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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. You probrably saw a bird, they are in a boomerang shape. And for the red light, they are all over SA at night, they are ment to mean distant flying planes. (but if you go up to one, its just a red dot, I did it once)
  2. Different interiors for restraunts. They dont have to be all that different, but just have to not be the same
  3. You can find one up my ass, seriously, just go out and get another copy
  4. That was the website Chris!!! Thanks, I went there before, but I forgot the adress
  5. This wont work. Its takes a lot of effort, research and time to get GTA online, then once you get GTA online you need to make sure everything works and somtimes it comes out crap. The best thing you can do is try to join SA-MP (A current GTA-SA MP mod, looks really promising) but even thats slim. (Btw, do you have any idea what youre doing?) EDIT: And Sythe, I can agree with the RPG part (As in VC-MP and MTA, people have added RPG scripts to thier servers) but MMO? Yeah, right, thats not possible, unless you want lag and frequent crashes, then be my guest to do so
  6. There is no stick shit in the car. The reason why the car is beat up is because R* wanted you to know the car was abandoned. And it rolled down the hill becuase it spawned on a slanted surface. There are plenty of other ghost cars around San Andreas that are on a flat surface and dont roll down a hill. (btw, no ghost, just call ghost cars becuase, i dunno)
  7. Cmon guys, you really know why you hate CJ... [Previously shown: KKK members image]
  8. there was a mod somewhere by one of the members here
  9. Oh wow Sythe, did you just figure that out? We are all so proud of you!!! And 888ball, cmon, take a joke guy, jeez louise
  10. Some stuff I noticed from the pics... -Different Tommy model -White police cars, not green Different infernus model Different SWAT model, helis looked GTA3 and Enforcer had black paintjob (But no enfrocer in this pic) GTA3 style rims Cooler blista compact
  11. I agree with slayer. You got a few mods, munched them all together into a big "super" mod, and your done. Sorry, but this mod sucks
  12. I bet the taking scenes are gonna be crap just like PEDS. GTA SA just doesnt have enough body actions to make chats interesting
  13. If only I lived in the UK and was slightly younger.....
  14. Its usually around San Fierro near the northern part
  15. Well Scythe, if you dont want people to get pissed, try not to piss them off
  16. No you said "kills anything above it"
  17. Did you download the no hot coffee patch before or after the reformatting?
  18. I dont think so, but I highly recommend not modding games for consoles if its possible. If you want mods so badly, go and get the PC version
  19. You mean like when theyre moving, then they like stop for like a second, then keep going, then stop for a second, like that? If so, then yeah, thats normal on the roads were the cars go fast.
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