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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. before he started Nice Animation Mr Spaz, really cool.
  2. Yeah, I dont know what roadrunner is. WinAmp WinAmp or MusicMatch?
  3. AOL I think Firefox or Opera?
  4. MSN messenger MSN messenger or Trillian?
  5. Oh, sorry, my bad, well. some songs are pop /me tries to avoid looking stupid Five There you have a pop band
  6. Right click in the recycle bin- global, and check is the dont move files to recyle bin is unchecked, if its checked, then the files delete automatically.
  7. Hahahaha. great video, that was fun.
  8. Av: 4/5 Sig: 5/5 Personality: First problems I had here with, but seems like a fun and cool guy after we setled things out.
  9. I am poor, and far from the 5000 card, but I think is a really good idea.
  10. Maybe be old, but fun, one of those hidden things in VC outside the gameplay.
  11. I like VCPR for some reason, and I love Vrock too, 80´s vibe at max.
  12. GTA was intended for the PS and sony consoles, but luckily for us the PC and XBOX users (I play just in PC), the games came out for both, I doubt it will come someday to a Nintendo Console (after the fraud of the GTA Advance), mostly because the problems between nintendo and Sony, I know GTA is made by Rocksar, part of Take 2, I think Sony would pay Take2 to take away GTA from the GC. And now that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo and soon to release new consoles, the chances of GTA in GC are well, 1/10000000000000.
  13. Mafia sentinel is my favorite car too, I like the style
  14. I dont have the 2000 dollars, I like those gamer where you can make some extra cash.
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