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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I agree, the storyline was indeed boring and could have been better but it was intended to be released only for PSP until it did well. I do enjoy the fact that some or most of the graphics in VCS were improved quite a lot, that includes car textures, explosions and the lighting (sun, street lamps etc.). The differences to the city was also cool too such as the little wooden bridge that linked Little Havana up with Fort Baxter. Overall it was a great game but it was boring.
  2. I really do get pissed off at the youtube comments too. Some random guy comes along and just starts some sort of flame war because he doesn't like the video. If he doesn't like that sort of genre then why look at the video anyway? Also, I get pissed off very easily at posts that do not contain capital letters of any sort, posts that contain every letter with capital letters (as if the person has his finger glued to the Caps Lock button) and people who simply cannot spell correctly, we all do it but if it's consistent in every post that person makes then it simply annoys me. Simply people who think they can take the rules into their own hands as if they are someone or something special. People who think they are everything like some arsehole who can't stop thinking about himself or herself. I get pissed of why stereotypes quite often, not all brits drink tea and have bad teeth/breathe etc. I hate tea. I also get pissed off with American tv channels. The jokes are boring in them, I guess that's why I don't often watch them. There are more jokes in Eastenders that I do actually get than there is in American TV channels. I agree with Urbanoutlaw about his rant against those random people who shoot you as you enter the game and what not. Same with teamplay even though on GTA IV you can disable friendly fire. It really bugs me when people on GTA IV decide to randomly shoot the road while you're trying to drive to the destination of your enemies, honestly what is the point? Wasting bullets on what could save you from being killed in a game and may help you get a few hundred dollars.
  3. I take it you came back because Noru said the gang system was being revamped or something? -- Well, I do have the Scottish equivalent of GCSEs coming up and I'll be choosing my senior subjects in a few weeks, so I've got even harder exams next year. But yeah, life's been good as of late etc.

  4. Happy Birthday mate! The first 15th birthday I've seen so far this year, mine has yet to come Anyway, have a great day.
  5. I don't think TakeTwo or Rockstar were effected by the whole economic thing...at least not yet. Rockstar usually starts on the new GTA right after they finish one, but I think I remember Rockstar saying that they took a break after GTAIV, but I think they've started on a new one by now. I think they started GTAIV right after SA was released because they announced it, I think, before LCS was released...or possibly before VCS was released. You may be right. The quotes do say that a new GTA game sequel won't be released this year however, it does not mention that they haven't started developing a new game. Tokyo seems to be an odd choice of setting for a rockstar game, but it's a good idea changing the country, culture and possibly the currency in which we use. Should be interesting. But what would R* do when it comes to language, they might use English or Japanese with English subtitles. I do want to see a non-american main character again, I don't like American main characters, I'd go for European again or a Japanese main character. If they do Tokyo, will it actually be called Tokyo or will they make something up as they did with Liberty City, Los Santos etc.
  6. No, there is only one girlfriend that requires you to do some of her to get to 100% and it isn't Denise. So, no it won't damage your 100%.
  7. I don't get the error. Maybe you have to keep trying, this usually happens to me and after a while it lets me on but it hasn't happened to me in a long time so I don't know if the error you are getting is the same thing that I was getting. I usually changed my status to away or busy to log in and it occasionally worked so try that. If all else fails either get support off of microsoft or reinstall MSN.
  8. I'm on O2, I find them great and you can go almost anywhere in the UK and Ireland without losing reception except my bathroom, which is odd. O2 charge 10 pence per text and 20p per minute, not that expensive for a good provider. I had Tesco before (lol) they did half the coverage so I couldn't even dial 999/112 in Glencoe if I wanted to.
  9. I didn't mind her first song, it was quite catchy. But the second one was crap because I had it as my alarm clock tune and it annoyed me waking up to that. I'd lol if she ended up in neighbours too.

  10. I don't see the point of people going to Hollywood to get famous. She is hot but I doubt she'd make it that far through Hollywood.

  11. I thought so, the girl in the avatar looked similar to the girl in the sig. Where'd she go? I haven't heard any of her songs in ages nor have I seen her on the TV.

