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Everything posted by 888ball

  1. whooooaaaaa slow down the PSP wont handle all that will it? all i want is -8ball as main character -the targets in the shooting range are crazy frogs -the ability to play frisbee
  2. flashback because it was great to drive to
  3. i liked the Colonel because he has a great last mission and hes kinda nice to ya
  4. i like the one on the big red bridge, forgot the name but it says summit like "You wont find any easter eggs up here"
  5. god... what is the point of hacking a decent site, probably he tried to make one and failed
  6. yeah that is amazin thanks a bunch mate! *XENON: 888Ball, you don't need to include the image in your quote* *888ball: oops*
  7. Size: 500x125 Theme: 8 ball from gta 3 and a gta 3 theme Text: just 888ball in the corner your sigs are great by the way
  8. all your mods are great, good job u keepin gang system private, thats what makes this forum so special
  9. cubans!!! cos they have beast cars, beast characters and beast gang wars
  10. Catalita would win, she can handle guns and has a nice car, not sure what thats got to do with it though
  11. they're pretty good, yeah no 2 defo
  12. wow get drunk, sounds fun i might buy vc on PC if it goes cheap
  13. wow nice graphics, if only i had the stregnth to carry an Xbox home from the shop
  14. chocolate eggs, ive heard there are more
  15. i liked it but... -way too over acted -first half was crap -droids have personalities -is there anything R2 D2 cant do??
  16. ive heard that apart from the one easter egg discovered there are some more, have i heard wrong, if there are im gonna go look for them, so what if it will take years
  17. I think GTA4 will take at least 3 years from this point but then again im not desperate at all for another GTA still got gta 3 to do only 2% left
  18. Here! Here! I wanna strong mafia theme, that is true GTA
  19. i would buy em cos the game boy micro is comin out
  20. ive made loads of IF boards, none that ive ever bothered with tho, i had a propor IPB hosted for free but the host got hacked
  21. cj cos hes friggin G also tommys a bit past the game
  22. got 2 be portland, its got more character and its gritty and rough
  23. i guess, i like his songs which aren't about him, theres not many tho
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