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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. It is though, I just wanted to point it out. Here's some more phrases en français Ton âge? How old are you? (informal): Quel âge as-tu ? How old are you? (informal): Tu as quel âge ? How old are you? (formal): Quel âge avez-vous ? I am ... years old: J'ai ... ans. (This is literally "I have ... years.") *notice there are two ways of saying 'you' in French. Our version of the informal 'you' is archaic, as we all know, it was 'thou'. (Thou lovest it, Thou art not being etc.) Les numéros: One: un, une Two: deux Three: trois Four: quatre Five: cinq Six: six Seven: sept Eight: huit Nine: neuf Ten: dix Eleven: onze Twelve: douze Thirteen: treize Fourteen: quatorze Fifteen: quinze Sixteen: seize Seventeen: dix-sept Eighteen: dix-huit Nineteen: dix-neuf Twenty: vingt Twenty One: vingt et un Twenty two: vingt-deux Twenty three: vingt-trois and so on Thirty: trente Thirty one: trente et un Forty: quarante Fifty: cinquante Sixty: soixante Seventy: soixante-dix (or septante in Belgium and Switzerland) Eighty: quatre-vingt (octante in Belgium and huitante in Switzerland) Ninety: quatre-vingt dix (nontante in Belgium and Switzerland) One-Hundred: cent One-Hundred and One: cent un Les mois de l'année et les jours de la semaine. January: janvier February: février March: mars April: avril May: mai June: juin July: juillet August: août September: septembre October: octobre November: novembre December: décembre Monday: lundi Tuesday: mardi Wednesday: mercredi Thursday: jeudi Friday: vendredi Saturday: samedi Sunday: dimanche *Days and months in French do not begin with a capital letter. I can continue if you wish to learn French... I'd happily do it, I enjoy teaching people it.
  2. Since rappo is doing some basic Russian, here is some basic French. Hello! Good Day! (Formal): Bonjour ! Hi! Bye! (Informal): Salut ! Good Evening!: Bonsoir ! Good Night!: Bonne nuit ! Goodbye!: Au revoir ! See you soon!: A bientôt ! See you later!: A plus tard ! See you tomorrow!: A demain ! How are you? (Formal): Comment allez-vous ? How are you? (Informal): Ça va ? How are you? (informal): Comment vas-tu ? I'm fine: Je vais bien I'm fine (informal): Ça va. Good: Très bien Bad: Mal Not bad: Pas mal I speak French: Je parle français. I don't speak French: Je ne parle pas français. Do you speak English?: Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? (informal): Tu parles anglais ? French: français English: anglais German: allemand Spanish: espagnol Italian: italien Russian: russe Portuguese: portugais (For S-V, it is pronounced: port-oo-gay) I am: Je suis You are (informal): Tu es He/It is: Il est She/It is: Elle est We are (informal, more common than 'nous'): On est We are (formal): Nous sommes You are (pl, formal): Vous êtes They are (m): Ils sont They are (f) Elles sont
  3. You know that having all these suspensions on your record isn't going to go well for your chances to get into further education - colleges, universities etc. I'm going to college on Monday for an interview, they see your records when you apply, they ask your school for the records. It has been said that I have more of a chance of getting into college than most of those who are applying because they don't attend classes and they fight at school. I don't do this because it helps towards my chances of getting into higher education along with all the top grades I'm getting. Maybe you should start behaving again.
  4. Pour petit-dejeuner, j'ai mangé un boudin noir. C'ètait superb !
  5. Husky, if you were just posting to disagree with everyone in this topic, then why post it? You asked for opinions, you can't say you weren't expecting people to say this stuff. It's your fault you were caught doing it, nobody else's, that's why I hardly ever goof off at school especially before my exams or tests. That's a fact why I have NEVER been suspended at school before. Though it seems as if you go to a rather shit school. The students only get punished for more severe stuff other than "Farting in class" or "Hitting someone in the back of the head". In P.E. we can hit someone in the balls, rugby tackle them and smack someone in the head with a ball and still not get punished. Here, you wouldn't get punished for swearing unless it's 'fuck' or 'c*nt'. In my school there are only five rules (or Golden Rules as they're called). Again, it's your fault why you aren't able to sit the test and your fault why you were caught misbehaving.
  6. Menino mal educado.... Ou não. Is that "Or not". I know the "não" is not, no because you told me. I'm guessing the "ou" is or because in French it is the same word.
