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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. Is it true that IE is crap? (FF2.4 RULZ!
  2. De-materialising would be the reverse affect of materialising, where you pop in a place at random. But de-materialising would be the opposite, but you wouldn't exist, anywhere in that time frame and the future, be like someone going missing and never coming back. Hunter can you explain a bit more? Like if you went and killed yourself, you'd live in the normal universe if you went back, but the universe you killed yourself in would go down a different path? Is there any proof of this OGTAM?
  3. You know, talking about killing yourself in the past. (Got confused when Gerard started talking, so I'll start here) Anyway, what I think is that if you kill yourself in the past, you de-materialise, nothing with you in it, you didn't exist, that would cause a downward slope in time to an alternative (lets say 2007). But if you are in the same place and time as yourself, that would cause a paradox, meaning you wouldn't be able to do anything and most likely again, de-materialise. Going on about Time-Travel, their is no prove in the history books that it happened unless they disused themselves, if not, they'd most likely get burnt on a stake alive and people chanting, "WITCH, WITCH, WITCH!". But if it did happen, in the past there has been 'UFO' sightings, which could infact just be us from the future (I don't support this fact, just putting it out there).
  4. Could be Roman? Meh, I just want the game, trailer = awesome, but box art? Wouldn't the box art be different for the Special Edition anyway?
  5. Five years? When does this place start school then?
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how retarted you are? Oh, I live in aus and can't find it. You know what, I live in Australia, yeah that's whats it's called. And guess what, I can go down to the shops and pick it up for $5, how bout you send me, I don't know, $20. I'll go buy two copies of the game, just incase you can't find one of them, then send it to you. How does that sound? Go look in a freakin' shop, or E-Bay, Amazon, EB Games online? Not that hard.
  7. THAT WAS SO FREAKIN' ANNOYING! I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head-On, apply directly to the forehead.
  8. NO ADVERTISING! You can only advertise in your sign....
  9. They have been making the game since San Andreas, it's not a new thing.... Plus, I wouldn't trust anyone beside Rockstar on this.
  10. You have to ask a QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, what city is near Bayside?
  11. Good Luck with your gang mate....


  12. This thing car doesn't even deserve a name... *Gavomits*

    I think I should now kill myself...

  14. Halo. Sorry, but I think the whole 'HALO IS AWESOME' is a lot of bull. It's game game with hardly any storyline, and all you do is shoot people/things. If I wanted to do that, I'd make a Flash that does is the same and didn't cost me $100 freakin' dollars.
  15. Cause you left... We didn't want you to think we were bitchy.
  16. Cause he was doing the good thing and thinking that a topic like this might be considered spam (which it's not). SO yeah.
  17. Well at least this one was better then that other one the other day, that was gay. But yeah, if it was 'real' then it still wouldn't be up. Rockstar would have gotten someone to take it down. So yeah, massive fake, but funny footage.
  18. Nice pancake.... Scrubs My Musical Lyrics.
  19. Hey DDX. Good that your back, we, um, I can't remember the right word here, celebrated your departure, no wait. Yeah I think that's right.
  20. You spelt recorded wrong in the credits. Just picking stuff up. Nice, but what was with all the different coloured scenes? It looked weird.
  21. Yeah, it seems like bullshit. But I think they think the game might be released at that time, which was when I thought it would be as well. EDIT: Hey that sounds alot like.....YOU! Retard, stop posting fake shit on the Internet, it annoys people. EDIT2: GTA Lounge seems to believe it though, so still, I think it's bullshit.
  22. Well, I love Vanilla, and I used to have Lemon when it was out. But now I just drink normal Coke, first and still the best.
  23. Well yeah, just YouTube it. Oh, Chasers tried to do an Ad Road Test (Where they test out ads in real life, so funny) and they said that they were going to do that Toohy ad, but they didn't know what the hell was going on. The best TV ad was Calton Draught, the 'It's a big ad'. Love it so much.
  24. Hot Coffee, a mod for the 1.0 version of San Andreas, that made sex scenes in the game code appear after a date with one of your girlfriends, they would ask, "Would you like to come in and get some HOT COFFEE". If you clicked yes then the screen would fade to black then load, then a sex scene would appear. In other words, CJ got some action. So why'd are Take Two only doing this now? I don't think anyone would even won't to change the game over.
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