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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Well, a new graphics engine will do that. GTA3, VC, and SA use the shitty Renderware engine. It's so incredibly bad...I'm surprised Rockstar made such great games using that engine. But now that they have an in-house engine, we should see official modding tools for the PC version!
  2. Build one and buy an OEM copy of XP. BTW Vista is so weak it can be ruined by a malicious cursor file.
  3. le" target="_blank">Limited compatibility DRM/lower-quality HDTV Performance decrease even with Aero turned off Retarded drivers Cost Bad security Missing promised features Hardware requirements
  4. Yes, it completely sucks. Stop getting Vista. You don't need it right now.
  5. Lol be like me and lock your door!
  6. Yes, how do you think the Xbox 360 and Flight Simulator X work?
  7. Bumping a two year old topic. Macs FTW! /sarcasm
  8. It IS in Liberty City. There's familiar buildings and look at my second screenshot. It clearly says "Liberty Tree" on the left of the screen.
  9. Hells yeah! Here are some screenshots in beautiful 720p! If Chris wouldn't mind putting these unwatermarked beauties on the main site... I know they break the page, but it's worth it!1111 Also, Rockstar never said once that is was going to be London based. That was a rumor. I think it's a fair compromise, an American location and a non-American main character
  10. Funny, because as I mentioned in this topic, the countdown has run out for me. I've tried in both Firefox and IE. Cleared my cache, etc... And the timer appears to be client clock based because on XBox.com I also get
  11. Less than an hour? What planet do you live on? It's suposed to be out now! o.o Thats just a BIT over the top don't you think? Lol did your sarcasm detector break? Rockstar didn't factor in US daylight savings time...kind of a douchebag move IMO. But the timer ran out for me.
  12. Hate to be the ball buster here guys, but...
  13. I know what job you'll be good for in the near future. 11 minutes to go, it's gonna totally fucking rock man!
  14. I don't know about kids being smarter today than in past generations...they are learning more for sure, but whether or not they are actually smarter would have to be left up to a professional study. But I get straight As and whatnot so whatever.
  15. It's actually M here, and plus we have sane restriction laws here. GTA isn't alcohol or cigarettes for fuck sakes, they don't do physical and internal damage to kids!
  16. Damn straight, can't wait. /unintentional rhyme
  17. Who gives a fuck? How about PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR KIDS DO, AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE GAME, TAKE IT AWAY, instead of trying to have rating systems and senators take care of your kids. I really don't care about what stores think. I go into EB Games, pre-order the game, and pick it up on release day with no supervision. Tsst.
  18. I wouldn't go as far as shitting my pants over it, but I will certainly be refreshing the GTA4 site from 5:55PM onward until the high-res trailer shows up. Can't wait mang!
  19. Hmm...interesting idea... But what about the exclusive content for 360? Would that mean that PS3 users couldn't play with 360 users? That would suck.
  20. Yeah, as I said to OGTAM it's all good, he's a good member and he learned his lesson. Soz I have no problem with moving on.
  21. Depends what controls you're using. The PS2 controller is simple really, just hold X to accelerate and physically move the plane with the left analog stick. You use the L2 and R2 buttons to move the rudders, but not the plane itself. The PC keyboard/mouse controls are a bit more difficult. You hold W to accelerate, move the plane around without changing its pitch with the A and D keys, and change the plane's pitch/yaw/roll with the mouse. The Xbox is similar to the PS2's configuration I'd imagine.
  22. Well, sorry you're about to get a warning. I'm getting pretty sick of people like you. I state my reason for why I don't want Sony to acquire Rockstar. It's because I know that it would mean no more GTA games for Windows. You then make a downright ignorant comment about how Sony manufactures computer hardware, and how it is somehow the reasoning behind Sony wanting to buy Take-Two. I then correct your mistake in another post and you insult me, provoking this warning to occur. You're obviously a Sony fanboy. Stop it. You sound retarded and nobody wants fanboys here.
  23. 1GB is fine for BF2. With your graphics card and RAM you'll be able to run it with all settings on medium which is fine, the most important things in BF2 to have turned up are shadows and view distance, because the retards who have those turned off are at a disadvantage. And all those modes that Wheelman posted for CS:S are server-side mods, which add new types of gameplay. Regular CS:S has de_ maps, which involve terrorists with a bomb trying to blow something up, and cs_ maps, where terrorists have taken hostages and the counter-terrorists must rescue them. de_dust2 and cs_office are the best official maps!
  24. Ummm but they don't make the OS do they? A game for Windows is for Windows, regardless of the PC vendor, smart guy.
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