  12. Hey, I just noticed your "back"... How's life been?

  13. Who's that girl in your avatar?

  14. I don't even know why I mentioned le table, I doubt a lot of people would use "the table" in romantic chat ups and conversations. I have to agree with you about Spanish though, I don't really like it. They have two ways of saying "and". After what I learned about Germany and it's past I doubt I want to know about it but if I'm going there for some sort of holiday then I will learn a few phrases. French is my favourite though, I love it, sounds awesome when you listen to music and people on French radio & TV (Yes, I have gone that far, BFM TV to be more specific, news channel, hey at leasts it's more entertaining than the BBC) The same word for love in German - liebe - means sex. Disgusting. "Ich liebe dich" says the dictionary. The verbs when you first learn them are hard, I hardly knew what "Je voudrais" meant last year and that is the most simplest and easiest of expressions to remember. Now that I know verb types in one language, I will find it easier to learn them in others such as Italian, Spanish etc. Yeah, they have two meanings for "you" and "we". Nous and On for we. Vous and tu for you. Conjugation is quite easy as long as you know what verbs are regular and irregular. I usually think about the word order in verbs, if it ends in -er most of the time it will be regular. There are two ways to conjugate -ir verbs, an example is "finir" for the most common example. The least common and more irregular verbs are in the -re set of verbs. This would be all you would need to know about verbs if you were going to France, Quebec or La Francophonie for a short period, it is a basic conjugation of the verb arriver which is regular, just change the arriv- to any other -er verb that is regular. Present Tense: arriver - to arrive J'arrive - I arrive; I am arriving Tu arrives - you arrive; you are arriving Il arrive - He/It arrives; He/It is arriving Elle arrive - She/It arrives; She/It is arriving On arrive - We arrive; We are arriving On arrive - One arrives; One is arriving Nous arrivons - We arrive; We are arriving Vous arrivez - You arrive; You are arriving Ils arrivent - They arrive; They are arriving Elles arrivent - They arrive; They are arriving Just change the arriv- part to ador- to get "to love" and to aim- to get "to like" etc. -- Maybe we should get back on to relationships now, French went way offtopic.
  15. Does the above quote explain? You obviously broke the rules by uploading the file.
  16. My guess is that they remove the sound files of audio that the user has not given credit to the respective owner. Such as I listen to a song almost everyday that has the song credited to Polydor and yet it still works. If you simply do that then maybe they won't mute the audio. Just to confirm, here's a song that has not been muted but have credited the original owner: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ajZfbvQFfuo&...re=channel_page I highly doubt that Youtube will fare well from this but they have to do it, like a few have said, Youtube is not above the law, they have to obey like us when we're doing regular activities. We all have been involved in some illegal activity to do with music, more than once. Youtube obviously wants to cut down on the illegal activity performed by some certain members on there. If you want to watch music videos or listen to music then why not use dizzler or something. That's what I use at school because Youtube and this site is blocked by the school server.
  17. If you really want help then don't double post especially with one word. Be patient and help will come, you just can't expect to have someone help you when you want.
  18. But sites like 4chan do not help any of that, really. Yeah. I don't want to go on it nor have I been on it. By the sounds of things it's trash, so yeah. What is it anyway?
  19. I had access to the internet when I was six but I was only allowed on it for the likes of school. I only really started using the internet when I was ten, that was when I got my first e-mail address, my current MSN address is the one I've had since 2005. I used to have yahoo but I didn't use it for IMing. I think people who use the internet earlier are at an advantage, it improves their English, their knowledge of the internet etc.
  20. "The sea, that we are going to dance on the long clear gulf/bay, have reflections of silver/money. The sea, the reflections change under the rain." Using words that are false cognates also help confuse someone. i.e. 'attendre' which many would think means 'to attend' but it means 'to wait' and 'travailler' which means 'to work'. I would also try and go for longer verbs that some people may not know such as connaitre. Use words that are more French, no words like le table, descendre and l'auto.
  21. The forum must think you have been away from the forums, if that makes sense. It clears list thinking you've just came back from something. It does that to me but it doesn't matter. To make it simpler: The forum thinks you've been away from the computer for sometime, it then gets rid of the posts that were on the "View New Posts" before the forum thinks you've been away. If the forum thinks you've been away from the computer then there may be something wrong. This only happens after I come back on The GTA Place after half an hour or so.
  22. Yeah, I hate it when people don't know what you mean when speakig a foreign language. I speak to my mum in French but she deson't know what I mean and yet she knows quite a bit of French, maybe I'm recharging the rusty française part of her brain. GF: Je t'adore! Me: Ah, oui. C'est gentil. je t'adore aussi. ça va ? GF: What? Me: Ah, yes. That is nice. I also love you. How are you? et cetera.
  23. Yeah, I knew most of that. I use vous more often because like saying the -ez on the end of the verb. Vous mangez, Vous cherchez, Vous vendez, Vous finissez etc. I'd use tu when I'm talking to my teacher though, she doesn't mind because it's the way to learn. I would imagine that a topic should be made about it instead of talking about it in here. Needing people to learn it etc. Anyway, use more French when talking to a girlfriend, she'll end up liking it as did my ex-girlfriend.
  24. Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway. Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are It's ok, I've found things that can be worse than a screaming girl in my ear. Here's a tip though for some people, if you happen to being going out with someone who is very romantic, use words like "Je t'adore". It worked with me, mainly because the GF I had is crap at French not being able to figure out it means "I love you". Use "Je t'aime" too it can also mean "i love you" or "I like you". Girls seemingly love hearing the likes of Italian too, so try that. Side note: "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" are both French not Italian. Also, I would advise not going around saying "J'ai parlé français" (I spoke French) because that is ultimately embarrassing for saying two sentences. I might make a topic about French, dunno, it's a lovely language. Sorry but you got your French wrong, all you were saying was "I love" and "I like". You need to add "tu" on, don't use "vous" as thats for someone impersonal or in a higher position then you. Whereas "tu" is for someone personal to you, but it also means someone below you in status I mean. So I guess its up to you if you want to be personal yet be below in status. I love French! You could use Je vous adore and Je vous aime but it wouldn't make that much sense. I suppose that I haven't been told about the vous you mention even though something like "vous vous appellez" is confusing - meaning "you call yourself".
  25. Is it just me or does this person sound like he is 8-9 years old??? Yeah, in a way he does. You were close with his age though, his profile tells me that he is 10 years old.
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