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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. You just did what you said azn did in your above post. You seriously need to get a grip. Nobody cares if you've watched the film or not, nobody cares that you made a very "hilarious" comic strip that wasn't that funny anyway. I find it rather interesting that you've managed to reply to every post in this topic that either insults you or your comic strip, if you don't like what is being said then just ignore it, that way the topic can't continue. If you post stupid things like a list saying "Did you think I was a little girl?" or "Do you even care about this topic?" etc. then people are going to take the piss. Finally, yes, Little Chestnut's ones are quite funny.
  2. Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway. Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are It's ok, I've found things that can be worse than a screaming girl in my ear. Here's a tip though for some people, if you happen to being going out with someone who is very romantic, use words like "Je t'adore". It worked with me, mainly because the GF I had is crap at French not being able to figure out it means "I love you". Use "Je t'aime" too it can also mean "i love you" or "I like you". Girls seemingly love hearing the likes of Italian too, so try that. Side note: "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" are both French not Italian. Also, I would advise not going around saying "J'ai parlé français" (I spoke French) because that is ultimately embarrassing for saying two sentences. I might make a topic about French, dunno, it's a lovely language.
  3. I wasn't able to get to your message because I was having my dinner. I will be up until 00:00 on Friday maybe. But I may be able to get on in the night if I sneak downstairs. Were you talking about friday ro today btw? I couldn't tell.

  4. 10000 profile views too O.o

  5. Lovely amount. next stop 13337 or something. or 7777 :P

  6. Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.
  7. The voting will start when Sherman is able to finish counting up the nominations and posting the topics, I believe. Also, this could be a couple of days, be patient, this is one of the hardest years afterall since most of us are at College/Uni and work.
  8. We haven't any real snow lay for a long time. The last time I recall was three years ago. We're expected to get the weather you just had so we're expected to get snow later this week.

  9. I had my History results back today. Pretty good but my teacher said that the teacher who marked it miscounted so instead of a 2 and a 4 I could have a Grade 2 and a Grade 2, both Credit grades. As for today, I woke up pretty ill but I was ill last night too. I still had to go to school though. I spat out blood this morning etc. To add to that I have a cold, headaches etc. Similar to what some other members are going through right now. Anyway, it's been raining today, for the first time in 2 months may I add. It's not been too cold either, compared to England and Wales, it's been quite warm. I found out that I might be going to Florida again next year, that got me all excited, my fourth trip the sunshine State and the eighth trip to the Empire State - New York. I have asked my parents if we can get about 14 hours to go into New York, I have never been in New York before, only just escaping Newark Liberty International Airport would be quite lucky. It'll probably be Continental Airlines again, the same airline where me and TNF probably bumped into but didn't realise until we were both home in Scotland. School has been ok, founf out that I am only sitting one Foundation paper in May, Biology but that doesn't really matter too much, I've never been any use at Science.
  10. How good is it? You've had more snow than me so far. It's torrential rain here.

  11. Yeah, you just can't get rid of her, she hangs around like a bad smell and wants you for protection. I know that this is negative but that's what I came up with right now.
  12. I have this all the time though. Living in Scotland has its downsides. Aparently the East coast of America is being hammered by snow. Can you confirm?

  13. Damn, I have the "Cold" and getting enourmous headaches now. Did you give me that thing you had via the Internet? haha

  14. I know you probably know this but I see there have been numerous double posts and a triple post in the topic. Use the edit button instead. Anyway, I do like the sigs but it's the Grunge really. I myself don't really use Grunge anymore but yeah it went out of "fashion" almost a year ago, that's why last year loads of people had the effect and now I only see one or two people using it. The effect is good but I would advise not using grunge until it comes back. As for some of your other sigs, I'd say they are quite good, could do with some small improvements though, such as your text being hardly clear in some of your sigs. Another one is the use of bevel, I was criticized for using it when I made graphics - and I realise why now - so I would suggest leaving the text with maybe just a border and not quite as bright if you're using white, use grey instead.
  15. I have a black bass, here is a picture of one that is very similar to it:
  16. Half of the people in my contacts are indeed blocked. I hate random people IMing me too but I just lol at their attempts to try and contact me. example "hoo r u?????" *blocked* They added me so I'm like "wtf" and "lol" at them. if they added me they should know who I am.

  17. Nah, I was just wondering because I haven't seen you on in a long time.

  18. Crap, I didn't go out once in the Christmas Holidays because 1. It's far too cold (Negative Degrees Centigrade) 2. My ex gf ruined it etc.
  19. I doubt you'll be happier, if you can find the right person then your fine. Just think it out before you make a commitment. (remember that Thomas, you heard it from me ) Well, yeah. I'm not likely to find someone whom I really like enough to marry quite as easily as some people would. But yeah ofcourse, I'll take your advice when older, I take most peoples advice anyway because I need it more than some people
  20. I think here flu is considered more dangerous in terms of meaning whereas over where you are it means something in between a cold and the British Flu... Anyway, I never see you on msn anymore, I've started to come on more often and even left it on during school and overnight last night. Not done that in a long time.

  21. Congratulations to Artur for getting winning the MS Points. Edit: Not getting, I mean winning. Grammar error
  22. Yeah, I think most people marry for money nowadays and divorce just to get half of the money. If I were to have a wife that done that then I wouldn't be in the slightest bit pleased. I'd probably be better off being unmarried when older, then I might be happier. I don't know what marriages will turn into in the future, probably worst than right now.
  23. Yeah it proably a different meaning here

  24. Here's some advice then, if you think it's flu then go to the doctor, flu can kill. another thing is get some rest and I sure hope you get well soon.

  25. Hopefully for most of those in high school, we'll have a happy life with someone special that we've been waiting all our lives for. There are lots of things I would want to do after high school end, besides wanting to meet some of you guys... Everyone dreams of the perfect life but no matter what, nobody may ever achieve it. At the christmas dance, a girl asked me to dance with her, I was so happy because it was the girl I quite liked.
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