.
  14. lol, 4850 is one of the best cards available right now, extremely powerful, can run Crysis/CoD4/everything no problem, should easily take IV.
  15. Probably going to be the most simple in the series, as the heavy is pretty simple himself! SANDWICH IS SO DELICIOUS... I JUST... I...I...EXCUSE ME OM NOM NOM NOM Comments please! The past two:
  16. Actually on DX10 with maximum sound and texture settings, Crysis can easily use 3GB of RAM if it's made available.
  17. Maybe some people download ungodly amounts of music and wouldn't know what song is playing...in any case it's nice to see it. And by IM features I meant real IM...as in AIM/MSN/Yahoo/etc....and who the fuck still uses Xfire lol?
  18. ASUS motherboards are fine, also DON'T GET A G11 IF YOU THINK THE G15 ONLY DISPLAYS SERVER INFO, it's a piece of shit, you realize the G15's screen can also tell you what song is playing in Winamp/iTunes/whatever, let you see IMs/chats/Ventrilo/whatnot as well.
  19. Never trust Newegg comments. Ever. You wouldn't believe how stupid some people are. It is true 5.1 surround, but only on applications that support it. As in most games (irrelevant as I'm using the headphones for that). I'm only getting the speakers for movies/TV and the Xbox 360.
  20. So I'm probably getting a fair amount of money soon, what with my legal ability to hold a job coming up, so I was thinking about turning my PC into a media center. I currently have a 19'' monitor/TV/whatnot. It's high-definition but the problem is that it's 4:3 so anything that is high-definition is letterbox. So I was thinking of just getting a widescreen dedicated monitor, connecting the computer through DVI and the Xbox 360 through VGA. But then I would need to get a TV tuner card because the monitor I want doesn't have TV inputs. However, this isn't an issue because I need to do it anyway; AT&T U-Verse is a silly sausage and only allows 1 DVR, which is currently located in the family room. Therefore I can bypass that restriction and have widescreen as well. So as far as all this shit goes, 22'' Acer LCD monitor Seem nice, has the inputs I need for this, big, nice specs and cheap as balls Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional Creative makes wonderful audio-related products and I need one of these--sure dropping over $100 on a sound card is ridiculous and I originally wanted the cheaper one but...64MB of RAM dedicated to sound?? Not only that, but it has optical output for the 5.1 speakers I'm getting. Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset My current headset is...falling apart and shitty at best, I want one that fits around the ears nicely. Logitech 5.1 Speaker System For movie/TV/Xbox output, Creative sells a similar product but it's $20 more. I might be a Creative fanboy but not enough of one to spend $20 more on something that does the same thing. Hauppauge External HD PVR I have a cable box, I should be able to plug it into this and have it receive the HD signal from the box. I also plan on picking up another 250GB drive for all my media. Anyone with a widescreen monitor or Creative audio products can vouch for their awesomeness? Or other recommendations?
  21. It depends on what kind of graphics card you want to buy. Also make sure your motherboard has the correct type of slot...today graphics cards are made using the PCI-express x16 slot. 4850 is $150-$200 USD depending on where you buy it and who the reseller is.
  22. Crysis supports DX10 doesn't require it. About Vista, yes it will be shit if you have less than 2GB of RAM. That or more and it's amazing. End of story.
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