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Everything posted by chris82

  1. I'm pretty sure it means your processor was performing as if it were a 5GHz single core processor instead of two 2 GHz processors. Anyway Jace, building a computer is not hard at all. This guide is excellent. It's what I used and having never built a computer before, I was done within four hours. Dell sucks, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM. Dell=low technology at a high price. And Gycu, you can find 2GB of RAM for under $150 at Newegg.
  2. Yeah, I sorta just provided visual proof for people.
  3. Hmm...expensive, unnecessary storage space...I wonder what where I've heard this before...
  4. I'll help you, I'm good at that if I do say so myself. Gycu if you have an X2 3800 then I'm sure you'll have no problem with GTA4, don't worrry about it and just make sure you have 2GB of ram and a decent graphics card. Also Athlons pwn the shit out of Pentium 4s and Pentium Ds, the only decent Intels are the Core 2s, everything else sucks. Also I think topics get 5 stars by default.
  5. Shut the fuck up, chew gun, the Quadro series of nVidia cards is meant for 3D modeling. Don't believe me? Hell, that card is under WORKSTATION cards on Tigerdirect dumbass. If you want an expensive graphics card, there's the 8800GTX. Also Gycu, many computers today have 2GB of RAM. Ask ANY gamer and all will at least have 1GB, and most will have 2GB. It's just necessary for games today.
  6. Jesus dude. Stop spazzing out. We have another member here with that job. There is an EDIT button so you don't have to double post. The PS3 and 360 versions could have been in production since San Andreas was finished, but the PC version is usually not worked on until the release of the console versions. And we don't have to JUST post the minimum specs, how and the hell do you even play games on PCs with minimum specs anyway? Have you ever tried playing San Andreas on a PC with the minimum specs? I have, and not only do you have to make it look like shit to get a decent framerate, performance still wasn't that good. I'd say 2GB for a minimum because OF THE AMOUNT OF TEXTURES YOU HAVE TO LOAD! Besides by 2008 I'll have 4GB anyway soz whatever.
  7. Well that guy is either a fanboy or doesn't know what he's talking about. It doesn't matter what brand of PC you have, what matters is the specs of the hardware. I said that Asus motherboards are nice because they are reliable, have good Northbridge providers, contain many useful slots, and are relatively cheap. But without a good CPU, GPU, and RAM to fill it with, it's useless. So if your Asus PC doesn't have good specs, it won't be the ultimate GTA experience.
  8. I don't know about either type of PC but I've always favored Asus for PC components, their motherboards are top-quality for sure, so go for Asus.
  9. It's coming to PS3 But it does suck. The game doesn't justify a $600 purchase IMO, it tries to copy GTASA so much...
  10. Dude, stop embarassing yourself. You have no clue what GTA4's minimum or recommended specs will be. Nobody does. And you don't know that they will be that low. You want them to be low because 1) You think you know everything about everything 2) You can't upgrade but want, in your own mind, to think you'll be able to play GTA4 on your PC Also, there are many games being released that facilitate the need for 2GB of RAM. Both Battlefield 2 and 2142 stutter without 2 Gigs, regardless of the processor/graphics card you have. There are just so many textures to be loaded that you need the space. Many strategy games like Oblivion and MMOs like WoW, Guild Wars, and the like need 2GB or they'll stutter like crazy when entering a populated area. And also, a computer like Chris mentioned wouldn't be that expensive. Mine is pretty good, and can run San Andreas totally maxed out (as well as all other games I play) and I built it for only $550. Any serious gamer builds his/her own PC, only the slow ones actually buy premade from places like Dell. Dell sux. And you can't just give speed as a processor requirement for AMDs. You think an Intel P4 2.4GHz and AMD Athlon 2.4GHz will have the same performance? LOL. PLUS the fact that no video card exists today with 192mb of RAM onboard. I reckon GTA4 will require a 256mb graphics card. See really, you're just ignorant, and you don't know shit about shit so stfuplzkthxbye. And Jace, that $2200 card you posted is meant for 3D CAD modeling, not gaming.