  7. The English translation is: I am not German but I am English Another way of saying it is like this: Ich bin nicht Deutsch sondern Britische. Ich lerne Deutsch seit sechs Jahren und hoffentlich im sommer werde ich nach Bamberg auf einem Betriebsprakitkum fahren. J'apprends français parce que c'est beau. J'apprendrais beaucoup de langues, c'est intéressant.
  8. I disagree with this idea. I have been accustomed to the current way that forums work. I don't think that this should be implemented as it would screw everything up. What Husky was saying about allowing members to delete their own post if it was some sort of accidental double post, how is that even possible? Everything has logistics about it and this just seems a hard thing to do because you're limiting the criteria for the deletion of posts. On IPB you can't just say allow members to delete their own posts if it was an accidental post, it has to be coded which sounds rather hard for what you're suggesting.
  9. Ich bin nicht Deutsch aber ich bin Britische. The very little German that I know. Translation into French: Je ne suis pas allemand mais je suis britannique. Translation into Spanish: No soy aleman sino soy britanico. *Notice there is no translation into English*
  10. Here, we're not often subject to earthquakes but if I remember correctly, there was an earthquake in Kent (near London) recently. Every place has had and will have an earthquake, it's one of those things we can't control and unlike hurricanes, we can't predict when the next earthquake will be and where.
  11. No, your mum shouldn't sue. Why? Well simply because YOU'RE the one who got in trouble so YOU'RE the person who should be punished. Maybe you should have thought about that before you went and did whatever you did. That's just what I think.
  12. When she goes on holiday, She see's me. When she goes to work, She See's me. I am the boy she killed two months ago, while travveling at 35 in a 30 zone. That describes that "Think" advert very well despite it being quite creepy. I hate how she must be feeling right now about the incident and what terrors she must be going through.
  13. (Why is most people who were born in 1994 older than me :/, only older than Vasco I think) Happy 15th Birthday Dude!
  14. A warning and community service if that country does community service. Maximum jail sentence of 2 years.
  15. In the alphabet, I think it is unpronounced. It's a soft sign and it depends entirely where in the word it comes, so the pronounciation will vary. That's what I was told anyway
  16. O.o Trop de slave ! ne pas beaucoup de Russes ici. A mon avis, il y aurais etre plus Russes si on avait un plus grand popularité avec l'Asie. Again, sorry there are no accents. ^ above the E in etre. \ (grave) above the A in A mon avis.
  17. It is probably fake simply because the boxart they posted on the website was compiled using artwork from GTA San Andreas. The "Stories" games always had their own boxart. Besides, if it were to come out, we'd know it before HMV would.
  18. Recently, I've found that I am a little bit iffy at design using the likes of Macromedia and Photoshop. I don't know why but I don't want to stay this way. I think it's because, like you I am unsure about what I really want. Last year when I created graphics I had high ambitions for it but now it seems as though it's fading. Ofcourse the computer games modelling and designing hasn't faded yet but it probably will, you never know, I might want to be a scientist (not likely because I really do suck at science and I don't respect scientists) but that'll never happen. We're all lacking in time right now which is strange, it shows that we're all really just growing up, me and you both have something that is standing in the way of our social lives such as for you it is college but for me it is exams. It is and I think it is second to French in the subjects I am best in at school (French only beats it because I had a higher grade in it). Most people have to be dedicated to enjoying such work and I probably would be but I hate thinking about sitting in an overcrowded, steamy sauna of an office all day - to me it's a nightmare, I can't last 53 minutes in the same classroom at school but that might change in a work environment. That is exactly what I told my aunt on Saturday, she completely agreed with me. She went to university to become something that she never really did become instead she decided to take on something new, Geology and Geography now she's an expert. Like I may take something new and challenging in the coming weeks when I finalise my course sheet choices for Higher (English A-Levels or something) but it will take thought as now I am no longer allowed to take most of the subjects I had the ability to take two years ago because I've moved on. I have considered taking something new, Physics, aparently you need it if you want to model and build various things like cars, buildings and to put it simply, a vase too. Business Management too, it sounds great if you want to run your own business. It really depends by the time we have the ability to go to University if we can afford it. I would recommend that you learn more than one thing because it will open up your job oppurtunities which is one of the reasons why I took French and History a few years ago. But yeah ICT and Graphics should be your main focus right now before you start making decisions about Uni and/or College. I will do that I guess, hopefully she is in school this week because it is rather urgent now. My school stupidly put Computing and Graphics in the same column, and guess what, you can't pick two subjects in the same column. So right now I can tell you that I am not very happy at the school for their failure to allow me to have a career but that depends entirely if the school actually do anything about it.
