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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. My favourite cars are the following: Four Door: Feroci Two Door: Sentinel Sports Car: Infernus; Comet
  2. In my latest game of GTA IV, I done the following: Spared Ivan - he didn't do nothing wrong, he seemed innocent. Killed Clarence - Clarence was an asshole. Spared Cherise - She wasn't the one who you had to go after Killed Playboy X - Nice apartment mate Killed Derrick - He was old and likely to die before Francis, ofcourse if the game were to be real life. Spared Darko - I'd rather let someone suffer than kill them just to make them thank you afterwards. Revenge - It's a shame about Kate because she was a fantastic character but you had a bit more help with Roman in the revenge and you still got to go places with him.
  3. Apology accepted. You weren't annoying it was some of the topics you made about Macedonia that were annoying. I know you're somewhat of a patriot but most of us are anyway. Like, I live in the UK, I'm a patriot but don't often like to show it. At least you've stopped with the random topic making.
  4. I was only retaliating to what Nate had said. If it weren't the morning when I had replied then I wouldn't have been bothered by what he said. But I was only saying what pisses me off, each of us have opinions and if someone doesn't like it then they can go piss off. Just get back on topic instead of winging at my opinion.
  5. I couldn't careless if you laugh at me, I have a hard life as it is with people laughing at me everyday at school. I'm pretty much used to it now. Edit: That's only half the truth, I don't get laughed at all the time, just as jokes, I usually laugh at other people
  6. "You (guys) think that you know all the french, but I am (not) better." was that what you were trying to say? It's quite good, the only problem I'd say you had in that is the "le francais" and the "le mieux". être is the most common verb in French, it is also the hardest but once you know it the rest of the verbs will follow: je suis: I am tu es: you are il est: he/it is elle est: she/it is on est: we/one is nous sommes: we are vous êtes: you are Ils sont: they are (masculine) elles sont: they are (feminine)
  7. I can go on mta soon if you want?

  8. Don't forget Il n'y a pas (There is not/ There aren't) Are you going to play it online on the PS3? Quote 1: And don't forget: Il y avait - There was Il n'y avait pas - There wasn't Il n'y avait jamais - There never was; There was never Il n'y avait personne - There was nobody Il y aurai - There will be Il n'y aurai pas - There will not be Il y aurais - There would be Il n'y aurais - There would not be Il y ait - (I don't know how to translate this as I don't understand the Present Subjunctive form) Present subjuctive of "y avoir" Quote 2: No I don't have a PS3 but I have a Xbox 360. Ok, today I had to write an essay for my French folio, my original essay only had 160 words in it and whilst writing a sheet from memory I managed to rack up a few 70 extra words. We have to revise a whole essay and jot it down without any help on days like today. I am able to do it but it is rather difficult. Français est meilleur que espangol parce que c'est plus beau et il a plus histoire.
  9. Maybe they post in those topics because this is a message board? Personally, I like to see who has voted for who. Also, maybe you should look at the date you joined and your post count before you try to bash others for "spamming to boost their post count". Likewise. I doubt you'd of had a smaller postcount than I if you were much more active. I'd like to see who voted for who but not in every topic, I only posted in 10 or so not 20 and more. I know it's a message board but some members are being spammers by posting in every topic. That's why S-V was almost banned - he was post banned for 2 days - for posting in every topic he entered which is what I've seen you do lately.
  10. Valid point. I just wanted to do what everyone else was doing, taking the piss out of Andrew.
  11. I didn't think it was possible to detect sarcasm over the internet as many have said before. But ok.
  12. But it would be "I went in car" in French which also makes perfect sense. French has a lot more grammar rules than we as English speakers have had to encounter. Useful words: Je vais aller: I am going to go Je voudrais: I would want/like Je veux: I want J'adore: I love J'aime: I like Il y a: There is J'ai: I have Je suis: I am Je vais: I go Je fais: I do/make J'aimerais: I would like Tu es: You are J'habite: I live Aller: to go Faire: to do/make Vouloir: to want Pouvoir: to be able to Je peux: I can/am able to Just some basics for those who don't know any French apart from Bonjour and Au revoir. Also, French people use "Salut" as their slang for "Hello" just like we use "hi" or "hey". One of the loveliest expressions I've ever heard in French is "cette fois-ci" meaning "this time" as opposed to "cette fois-là" meaning "that time". Je vais jouer GTA IV, au revoir!