  11. Get drunk as always...provided you're over the age requirement.
  12. Tom Cruise is sofa king we todd ed man.
  13. Original: I am an elite hacker and I am going to own your computer. Spanish translated by Google: Soy hacker de la élite y voy a propia tu computadora. Spanish translated by me: Yo soy un hacker élite y yo voy a propia tu computadora. Google Spanish translation back to English: I am to hacker of the elite and I go to own your computer. (Three grammar mistakes) My Spanish translation back to English: I am a hacker elite and I am going to own your computer. (One grammar mistake) I win. I guess Google doesn't change adjective placement like it should.
  14. Set resolution to 800*600 or lower...can help you! adzpsp, good luck and have fun with VC Wrong, higher resolutions display more pixels at once...enemies in the distance are easier to see. Also are you holding down the accelerate button? Maybe give us a demo of this happening? To do that, have it happen and press F2 within 30 seconds and upload replay.rep in My Documents/GTA VC User Files to us.
  15. The next Anna Nicole Smith, anybody? Let's hope so.
  16. Halo PC sucks, Battlefield 2 and 2142 are not currently released for the Mac, and why does it take 2 months+ to port a new Sims 2 expansion to the Mac.
  17. And being an emo is better?
  18. I don't know everything about modding. I'm just correcting a misinformed person to help further the general knowledge of the world The GTA Place forums.
  19. They do not all use the same model, the clothes are all shaped differently, so therefore the models are different. In VC's gta3.img the models are player1.dff player2.dff player3.dff etc... Rockstar probably just extruded a little to far in that particular model. Or maybe you're just a paranoid schizophrenic.
  20. OS X is the worst of todays OSes. Why? It just doesn't have a lot compatible with it. Windows runs everything and Linux is secure. OS X is just bad. And it's not fair to compare an OS from 15+ years ago to one just released. That's like saying "Windows 95 is a lot worse than Windows XP." No shit.
  21. Eh, if you really get a good model then all you need to make it appear real is a super-high-res texture. Right now in games, textures are pretty small...most of todays PC games take textures at the 1-2 megapixel resolution level. Most of Half-Life 2s textures are 512x512 or 1024x1024...you know how good that game looks. Most of San Andreas' textures were 128x128 or 256x256...or even 64x64! If we start getting really high-res textures, there's no question that games will look realistic. The problem is that the higher the resolution of the texture, the more space is required by it.
  22. Man you exagerated.R* will lose lots of money if that were the minimum specs `cuz I`ve never seen a house computer to be that good,this willl work maybe on the last GTA4 game (part 3 or 4 ) and it will be not the Minimum,I`ll be the recomanded. No one will buy this game if they`ll have to spend hundreds of dollars 4 only 1 game . Okay, first of all, I didn't exaggerate, I don't know the minimum specs but judging by how Table Tennis looks, I'd imagine high specs would be required for GTA4. And if you have a computer that is actually good enough to play games, you should have no problem meeting those specs in the summer of 2008. PC gamers (including me) spend money to upgrade parts for one game all the time! I built this computer so I could play a few specific games. Hell, I'm buying an x1950xt this winter so I can play HL2 Episode 2 and hopefully GTA4. Oh and minimum specs are lies, why would you even play on minimum specifications, it's choppy as fuck and it looks like what would happen if Helen Keller created a cartoon. True fans of a game will upgrade and pay to play regardless of the cost.
  23. You can use either the admin console or this trainer to reset your cheat count and do other things like spawn cars, get instant 100% with girlfriends, max money, etc...
  24. Well it's most likely going to use RAGE and seeing how Table Tennis looks using that engine, I'd say 2-4GB of RAM, An Athlon FX-55 or X2 4200, or any Intel Core 2, nVidia 7 series/ATi x1800 series as a minimum for graphics, but I'm guessing it will support DirectX 10 so perhaps you'll need an 8800 to see those effects. But I'm probably way off and just guessing.
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