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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Thanks. I wasn't quite sure with the French ones either, I was getting confused with the moins bit and had to keep changing them as I went along. It seems that in any language time is a hard subject in it, especially in those that do not use subject pronouns (I, thou (archaic), he, she, it, we, you, ye (archaic), they)
  2. rappo, do you know how to tell the time in Russian? i.e. What time is it? It is 1 O'clock It is 1:05 It is 1:10 It is 1:15 It is 1:20 It is 1:25 It is 1:30 It is 4:35 It is 6:40 It is 10:45 It is 11:50 It is 2:55 ... in the morning (AM) ... in the evening (PM) ---- What time is it? - Quelle heure est-il ? It is 1 o'clock - il est une heure It is 1:05 - il est une heure cinq It is 1:10 - il est une heure dix It is 1:15 - il est une heure et quart (or il est une heure seize) It is 1:20 - il est une heure vingt It is 1:25 - il est une heure vingt-cinq It is 1:30 - il est une heure et demie (or il est une heure trente) It is 4:35 - il est cinq heures moins vingt cinq (or il est quatre heures trente cinq) It is 6:40 - il est sept heures moins vingt (or il est six heures quarante) It is 10:45 - il est onze heures moins le quart (or il est dix heures quarante cinq) It is 11:50 - il est douze heures moins dix (or il est onze heures cinquante) It is 2:55 - Il est trois heures moins cinq (or il est onze heures cinquante cing) ... in the morning (AM) - du matin ... in the afternoon - de l'après-midi ... in the evening (PM) - du soir
  3. Il n'est pas un langue ! C'est une carte de l'Asie mais c'est sur slave. A mon avis, français est cool, j'adore le français mais aussi j'adore portugais et allemand parce que elles sont des belles langues. Si tu sais français, tu peux aller à Paris, Québec, Cannes, Bruxelles et Genève. En écossais tu peux aller à Edimbourg, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Kirkwall, New York et le nordouest d'Amerique.
  4. They look cool... nice tribute but there are/were more graphic designers than those. Quickdeath (whom you probably do not know) for example. You missed me too despite having not made graphics in about 2 weeks.
  5. I sure hope there are not any pointless arguments over nothing in this topic. Anyway, I have a few pictures from last week, these were before I had my hair cut on Sunday. RND'09 with Red Nose on. Showing off my glasses to Mpilk on Saturday.
  6. I have done almost all my posts in French in this topic, now time for my second native language. A am Thomas. A am 14 years ald. A wis born oan the 11t o julie 1994. A speak the leids o Inglish and French but a wid like tae learn German and Portuguese. A live in the UK but mare specifically a live in Scotland in the north o the UK. Everyday speech for most people up here but I usually utter a few words of it. "A dinnae" - I do not "A cannae" - I cannot "A shouldnae" - I should not "Aye" - Yes "Naw" - No etc. The basic words of the language. I was looking at a wikipedia on the language which inspired me to post this. http://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland
  7. Oh right. American Automobile Association, I should've known.
  8. Not expecting that. That quiz was quite funny, wtf is the AAA.
  9. Sure, after a cupper and something to eat.

  10. I don't think I want to see that again... I have never seen as much disgusting foods in my life and I thought macaroni cheese was disgusting. Who would eat a sandwich with 9 eggs on the top of it? I know I don't like eggs but that is taking beyond the line.
  11. Yeah. XLR8 keeps noticing his double accounts. He has another one aparently. :/

  12. Chris, I don't need to figure out the language, it's Romanian. "I want to have sex with you." Very Useful. I knew it was Romanian because it had a mixture of both Romance and Slavic.
  13. I just find it a very beautiful language, most of English is made up of French words (computer, blue etc.) because of the Anglo-Norman invasion in the last millennium. I would have picked Spanish at school but something made me take French over it. Portugais est merde ! Hehe, figuratively speaking.
