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Everything posted by Nate10

  1. Oh, cool. my friend has a mini-chopper and pocketbike.
  2. Yeah lol. I'm guessing you cheat aye? BTW I thought you can't go up after you cheat alot? And I'm at Shark right now... Yes thats true, once you've used alot of cheats (Like Me ) Your rank won't change, that why I've started a new game, and this time I'm not going to use the cheats. But sometimes it's really hard. Not really, it's quite an easy game. But yes, it's tough not to play with the cheats so just not save after you use cheats, that's what I say.
  3. Bah, it was too short and too easy, still loved it and play it like every other day.
  4. Nate10


    Holy crap! Lol, you're good at CARD-PAPER guns dude, though I've never heard of that type of gun. But ya, I guess roll up cardpaper for the bullets...
  5. Heh, pretty good find. Found it hilarious.
  6. Had a stupif field trip today lol, atleast I got outa school for it. It was called challenge day where we "expressed" our feeling and talked about boring stuff. A bunch of people cried though Got home, played SA for an hour an a half makin big explosions with a google of cars, and them did an hour of F.E.A.R. Pretty good day though overall. Can't wait for dinner though...
  7. Where on the TV will it air? ed: And what time will it show in Northern California(U.S. Pacific)?
  8. Starve... Would you rather die liek everyone else or like to live forever?
  9. The flashing on FEAR has stopped thank god, now I can see three feet in front of me while in game. Should be installing XP this weekend.
  10. Ok, cool. Not sure yet how much memory my VRam has yet but what's your guy's perspective (space wise) with what I have and running BF2 and FEAR?
  11. Yeah, I'm changing. VRAM? Is that how much ram space I have?? If so, only 1 gb:/ edit:*Changing to XP
  12. Do it...Vista's a resource-hogging DRM-infested crock of shit. BTW 2142 also sucks, as does 1942. The ONLY worthwhile game in the BF series is BF2. Also get Counter-Strike: Source, it owns too. Yeah, I went to gamestop and saw that all WWII games sucked buut 2 looked good, really good. I didn't see any CC but I got the first F.E.A.R. game. It works but... the screen is always flashing, is it Vista or do I have a bad graphics card? I have a NVidia GeForce 6600 though. Anyway, I'm changing to XP again, I have the XP home edition, not sure if that's the best gaming one. If you guys could tell me which XP is best in general of just for gaming that'd be great.
  13. Lol, I got to be Homer, probably because I said I wanted food
  14. bah, I don't like him either. Bush that is...
  15. But Vista's just a month or two old and all my online games don't work. I may just go back to XP so I can play my games... But still, anyone know; totally.
  16. Carrots, Broccili, one of those.
  17. Well the topic says it. I'm gonna be buying one of these or a CounterStrike game but I don't know if it's compatible. Can you guys give me the info?
  18. Cool. And yes, I now they had alot of kidnapping; learned it off of Man On Fire (a movie).
  19. Right now(it's corny but hilarious) Ace Ventura Pet Detective. It's the Dolphin one. Right now he's tryin to find the certain year NFC champion ring by getting punched and then looking at the mark lol.(BTW I'm not sure if it's NFC or if that's even one of the abbreviations for a superbowl championship.)
  20. Cool but it need like a better border. IMO, and a little blah but did you make it?
  21. Mexico would be fun. If it's realistic sorta like Advanced Warfighter 2 but I like GTA noty that type of realistic.
  22. My 5th cousin is Roy Orbison(Hope I spelt it right lol). But ya, if you don't know him he's a singer back with Elvis and all those guys. Also sang with all of the guys back then. Never met him though, of course.
  23. I thought there was always like a scientific theory and a different theory un scientific though. Like religious or something.
  24. My mom says using Axe spray helps global warming? You guys know if that's true??
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