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Everything posted by chris82

  1. That makes no sense, the 8800 beats the shit out a 6200...in fact almost anything does. The 6200 is a different chipset so you can't just look at the core clock and say it's only a little better. Get a new graphics card, or you will NOT be playing GTA IV on the PC.
  2. And Antec isn't lol? Good PSU, just make sure you get a new graphics card ASAP. Right now the 3850 can be had for $100 and the 4850 for around $150, spring for that IMO and you're golden.
  3. You should ideally reinstall Windows between every year or two anyway, but you might not have problems because it's the same socket, it depends on many factors.
  4. Sometimes things may crash or other abnormal behaviors.
  5. Yes, envidya parts are defective. Also 270 isn't out yet, and even when it comes out, PhysX? Who cares? How many games support that again? Actually, how many games that don't suck support that?
  6. No, it's just that there are sometimes quirks when replacing critical hardware. If it worries you, make a partition and put all your things on it, then just format the partition Windows is on, but this only works if you have a large enough hard drive.
  7. Close the file, right click, go to properties, uncheck "Read-Only", click OK, then try again.
  8. Shouldn't need to, but I'd recommend formatting/reinstalling Windows at some point before you plan on playing.
  9. No, in the U.S. Rockstar was made to censor the game because of a mission for Umberto Robina in which one of the Cubans says "KILL ALL THE HAITIANS" which is also displayed on the screen as text. The song "Cars" was also removed from the Wave 103 radio station. This censorship affects the Xbox version as well as PS2 copies past version 1.1 IIRC.
  10. Looks like it has some very nice features, what I'd like to see though is them combine the two. I don't want to have to lose all my FF features just for the chrome features. I also don't like the WebKit engine-is AIDS. I'm with Firefox until Firefox Chrome is released.
  11. Yes a phone if she doesn't have one, most girls here like to wear clothes from stores like American Eagle, Hollister, and Abercrombie. A lot of boys (including me) do too. AE is the least expensive and Abercrombie is the most expensive. Ask her what she wants as well.
  12. I support internet neutrality, but I can't stand those people in the video, if you take a look at their other shit, they seriously aren't funny. And as for the subject, I have AT&T. It's awesome. No caps, no plans for caps, no bandwidth throttling, no monitoring, etc...
  13. Nice. Should have widescreen soon.
  14. Possible, but I don't think it would be permitted. People have to die, if nobody died we would all suffer because the Earth can't sustain a population that never decreases from people dying. That's why people shoot each other, blow themselves up, accidents, etc.. It's not WHY people kill each other, but it does decrease the population, albeit slightly. However, that is not enough to keep the population from exploding like natural death can.
  15. I'm telling you don't get an envidya card, but if you like defective parts and higher prices, by all means. As for the minimum specs, I'll say it again: If you can't run San Andreas on VERY HIGH detail settings and get a constant framerate with frame limiter on, good luck playing GTA IV.
  16. Possible, but I don't think it would be permitted. People have to die, if nobody died we would all suffer because the Earth can't sustain a population that never decreases from people dying.
  17. No. In fact don't even bother with an envidya card. 4850.
  18. Yeah, the majority of people do, because you can reach jumping (spacebar), crouching (LCTRL), reloading, weapons switching, etc...and all other specialty keys with one hand. If you use the arrow keys it's a lot harder.
  19. He didn't say humans were useless, he said the self-aware robots would think we were and destroy us.
  20. Yeah, it is, as far as movement. Shooting is different. Hence me using my Xbox 360 controller, but it's still better on PC in every way. Potentially better performance, better graphics, mods, replays, etc...
  21. Sometime this fall. Likely October or November if God hates me. You see, I get around $130 for working at the school for a few days last summer, plus $200 for filming an event in October, then an unspecified amount for this website I've been working on. I'm also getting a minifridge because I'm goddamn sick of warm drinks. (the refrigerator at our house is too full to store our soda, so we put them in the sunroom outside) Disgusting.
  22. Also graphics are not preferred over gameplay, it's just that if they can be better while still maintaining the same quality of gameplay, so much the better.
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