  14. Lol, Chavs. They don't seem to fit into communities anymore, they think they're all rebels or something.
  15. More French? The (masculine, singular form): le The (feminine, singular form): la The (both genders, before vowels, y and most words beginning with h): l' The (both genders, plural form): les A, An (masculine): un A, An (feminine): une Some (masculine and feminine): des of, from: de at, to, in: à Contractions à + le = au à + la = à la à + l' = à l' à + les = aux de + le = du de + la = de la de + l' = de l' de + les = des au cinéma - to/in/at the cinema du cinéma - of/from the cinema aux cinémas - to/in/at the cinemas des cinémas - of/from the cinemas OR some cinemas à la piscine - to/in/at the swimming pool de l'arbre - of/from the tree Je suis - I am, I am being J'ai - I have, I am having Je fais - I do, I am doing Je vais - I go, I am going Je vais aller - I'm going to go Je vais faire - I'm going to do Je vais être - I'm going to be Je vais avoir - I'm going to have Tu vas donner - You're going to give 1st Person Conjugtions of Donner meaning 'to give'. Je donne - I am giving, I give J'ai donné - I gave Je donnais - I was giving Je donnerai - I will give Je donnerais - I would give Que je donne - That I give J'avais donné - I had given J'aurai donné - I will have given J'aurais donné - I would have given Je donnais argent - I was giving money. Je donnerai tout mon argent à l'hôpital - I will give all my money to the hospital *Note about the circumflex (^), it is used to indicate a missing letter that used to be in the French vocabulary but was later removed for some odd reasons from the transition from Latin into Old French and then into Middle French. Here are some examples: août - August - This indicates that it was from Latin and the following letters were removed: u, g and s (Augustus in Latin, agosto in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) hôpital - hospital - This word has been changed since old French. The old French for this was "hospital" but to make the word sound more Frenchy, the s was removed and the circumflex was added to show this. côté - edge, coast, on the side of - This word has had an s removed from the Old French version of it, it used to be "coste" in old French.
  16. You do know that "Cobra" is a double account of "GTA DOCTOR". Same location, joined a few hours after his other account was banned (Kanja) yesterday and his posts are similar. Both are obsessed with Man Utd.

  17. Français est le meilleur ! C'est meilleur que le russe, le serbe, le chinois ainsi de suite. Donc, français est le meilleur. More languages in French/Plus langues en anglais (This also includes nationalities) Portuguese - portugais Portuguese man - le portugais Portuguese woman - la portugaise Spanish - espagnol Spanish man - l'espagnol Spanish woman - l'espagnole French - français French man - le français French woman - la française Irish - irlandais Irishman - l'irlandais Irishwoman - l'irlandaise Britishman - le britannique Britishwoman - la britannique -English - anglais -Englishman - l'anglais -Englishwoman - l'anglaise --Scottish - écossais --Scottishman - l'écossais --Scottishwoman - l'écossaise ---Welsh - gallois ---Welshman - le gallois ---Welshwoman - la galloise Belgian man - le belge Belgian woman - la belge Swiss man - le suisse Swiss woman - la suisse Italian - italien Italian man - l'italien Italian woman - l'italienne Dutch - néerlandais Dutchman - le néerlandais Dutchwoman - la néerlandaise German - allemand German man - l'allemand German woman - l'allemande Danish - danois Norwegian - norvégien Swedish - suédois Finnish - finnois Icelandic - islandais France - la France Belgium - la Belge Switzerland - la Suisse Portugal - le Portugal Spain - l'Espagne Britain - la Grande-Bretagne Ireland - l'Irlande Italy - l'Italie Germany - l'Allemagne United States - Les États-unis Canada - le Canada China - la Chine Japan - le Japon Mexico - le Mexique India - l'inde
  18. The usual weekday: I get up at 7:30 am to get ready for school. I don't usually have breakfast on a morning anymore. I leave the house for school at 8:25 am. School begins at 8:45 am and I have to be in form class before then or I'll be late. I attend my 1st period (starts at 9:00 on everyday apart from Wednesday; 9:15 on a Wednesday) and my 2nd period class (starts at 9:51 am; 10:00 on a Wednesday). At around 11 it is the interval, only lasts fifteen minutes but it feels quite long. Then it's the 3rd and 4th period classes. Then Lunch (lasts usually around 50 minutes if it hasn't been extended). During lunchtime, I often to go to the tuck shop and occasionally I go to the chip shop (it's a hell of a walk though) - I never go in the cafeteria, for obvious reasons. Then it's 5th and 6th period classes - yawn. At 3:15 pm, school finishes. After school, I often just kick my shoes off, do my homework and watch the T.V. Like today, I came home, raided the fridge and turned on the laptop.
  19. Why does a phrase seem so little in English and so long in Russian? lol É vergonha que ninguém saiba Português! (It's a shame that nobody knows Portuguese) É mesmo mau (It IS bad) Je voudrais savoir portugais ! (I would like to know Portuguese) C'est interessant et cool ! (It is interesting and cool)
  20. Youtube has once again disappointed us. Youtube began to block all premium quality music videos (Universal Music, Warner etc.) from the United Kingdom at 6 pm GMT (Well for those not in this partiular timezone, this was 30 minutes ago). This comes not as a surprise to me because YouTube are good at making cock-ups and failing to please the public. This makes me wonder, who's going to be next - I highly doubt it would be the US though. Back to the good old dizzler, it has never failed me yet. More on the BBC News Website: Click Here Who's next? Australia? France? Canada?
