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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Come on MSN...

  2. Oh Yeah, I forgot to say that he says thanks for the advise. His problem was actually the date that his computer was set at, it was set as April 11th 2180 I think, that is what screwed up his applications.
  3. I do believe in God, I was christened so I am Christian, I don't go to church or anything and I'm not very religious but I do believe in a 'God'.
  4. Thats not actually that bad, think of it as having to finish all your exams quicker, it isn't as bad as having some spread out over 2 months. I would rather have GCSEs within a 3 week period. Yeah, cool. These are only minor exams. In December my major exams start for 5 months for my 3rd Year (10th Year in English Schooling). Those will be my difficult times, I guess. Then I have my higher exams in 4th/5th/6th Year. Hell of a school year coming up for me. I have the choice to leave school at 15/16 and I think I will actually.
  5. I will be incredibly inactive next week and from December this year to May 2009. Exams seriously suck, couldn't school spread exams about a bit instead of one period of 5 months. I might as well go to college rather than staying in school to aged 18 considering the fact that all my teachers are annoying. I had to write 3 essays while on holiday and I have 1 more week of my holiday left to do the last one. Indeed they have to be at least two pages of A4 lined paper and one of them was four and a half pages because I like to make sure it is a good essay. I have got my exam timetable for next week. Here it is: Date Subject Level Starts at Finishes at 21/04/2008English ReadingGeneral Level08:5509:45 21/04/2008English WritingFoundation/General/Credit11:0012:15 21/04/2008French ReadingFoundation13:3014:15 22/04/2008BiologyCredit/General11:0012:30 22/04/2008MathsCredit13:3014:15 25/04/2008GraphicsF/G/CPeriod 5Period 63 Exams in one day. I won't be able to cope I don't think.
  6. Here you go, Ivan. I hope you like it.
  7. I'll try and get it done. Also do you have any particular images you want me to include in the sig?
  8. Yeah, I didn't know that. I have made some updates to the GTAN forums too, if you want to check it out.

  9. I think the virus f*cked up his MSN, he isn't on MSN Messenger and he hasn't been on MSN Messenger for about 15 minutes. I hope he'll be able to come back on tonight. @ Charger, I will tell him about that when he comes back on MSN.
  10. Yeah but I would have to uninstall a Mod until I use it again. Do you have MTA, I may be on the LCF server tomorrow.

  11. A what? Once he logs back into MSN Messenger I will tell him about it. Can you give me a description of a "Restore point".
  12. I don't think Vasco even knows to be honest. I don't think it is Start Page Virus. But he says "well a bunch of aplications dont open". He got an MSN Virus yesterday aparently, some of those can be lethal, I told him.
  13. Hi everyone, I am posting this on behalf of Dirty Harry as he is on MSN Messenger right now suffering from computer problems. He says he may have a virus but he trys using AVG and other AntiVirus Programs to help get rid of his problem but the applications don't seem to be working. I've tried helping him but seem to be no use at the moment. If he could fix it he wouldn't be asking me to post this so he needs urgent help with this. If you have a little help and suggestions for him he asked e to leave his MSN Mesenger address. It is [email protected] Please help him Thomas
  14. lol, Your responsible, you gave me the grunge effect :P So did TM but meh.

  15. I wouldn't advise getting GTA IV with Pound Sterling, The exchange rate right now is Australian $1 for 50 Pence. It will cost you double in pounds. It would be better getting it from New Zealand as it is 1 Australian Dollar for 1.10 New Zealand Dollars which would cost the same. Hopefully you wouldn't need to go to the extent of trying to buy online. The UK version of GTA IV costs £40 how much does it cost in Aussie?
  16. Good, too :).

  17. Hey how you doing?

  18. Hey, how you doing YellowJacket? Haven't seen you around much.

  19. Hey how you doing?

  20. @ Spaz - Yeah, that is one of the many problems of a 'chatroom'. If there was to be a log of what happened in it in one day the most common word would be Hi! or Hey!, it is kind of a waste of time even bothering to say 'Hi', 'Lol' or 'LMAO!!11!!1'. Yeah you may say it at the start of a Conversation on an Instant Messenger but that is to greet someone and you then have a reasonably long conversation after that but a Chat box is usually small and if Two people are in the middle of a conversation and then another two people join in then people are just going to get confused and annoyed, then flaming starts. Pointless. What makes you think that. Tell me if you have more than 15,000 members then I'll believe you.
  21. Yeah, he may well have done. But he suffered the consequences for attempting to advertise his website on here. It also shows that The GTA Place has a very observant Staff Team.
  22. Yeah, I think this is a great idea. I like it because the day lasts longer and have a bit of extra time to do missions sort. I think the clock would be slower but that's not much of a problem. It's quite a good feature by Rockstar Games for GTA IV.
  23. Yes they show up as registered users but they are officially guests, they can view topics like anyone who visits the forums but they are generally unable to post and Personal message any members. They appear on the active users list but they are classified as guests, it only shows what bot is doing what and if bots are on-line.
  24. No problem, I just hope you like it .
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