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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Shit, shit, and shit. Sorry but any processor with the word "Pentium" in it is garbage and the 8600 is ok...not a really great card...just spring for an ATi 4850, it can be had for around $150 USD and kicks ass. All cards being made support DirectX 10, but it doesn't matter, you'll still get the full power on DX9. Also TF2 is pretty demanding, I see 60-120 depending on the situation with max settings, the particle effects are pretty advanced so that's why.
  2. Oh him, I didn't know he even had a name, but he's one of Woozie's assistants, he really didn't need an introduction.
  3. muddy dicks saved my business. We've seen amazing results already. I can’t tell you how happy I am with muddy dicks. --Matthew White
  4. What? The C2D I put in there is way lower than 3.2GHz, please look up the processor before saying it's too harsh...besides, even if you were going to use a 3.2GHz C2D it would be bottlenecked to fuck by that shitty graphics card and RAM. 512mb of RAM? Even San Andreas likes to have more than that. A 9550? Hm, that barely runs Half-Life 2 and San Andreas on maximum settings, what makes you think it could play IV? IV's graphics are good but not as good as Crysis', so I'd say if you can play Crysis on whatever settings then you should have no problem playing IV on the same settings. I can play Crysis with 2xAA, Very High across the board (DX10) at 1280x1024 so IV should be sexy. The reason I chose the specs I did is easy...Steam supports Windows 2000, XP, and Vista, and since Rockstar is generous with their game support, they should too. The processors I chose aren't the strongest of their breed but are powerful nonetheless and have multiple cores for compensation. RAM...because of all those high-res textures, sounds, models, etc...everything going on at once, it's better to have more RAM to store them in because RAM is much faster and the more of it you have, the less your computer forgets something that needs to be loaded and has to retrieve it from the hard drive...which is already streaming everything else in real-time. Also Windows Vista undoubtedly uses more RAM than XP so if you have Vista you should have 2GB of RAM or more, end of story. The graphics card is due to the fact that I had an ATi x1800GTO and could play BioShock on high at 1280x1024 at about 15fps, even with 2GB of RAM and a dual-core processor. Then when I got a 3870 I could do the same at over 60fps. This game isn't Source-based; yes, the processor is important but you NEED a current-generation graphics card...you'll probably even see better performance if you get an nVidia 9-series or ATi 4-series. As for GTA IV and "Infernal", do please choose which has better graphics. (Bearing in mind IVs will be improved again to a yet unknown degree on the PC) GTA IV Infernal
  5. What? Wu Zi Mu is introduced when you're in the Badlands during one of Caesar's races.
  6. HURR DURR Also the overlay and community are both optional, you can disable the overlay and turn off friends if you don't like it. Oh and since it's also going to be using Games for Windows Live you can use your Xbox Live Gold account with it which potentially means the downloadable content will be on PC as well. (It is a Microsoft platform as well, after all)
  7. Rockstar has a contract with them dawg, why do you think every game Rockstar has ever made for PC except lemmings was released on Steam?
  8. As soon as my first child is old enough to coherently use a controller we will be playing GTA.
  9. Yes I have a PC and yes I will make mods for GTA IV. The mods possible for this game will be unreal.
  10. How many people said it wouldn't come to PC? Hurr... Also since it's coming on Steam it will be easily accessible, but hopefully we can pre-load content like Valve does. It's also looking to be released around the same time Saints Row 2 is for all three platforms (though I think they are bluffing about the PC version), so it's going to be another good year for games.
  11. Are you kidding? As soon as I turned 15.5 I went to the DMV and got that bitch. Driving is fun for me because I get to laugh at people who suck at it despite my ~2 months of experience. And btw the best way to practice is to drive around a parking lot, that's what I did. ATVs and go-karts have much different handling than SUVs which are much larger. The best way not to crash on the road is to already have experience with the vehicle before you get on the road.
  12. Yes Europe generally makes better cars, sure American cars are cheaper if you live in America but honestly at least half of the cars I see are imports because of the better designs and fuel economy. I'd say the most common European imports are German-made, then Swedish (although not technically because Ford owns Volvo), then Italian for the wealthy for the sports car owners, and British. (Land Rover) I have never seen a French-made car (Renault. Pugeot) nor a Fiat...weird.
  13. Map Tool. Use it to explore San Andreas and make your way to the export board, there you can click on the the board and it will tell you the .txd to edit. However, this will likely not work as some signs in San Andreas have are written to with code...I believe you'll only be able to edit the sign background and not the writing on it, you'll have to edit the code for that...which is even harder. My advice is to change the names back and use a car spawner to spawn all the cars next to you for easy delivery.
  14. Hm, out of the three festivals in Ohio, only two are within an hour and of those two, one is a women's festival with no information about it and the other is for artists coming out of that university specifically. None, I'd have to go to New York or California for some real music festivals. New York is the real America.
  15. Why the fuck don't they have events like that where I live? (in b4 USA, I live in a part that, while pretty populous, has fuckall for fun events [especially related to music] within an hour's drive)
  16. We don't discuss warez here, if you're implying you're using a warez version. And yes, you can buy it on Steam for $20 USD (Steam prices things in USD regardless of where you live) Downgrader is here
  17. Old news in the sense that a PC release was always obvious, though it's good to see print publications acknowledge it as well as online stores.
  18. No it's an old song called Cocaine Blues in which a man takes cocaine, kills his wife, takes more cocaine, tries to escape to Mexico, gets caught, and is sentenced to life in prison.
  19. Still using 7 eh? Unless you do really advanced shit there's no reason to upgrade, but it is shiny.
  20. That's not really an offensive stereotype, I'd say British folks would make up most of badteethpictures.com
  21. Thanks, I'll set that soon. I plan on making a new one for each class when their achievement packs are released. I just made the spy one first because the spy is my favorite class. BTW I forgot to mention that this signature will not look correct if you're using Internet Explorer 6 or earlier, but I don't give a fuck about those people because they obviously have no idea what they're doing if they're using IE6.
  22. If she wasn't moving but flapping her arms then she was drowning, that's the associated animation for it.
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