  21. Yeah, it's an article from 1997, there were no good computers really back then - at least compared to today.
  22. Français: Sujet Deux Regular Verb Conjugations As with many other languages similar to French - Italian, Portuguese, Spanish etc. - verbs conjugate. What conjugation means is that the verb chances depending on what the subject of the verb is (I, You, He, She, It, Bob, The car etc.). Ours do not change as much as the French verbs - I go, He goes. All verbs in French conjugate, regardless. There are two groups, regular and irregular. Regular verbs follow the following rules and irregular are the most common verbs that do not follow the rules of conjugation. There are another three groups and these correspond to the verb's ending. Usually if a word ends in -ER, -IR or -RE, it is a verb but there are some exceptions - autre, janvier. I am going to show you how you conjugate the present, the future and the perfect tenses. These are the most commonly used tenses in French. One you have a regular verb, you take it's stem, in this case we will use parler as the verb and parl- is it's stem. This is what you do to it. Regular Verb -ER Infinitive: parler to speak I speak : Je parle You speak : Tu parles He speaks : Il parle She speaks : Elle parle We speak : On parle We speak : Nous parlons You speak : Vous parlez They speak : Ils parlent They speak : Elles parlent I spoke : J'ai parlé You spoke : Tu as parlé He spoke : Il a parlé She spoke : Elle a parlé We spoke : On a parlé We spoke : Nous avons parlé You spoke : Vous avez parlé They spoke : Ils ont parlé They spoke : Elles ont parlé I will speak : Je parlerai You will speak : Tu parleras He will speak : Il parlera She will speak : Elle parlera We will speak : On parlera We will speak : Nous parlerons You will speak : Vous parlerez They will speak : Ils parleront They will speak : Elles parleront Informations on the tenses: Present Tense: The present tense is the action you are doing right now such as "I am walking, I go". In French there is no direct translation for "I am walking, I am speaking", so they just use the present tense. Perfect Tense: This is the main past tense, it indicates what you have done in the past (I went, I was, I gave). As opposed to Imperfect Tense. Imperfect Tense: This is the tense that shows that you weren't able to complete something in the past. This tense also shows that you 'used to' do something. "I was walking, I was selling, I used to give". Future Tense: I will go, You will be etc. Conditional Tense: I would have, He would do. Present Subjunctive Tense: Sorry but even I don't know about this type of tense. I know that "If I were you" and "I doubt that William will come" are in it. Les Couleurs Blue: bleu; bleue Green: vert; verte Red: rouge Yellow: jaune Orange: orange Purple: violet; violette Pink: rose Black: noir; noire White: blanc; blanche Grey: gris (The words that come after the first colour in French, are the feminine forms of the word. )
  23. I'd love to learn Macedonian too. Sounds interesting. All these internet sites are quite complicated when it comes to that sort of thing. Anyway... L'alphabet en français A - ah B - bay C - say D - day E - uh F - eff G - zhay H - ash I - ee J - shee K - kah L - ell M - emm N - enn O - oh P - pay Q - koo R - air S - ess T - tay U - oo V - vay W - dooblah vay X - eeks Y - eegrek Z - zed (as in the English 'Z', zed) Subject Pronouns These are the pronouns you see come before verbs such as "to do" would be "I do", "I am doing", "I was doing", "I done" etc. I - Je (J' before words that begin in a vowel and some words beginning with h) You (thou, informal, singular): tu He/It*: il She/It*: elle It: ça (C' before words that begin in a vowel and some words beginning with h) We/One: on We: nous You (formal, plural): vous They (masculine): ils They (feminine): elles *il and elle when used to mean 'it' will have to agree with the noun it is followed by after the verb. - Il est un cheval - It is a horse. - Il est le cheval - It is the horse. - Elle est une vache - It is a cow. - Elle est la vache - It is the cow.
  24. Sure, what I was meaning was, a language topic specific for those wanting to learn one. Such as "Language Tutorials" or "Language Learning". That way we don't disrupt discussions in here.
  25. No problem, I'm just here to help. Should I continue posting phrases, make a new topic in this forum or should I not continue at all?
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