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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Yeah, they are good shoes for concerts.
  2. Me and the Hannah Oldskewl Pornstar Pose at the beach with the Leo(I'm on the left) ..... Shannon...I like poking her. I'm an angry person Trolley Fun Big night on drugs...and the morning after Rollin in my Benz FIRE Yeah what? Pretty stoned I'm the one pissing. My boys. Trees are pretty fun....while high
  3. The first one confused me, but this one looks good aswell.
  4. Hitman:Blood Money. 9/10 SVR 2007 8/10
  5. When Gta 2 came out I was attached to it. So yeah.
  6. WUUUUUUUU - TANG CLAN. KRS 1 2 of the greatest.
  7. Hmmm..... Miami 2009? I'd rather not drive around in the city I have in two other games already and have to listen to Flo Rida on the radio 24/7.
  8. Nanny? Well It's ok I guess. I mean when I'm feeling down about my censored GTA, I'll just think about how much Australia is better than other countries.
  9. Yeah see Connor/Cat Licker one day you'll say shit like that and you'll get your head kicked in. Animal Cruelty isn't funny.
  10. I have 5 words to say to that guy. "Fuck you, You lucky bastard"
  11. Yeah he got a new album. Detox. Will; enver be as good as The Chronic and 2001 but you know....it will be at least 8/10
  12. We don't get to see MNR till wednesday. Stupid Australia being so far away and shit.
  13. Dr Dre's Detox comes out soon......gonna be sweeeeeet.
  14. WM 24 was pretty good, Undertakers Match was awesome.....and so was the Money In The Bank.
  15. Get into the nearest car and crash it into the biggest building as fast as i can. Should be entertaining.
  16. If your still open. Signature: Could you make something spectactular out of these images 1 2 3 4 Ofcourse have the san andreas font...dimploma of something like that.... and yeah my name...and cool big money if good
  17. They never said they were all dead, they said that GTAIV is a whole new storyline. I think that Tommy is still in Vice City living it up...which sounds pretty boring, but Tommy is kick ass. CJ did die though...from a drug over dose...what a dumbass. Claude fell into a man hole right after he killed Maria...so...yeah... who told you cj and claude died ...i really don't think CJ died from a drug overdose and neither the thing with claude
  18. Happy Birthday. Have a good one mate.

  19. This happened to one of our many cats called Ruby..but yes they do die unfortunately. Sorry.
  20. Agreed. How fucked up are you? Guess the song What hairstyle do you have? What games do you play (not including GTAs) All these seem to be pointless to me.
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