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Everything posted by TM™

  1. TM™


    Yeah OK... no-one even knows....
  2. Well when it finished hearing the shotgun fired, it makes you think that He killed maria, and he was just getting bored of her, so he just shots her and walks away... but thats what i think happened.
  3. It's your opinion, some Members may have pets but, they feel more loving to there pets, in a virutal way of killing a pet, you feel very weired.
  4. Well thats what he's supposed to do...
  5. TM™


    There could be Aleins, But thats a possibility, i think there are no aliens in area.51.
  6. Don't be hard on him, maybe he didn't know the game existed, so he came here, and yes, the game exists, coming YR 2007, as it showed on the forums discription.
  7. TM™


    I don't know, i don't really care much about Area.51, does not matter to me.
  8. TM™


    I think so, from watching some movies, it shows that's what they might be doing, but i don't know about external terrestial in there, might be a spaceship.
  9. Yeah deleting a to[p]ic is another way to do it.
  10. Yeah i know, just posting it for members who don't know how to use it..
  11. Yeah, loads of stuff he says...
  12. Well, the guy is kinda a pillock as you said, so you still miss him as a friend, well to me you're in love with him, either way he is bad or good.
  13. It's part of the game, Claude only works for money, No allies or friends. Just Like when you Play GTA2.
  14. Well the guy is then obvisously stupid, you have to know someone really well, before you can go on a date.
  15. You have to, if you do have internet on your PSP, AD hoc can ne useful, well i kinda forgot about most of the multiplayer stuff, so i don't know.... You can play against a stranger next door, as long as it has good communication.
  16. Alright thats good, now alll dumbasses (no offense) can understand it.
  17. oh ure so god damn sensitive, think what u want, i dont give a damn You should stop this, It's becoming a argument, when this topic is supposed to be really on pets in gta, You should grow up and apoligise, atleast be mature, not a kid. BTW: They might put pets in GTA4, but you can't really find them, they might be in one of the cut scenes.
  18. Yes, or Report it... thats more better to do, so the topic is deleted.
  19. Yeah, same here, one was talking about "Do you Like Fourms? Forums are my Life" And mostly everyone got pissed off by that bot.
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