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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Welcome to the forums I hope you enjoy yourself here and please remember to take a minute to read the forum rules. Have a great time here and stay active
  2. lol, It looks like the city is squint or at an angle I don't have a good a picture of NYC than that, that is high detail mine is from the airport 3 miles away.
  3. There was a wire fence between me and it and I got close . I do have a picture but I have about 400 more pictures and I am hoping to make some sigs out of some of them. I might want to get that picture of Manhattan during the day too and use that as something for the sig.
  4. Yeah, that was at the Sarasota Jungle Gardens, I have a picture of an Alligator but I will post that up later. The alligator was right in front of me.
  5. I was actually standing about 5 metres away from it, I used the zoom. I have another one. I have been reducing the sizes of the pictures.
  6. Cool, More pictures I managed to upload, please bear in mind I took these: A Palm tree in my Grandparents Garden This is a Grey Squirrel, they kill the British Red Squirrels. An awesome building in Sarasota, Florida. I like the effect
  7. I was just curled up with those blue blankets listening to my MP3 Player. The Oreo brownies tasted nice and so did the fruit for breakfast. Not bad service.
  8. Yeah, did you have a window seat on the plane by any chance? If you did you may have seen the many lights in Queens, Brooklyn (Including the Brooklyn Bridge), The Bronx and obviously Manhattan. IT was a cool experience. That Black haired flight attendant was evil sort of. Yeah she was African-American but she would just grab the trays off of your tables. The brown haired one was nice (nice looking too!)
  9. I am curious but was your flight actually to Amsterdam, TNF? Mine was and it was cancelled so I had the next flight to Edinburgh.
  10. Yeah by 14 Rows . I'm gonna start uploading some photos, heres a preview of a natural animal I saw: Some type of Dog even though it isn't actually a dog.
  11. I don't think I did actually. I was with my Sister, my mother and my father so I was in a group of four. Do you think that the UK Passport heading sounds a little weird - "Passport to the United Kingdom of the British Isles and Northern Ireland" and below it says "European Union". Nice colour just a little bit too posh to be honest. When you were waiting for the plane did you see me with a cup of Mocha in my hand then with me running across after we had been to check something out at the Duty and Tax Free shop nearby the gate after an announcement was made saying "Continental Airlines flight C0036 to Edinburgh international Airport is now boarding at gate C73". That was funny.
  12. Might have done, I was asleep most of the flight though. If you saw me walking around I have Brown(ish) hair, I am Tall and not fat. What part of the Edinburgh Baggage claim were you in?
  13. Just curious because I was at the back of the plane and you were in the middle (So you say) what set of toilets did you go to because I may have seen you go past me numerous times if you went to the toilets at the back.
  14. I seen a large group of people who were at baggage claim with about 7 suitcases. Anyway, did you see me Teenager (13 Year Old) Green Jacket (Casual), Blue Jeans, Red T-Shirt and Brand new White K-Swiss trainers. I had an Orange and Black travel bag.
  15. Thanks, Yes it's pure coincidental that we were on the same plane and we both happened to be in New York City at the same time. He was sitting 14 rows ahead of me and I only found out he was on the same plane as me. I have pictures but I'll post them up real soon.
  16. It may be good if R* features what True Crime features, a number plate customization tool. You could have cars with a licence like TOM130 and Car 2 would have TOM131. That would be a bit pointless though with that feature. They focus on much better things for the game and to make it better for us to play.
  17. Wrong forum. Computing & Tech forum might have been a little better as this forum is for forums and site suggestions. Anyway, it is free for download and there is also a version you can purchase. I don't really know the features of it but I would recommend downloading the free version because almost everyone who has downloaded fraps has downloaded the free version. I hope this helps.
  18. nm, quite happy to be back in the UK. I will visit my site later, I'm a bit Jet Lagged at the moment.

  19. Holiday over. So, I am back in the UK now. The Amsterdam flight was cancelled so we had to get a direct flight to Edinburgh Airport and we had to wait 6 1/2 hours at Newark Liberty International Airport. I actually was getting bored of the Florida holiday, people who live in cold climates such as the UK just can't get used to the heat in Florida and I wanted to go home. I flew over New York City on the way home and had quite a sight of Manhattan Island at night, The Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Midtown etc. I hate being in Scotland because I wished I had stayed in York when I was 4. Scotland is too cold. Sorry for the double post
  20. If we can't understand what that member was saying in a different language we could always find a dictionary or a handy internet translator such as babelfish or any more we can think of using. It would be an interesting experience for this idea as many people I believe would use the international sub-forum and I hope they would use it wisely. If they break rules in another language then the normal forum rules apply. Yeah, this idea is full of holes like Microsoft Windows at the moment, we probably need more ideas before we are able to try this out. To me it is a good idea.
  21. If there was to be an International forum, i'm pretty sure many of the members who can speak another language quite well such as I speak French quite well, it is a good way to communicate and make friends with other members, I quite like that idea. Maybe a "Francais Parlez" or "Parlez vous francais" topic (meaning French Speaking or French Chat), excellent idea Gerard. However, it may be difficult for members on the forums who do not have other languages symbols such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian etc symbols on their computer but I guess that won't matter as many members on here do not speak Chinese nor Japanese. If we were to have an International forum then what would the topic titles be? An example of what we could do the topic titles. Francais Parlez (Or whatever, I don't translate much French at 11 PM) (The Topic title will be the language in which the topic is aimed at) French Chat (This would be a French to English translation and if we wanted to we could put next to it (In brackets) Francais ~ Anglais) What do you think?
  22. nothing much, you?

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