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Everything posted by 888ball

  1. cant say it ever was that slow
  2. hate the title, hate the logo, will probably luv the game
  3. i knew the cali skin, ah memorys...... oh yeah luv the layout
  4. omfg i would by one as soon as they come at but it will cost an arm an a leg
  5. thats nice, god i luv ibv2
  6. hey thats nice, do you do sigs?
  7. worst thing has to be: flying moderately low in a plane and BAM! some random tree pops out of nowhere right in front of you and usally ends up with explosive results
  8. thanks, yeah i wonder what the game will be like, 1 character with a fixed storyline or different times, different characters with different stories to tell
  9. well if its on ps3 it will probably ave one built in
  10. wow, i cant wait, we may even see wot happens to donald love i want to play 8ball as main character
  11. i hope it will be, but no i dont think so they will focus more on 1 player and even if it was online it would be mayhem
  12. i hope it is realesed in june, thats my birthday
  13. no he means the colour of the sky, i read in a magazine that they made all the screenshots look more orange just to look good in the article
  14. lol u suck rockstarQA, hey i no a lad called aaron
  15. ?????/ ok i realy didnt bother reading wot u sed i think bush jnr. should win because this is the first time i have heard of him
  16. i was gonna be away on the day of its realease and two days after so its good for me, missin nothin
  17. looks cool, better than the first one - sorry i just like this smily - its so clickable *beats himself on the head to put an end to this madness*
  18. me too, although i might get psp of my dads mate
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