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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. A flu or a cold? I have a cold though, runny nose, cold nose etc. Why does it all have something to do with the nose, it feels like the worst place to have snot. :S

  2. That sucks. Migranes get really annoying and sometimes painful because they mess with yor eyes etc. Hope you get well though. :)

  3. I would really say just.. indie, or normal. No offence dude, but if you're scene, I'm straight up gangster I wouldn't really know what I am, I haven't heard of some of them in the vote above. i.e. scene I assumed was someone who dressed well and likes going out etc. the post doesn't really explain what they are. So yeah, Normal then. You see, if I had of known what scene was I wouldn't have posted about it.
  4. Yeah, you really think I'd brag over "thanks" and what not :P It'd need to be something much serious... lol... Why you feel like shit? Bug going around. I'm fine, tired but that's typical for 10:30 pm :P

  5. Damn, that sucks. I saw you playing in alderney doing the exotic cars in your own game not multiplayer

  6. S-V, get on XBL, I want a game to see how well you do :P

  7. I really don't get this. Maybe my lack of humour or maybe it's just not funny. I see I'm not the only one though.
  8. I thought it would confuse you. it was meant to do that :P How are you?

  9. GTA IV, I bought seperately but with the bundle I got Kung Fu panda and Lost the Game.

  10. Scene, I like high fashion on days that I don't have school and after school. I don't like skinny jeans though, I prefer normal jeans , I don't like baggy either. I would wear skinny more often than baggy though. Store I shop at quite a few times is Primark, Topman etc. Does that roughly explain? If it's not scene then it's normal.
  11. Hey, I'm good. Happy about the Xbox 360 though :P

  12. May I add you to XBL, mate?

  13. I have most of my exam results back, here they are: Grade 7: Fail Grade 6: Lower - Foundation Grade Grade 5: Higher - Foundation Grade Grade 4: Lower - General Grade Grade 3: Higher - General Grade Grade 2: Lower - Credit Grade Grade 1: Highest Grade - Credit Grade Mathematics General: Grade 4 (Knowledge) and Grade 3 (Problem Solving) Credit: Grade 2 (Knowledge) and Grade 7 (Problem Solving) Highest Grades: Grade 2 (Knowledge) and Grade 3 (Problem Solving) Overall Grade : Grade 2 French Reading Grade: Grade 1 Listening Grade: Grade 3 Speaking Grade: Grade 2 Writing Grade: Grade 2 Overall Grade: Grade 2 Biology Knowledge and Understanding: Grade 5 Problem Solving: Grade 4 English Writing Grade: Grade 2 Reading Grade: Grade 4 Music Listening Grade: Grade 4 Performing Grade: Grade 2 Graphic Communication General Grade Design Abilities: Grade 3 General Grade Knowledge and Interpretation: Grade 4 Credit Grade Design Abilities: Grade 2 Credit Grade Knowledge and Interpretation: Grade 2 Highest Grade: Grade 2 and Grade 2 Overall Grade: Grade 2 Computing Highest Grades: Grade 2 (Knowledge) and Grade 3 (Problem Solving) History Not got results yet.
  14. Thanks, not got alot of friends yet. Just needed some friends to start off with.

  15. Yeah but everyone has an excuse and my excuse is my exams. :P

  16. I know, it's a good thing you've still got it because not a lot of people still wear my sigs. I don't make that much graphics anymore.

  17. Hey Gerard. May I add you as a friend on XBL? I just got it today. How are you?

  18. Hey, how are you? I was also wondering - since, I got XBL today - if I could add you there?

  19. Hey, nm. The site is down for now because my server is getting a massive virus scan and defrag. It only really happens 3 times a year.

  20. Hehe, i didn't think you still used the sig I made you last year.

  21. Hey, haven't talked to you in a while. How are you?

  22. I'm good, just managed to get XBL up too so I'm pretty happy.

  23. I got XBL, I added you.

  24. thomasyoung12 Add me if you want. I only have it for a month right now but I'll want to have it for longer.
  25. Now my ex-girlfriend is being a twat. She was moaning and whining all over the Christmas holidays, me and my little sister had enouugh of it so I decided to write a very mean letter to her two weeks ago. Aparently she started crying said her friends but I couldn't careless, she is a whore. One of her friends told my best mate that she started crying yesterday lunch about it, mine and his guess was that it was for attention, as that is what she usually does along with most of her friends. Why do some people do that, maybe they were lonely in early childhood but I doubt that with my ex girlfriend because she's so spoilt.
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