  19. I had a talk with my parents and my aunt about my future and what I might want to do, this is the time I should be making decisions about it anyway. They agreed that my main priority now was to get an interview with a careers advisor at school so I can get more information on the jobs I may be seeking and what I need to obtain the skills for it. Future Job Possibility Number 1: Designer. All of my life I have wanted to be something in the Computer Media and Design industry, I remember when I was young that I wanted to become an architect because I loved drawing houses - I have different thoughts about architecture now. Since about 2005 when I started really enjoying playing computer games, I thought that being a computer games designer would be a good option and right now, if I look at my grades, it seems like a very possible job. I enjoy doing sectional drawings, orthographic drawing, CAD and CAG. It just seems fun. Future Job Possibility Number 2: The UK Police Force. In all my life I have thought of a desk job as being boring and unfit for the lazy people, I like being active and this might be the way that I could actually enjoy. I know there would be a lot of training involved in it but it would eventually pay off as it could bring experiences that you will never find in another job. On top of that there are no qualifications for it apart from basic English (Sentence Structure, paragraphing and grammar) and basic mathematics (Adding, subtracting, division, multiplication and counting - also tables, statistics (Mode, median and range) etc.). Not only that, the law enforcement job has been running in the family for years and now my parents think it is a good idea to go for this. So I shall be speaking to my careers advisor about both of the jobs on perhaps Thursday, I am passionate about both of them and if I do end up to be a police officer, I would not of wasted my time at school because I could have opened up other careers and used the skills I developed at high school to be used in the law enforcement career. Opinions?
  20. That's just stirring it up It's a nice carpet but because it's spotless, I don't like it. I prefer a mess but that'll probably end up changing as I converge into adulthood - sixteen to eighteen. I'm going to take several new photos and I'm going to post some pictures of my holiday to Florida last year - maybe this weekend if I can be bothered finding them and going through them. In the coming month, expect some photos from my visit to the Island of Mull on the east coast of Scotland, ofcourse the FFM get the good stuff
  21. I would like (lit. I would want) to know Macedonian or Serbian. It is very cool and superb (lit. great). It is a slavic language, isn't it?
  22. well that maybe so i don't even play gta3 often so it was problly gtaLcs that i waz thinking of since its just a revised version of gta3,either way thats how killed don b4. i shootz teh donz tirez outtz b4 bu it doesnt workz... LOLOLOL. What on earth does LCS have to do with this topic, you have repeated the same thing in all four of your posts. You were wrong by saying that you can shoot tyres but you could have just admited that you made a mistake about the game instead of making a scene about it. Not only that, you're continuing to post in a topic that should've been dead. Grow up, learn English and then maybe you'll be more respected. yeah i know i was can you not clearly see the post above your sorry ass and see that i was admitting that i was wrong,god every one on this fucking forum what is there problem and so what i can't spell i have seen you post a couple times and you didn't spell right oh, and iam sorry for posting in a topic that someone posted in yesterday witch makes it clearly not that dead and i would post in newer topics but all everyone wants to talk about these days is fucking gta4. Usually members of this forum have the common sense NOT to reply to posts that have bumped a topic unless it is to tell them that they have bumped a four month old topic and please, calm down, you're only digging a bigger hole for yourself. Not only that, I can see three posts that say "yeah you can pop tires in GTA III" by you. You only need to say it once and you don't need to repeat yourself.
  23. It's: [table][tr][td]text/img[/td][/tr][/table] Not: [table][tr][td]text/img[/table][/tr][/td]
  24. I believe I blew up the car with a weapon I found, I haven't done a GTA3 mission in a long time so I can't really remember. well that maybe so i don't even play gta3 often so it was problly gtaLcs that i waz thinking of since its just a revised version of gta3,either way thats how killed don b4. i shootz teh donz tirez outtz b4 bu it doesnt workz... LOLOLOL. What on earth does LCS have to do with this topic, you have repeated the same thing in all four of your posts. You were wrong by saying that you can shoot tyres but you could have just admited that you made a mistake about the game instead of making a scene about it. Not only that, you're continuing to post in a topic that should've been dead. Grow up, learn English and then maybe you'll be more respected.
  25. Yeah, the post is over five months old, that might be the reason why it is dead. Read topic dates, please.
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