  13. French people don't have to do Alt +135 for ç they probably have it on their keyboard. But they probably do miss out the accents.
  14. Try watching the film Sweet Sixteen, it is set in Glasgow and I had to put subtitles on just to understand what they were saying. This is common in Essex "I'll shank you bled! Brap Brap" I don't even know what Brap even means. I don't understand Glaswegians, infact they are insulted for their accents in Falkirk and Edinburgh. The above sentence I said in Scottish meant "Hey, you're on benefits" as it is quite common usage in Central Scotland (Most people here have shitty Council Houses, yet these people are richer than those in regular housing that those regular people have to pay for.) I don't live on benefits so I guess that's great. - If it want some East Anglian words, watch Hot Fuzz not only is it a great film but it has characters mainly from Norfolk and Suffolk but it is set in Gloustershire. It has to be one the best films I have ever seen.
  15. I didn't notice he said that. There are quite a few ways to say "in" in French. à for in/to/at dans for in a building or vicinity smaller than a city en for a language, form of transport. This is peculiar because it can also mean "by", for example: "Je suis allé en voiture" - "I went by car"
  16. They have not really started yet because I haven't really had the chance. I will PM you the details about the server later because I have school in a few minutes. Wait, I'll forward the message that I sent to S-V.

  17. I didnt say I was suprised I hadnt gotten a reply, I just said I dont think a lot of people around here speak French.... Oh don't worry, I noticed some members earlier in some random topic posting in french. They'll be in here sooner or later. Yeah, me, Bear and a little bit of Misho. - Right now I can't be bothered with French, I woke up 20 minutes ago. Excusez-Moi mais je suis fatigue. Je ferai en plus retard.
  18. You don't actually own the car lot in game. You only get paid for what you've done. Also, there is no need to be creating so many topics, it doesn't fare well with many members.
  19. Ye must go to Yorkshire, it in't that noisy. I doubt good "ol' yorkshire" has a few good songs of it's own. I wouldn't speak to a Scottish person they say stuff like: "Ho, yee er an a jiro!" it's really not understandable even to me and I've been living in Scotland a decade. I laugh at "auld reekie" but have no idea what it means, probably "Old smokey". So just beware when speaking to Scottish people, they can be easily misunderstood because they enjoy speaking their own language.
  20. Not very intelligent in actual fact. Now you begin to use bad grammar as soon as someone points out that you are meant to be ten. Does that explain why you are not intelligent? Smart people would know how to use the English language properly with capital letters, a capital "I" on it's own etc. unless you can really back up your point about being intelligent. Oh by the way since you mentioned "onomatopoeia" does that mean you go around saying "moo", "bang", "crash" etc. I doubt you could actually spell that without having to look up the word in the dictionary, it's one of the few words even I couldn't spell.
  21. One thing that has got to me lately is the fact that people persist to post in every voting topic instead of one or two. There are over 30 topics and someone has to post in about 28 of them. I don't know if it's to boost their post count but it sure is ridiculous. It's more of a popularity contest anyway, hence why some members are voting on the same member(s) in almost every vote.
  22. Bloody Hell is used across the UK, I use it. I use mate more often than "friend". "Bloody hell mate, how did that happen to you?" I sometimes use "tits up" so if you hear that then it means "wrong". "It's all gone tits up" etc.
  23. Do you have the lastest version of AVG or whatever you use - If you're using Norton then I'll laugh - because if you don't you're not likely to be "safe". As the news article said, not even the latest windows patch can get rid of it. The viruses travel quite easily through memory sticks and USB ports. It's not actally a big worry, unless you go on some fairly indecent sites and programs then you may get it quite easily. At least 1 in 22,000 of us will have it considering how many people do actually use computers and how many have been infected (Over 8 million).
  24. I wonder if Obama can lead the USA and the world out of the economic crisis? As many people and television news programmes are speculating. Did Taco bell really reduce prices that low for a day? I've never been to Taco Bell before so I wouldn't know how good it is - I have only been to McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts (The McDonalds I went to over in America has larger portions than what we have in Britain.)
  25. I didn't have to enter my mum's card details. I may have to enter my express/debit card details when I buy the whole thing. GTA IV is not effected by the age restriction, virtually no games will be.
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