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Everything posted by chris82

  1. It's weird, sometimes I think I sound like a 12-year-old and then I get told I sound like a 30-year-old rapist.
  2. This may not work depending on the version of Windows you're using but Go to Start, then click Run, then type "iexplore"
  3. lol how is that too big? Anyway it looks good except for the text, you should add an effect to it such as stroke. (Border)
  4. Mozilla is both the company that makes the browser, hence why both the browser and e-mail client have the "Mozilla" prefix. Mozilla was also software created by the Mozilla company before Firefox/Thunderbird were created. The Mozilla suite was a browser which contained e-mail/IRC/HTML editing/etc....all built into the browser without extensions. Firefox was created by the same company to be a lightweight and awesome browser that what the user needed could be added on by them so every browser would be unique depending on the user, but would still do a better job at everything than IE.
  5. Why? If we're giving you help you can give us a reason. If you did something illegal and you're afraid of being tracked down then just changing your IP will not lower your ISP's ability to find you. Depends on the router, he should power cycle his actual modem too, to change both the external and internal addresses.
  6. 1. Why is this in Serious Chat? 2. Why did you link to a downloadable file that, although free of viruses, is far too small to be any kind of video? 3. I'm assuming the tutorial leads you to use the ipconfig /release and /renew commands, which should work regardless of your hardware.
  7. What the hell are you talking about? Anyhoo, good to see non-shitty browsers making a difference, can't wait for FF3.
  8. What they meant by dynamic is there are choices to make in missions as in who to kill when given the choice and also that there are many ways to complete a mission. Stealth, RAMBO-style, calling the police and watching them shoot up the bad guys, etc... User error. Look at all the people who play GTA IV online. They can do it, why can't you? User error. Check your connection. Also, San Andreas' multiplayer wasn't split-screen, it was 2-player one screen. Besides, this is a new engine, the first GTA game developed with it, so just wait until the next one comes out. If you're retarded, try using the right control stick to see where you're going. IV is more realistic than previous games, therefore you can't "turn on a dime" like in the GTA3-series. You have no idea what you're talking about nor do you have any idea how games work. The Xbox 360 has more than enough RAM to cope with remembering "objects." Again, this is likely a user error but I've never had a vehicle disappear on me. Not once. Even when I do something such as pick up Roman, drive to the strip club, park outside, go in and have fun for several minutes, then I go back outside. The car is still there, every time. User error, though the controls have been "juanky" in all GTA games, if you didn't hold Y down then Niko would try to get into the nearest vehicle as the driver, even if it is several feet away. Ok, considering the size of the city and the non-existent loading times going into interiors, the graphics look a LOT better than previous games. Yes there is pop-in and there are many imperfections but it is an extremely nice game considering the new engine, the fact that Rockstar had to make it for both consoles at once, and the scope of the game.
  9. If you're insinuating that bigfoot, etc...are in San Andreas, that rumor has been debunked several times, bigfoot ghosts, etc...don't exist in San Andreas. There is confirmed "paranormal" shit, like the suicidal pedestrian, the ringing phone in the desert, the bodybags in the desert, and other things. But no bigfoot.
  10. True, I guess all the IPB boards I've seen have a lot better mods than the vB boards, plus I like the default (and therefore most widely used) interface better on IPB.
  11. lol vbulletin sucks, IPB is much more powerful in every way, especially with user-created mods. But please, OP, tell me what critical bugs you encounter that mandate the upgrade of IPB?
  12. You can use the free version (1.0) to modify GTA3 and Vice City, or you could use alternative tools such as 3DS Max (which costs a ton more, but has a 30-day trial and is what Rockstar themselves use). Other than that, we can't help you.
  13. The link in OP's post is a trick of sorts. Notice the URL is leads to has a ref (referral) code. Yes, if you sign up and complete an offer and get x others to do the same, you WILL get a PS3, but until x people do it for you, all you're doing is helping him by signing up using that link.
  14. Not quite, unless you modify the console itself which is illegal and can get you banned from Xbox Live/PS3 Network, but it means that when the PC version is (hopefully) released, mods can start being made almost instantly.
  15. I've seen this logic before and it's bullshit. You download one thing and it's just as "bad" as downloading everything. Because if you download small amounts, bit by bit, it's the same as downloading an assload all at once. As for doing it in general, it really depends on the situation. The ONLY place I will buy music from is Amazon MP3 because their policies-unlike the rest of online music stores-aren't bullshit. Amazon's songs are the same price as iTunes' "standard" songs yet the ones at Amazon are encoded at a higher bitrate for better sound and, more importantly, are DRM-free. That's the perfect situation. Cheap, DRM-free music. I'll buy that. However, if a song isn't available there then there's of course other ways to get it.
  16. He was a lot younger than that in VC, in VCS he just dropped out of high school so he couldn't have been more than 20.
  17. lol, no, I'm getting a 3870 soon. And BTW, on review sites it looks like DX10 increases the average FPS in Crysis so it's mainly optimization. OH GOD IM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER HOW DID THIS GET HERE?
  18. Holy dicks. I was talking with rem earlier and I made a partition and installed Vista on it. No performance drop in games. None. In fact, right from the get-go, it also seemed to open applications and find files slightly faster. Don't get me wrong, there's a few quirks with older applications and whatnot but even with Aero and all that enabled, I didn't notice a performance drop in TF2 at all at the same settings. (All high, 1280x1024, 4x AA 8x AF) BTW that 3870 is going to be even moar better.
  19. HE's genetically superior, BABY. The ALPHA MALE! Keep it real.
  20. Well, the time may or may not have come for me. Within the month, I will be getting an ATi Radeon 3870HD graphics card. Since this is a DirectX 10 card, you can guess what I'll have to do to make use of it... My specs be: AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition OC'd 2.8GHz Corsair XMM2 DDR2-800 2x1GB Memory ATi Radeon x1800GTO PCI-express graphics card Now, this is especially geared towards people who've played games and frequently do such things on their computers. Will installing Vista give me a very noticeable performance drop in games or slowdowns in boot time, application launch, etc...? I've already tried installing Vista as an upgrade from XP...to keep my shit installed and everything, but it gave me a BSOD so apparently this is gonna have to be a fresh install...is it worth it?
  21. 16%, that sounds about right
  22. Yes, you should never have an odd amount of anything, that's like having 3GB of RAM.
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