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"When Zombies Invade Vice City"


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What would you do? Type your wild ideas here!

As for me:

I would take a Rhino tank and make a last stand Scarface style in the Vercetti Estate with my trusty Minigun, of course: with the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen playing out loud on the stereo. Get a few conscripts and tell them to run around like idiots and lure the zombies into the pool, where I will burn those sorry assed zombies along with my stupid henchmen!! HAHAHAHA!! LOL.

And if that fails and the Mansion gets over run, I'd jump into Lance's Infernus and drive it all the way to the Airforce Base, pilot the Hunter and start killing those zombies with my .50 cal!!!

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If there is zombies in city then army is probably busy so I would steal an army helicopter and went to my mansion at Starfish Island and guard it.

If they destroy my helicopter I would order my guys to get into tanks and start killing them while I taking them out with my sniper rifle.

Edited by CroScorpion
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i would go like "Lance, whats goin..." as i discover he's a zombie, and kill him with my Colt Python, and say "you picked the wrong side lance...".

then i would get to my heli, in top of the mansion, and get over to ken rosenberg, rescue him, then, over to phil, rescue him too, umberto robina, rafael (the clothes shop guy) and go away.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Silberio Silva Da Great said:

That Zombie mod...yeah...Long night mod, or something, it did never work in my comp :(

I would sya OMG and WTF Vice city has turned into ravenholm (if you havn't played HL2, don't even bother trying to understand)! , pick up some sawblades, vut them in half, then own the headcrabbs on their heads eith the dual shit function of my shotgun! Wooo!

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I'll go to Fort Baxter Airforce Base and get a Hunter then I'll fly to Downtown Ammu-Nation. Then, I'll get alot of M4 clips and alot of PSG clips. Then, I'll fly to the Vercetti Mansion and land on the roof and start plucking all of them off one by one until I run out of bullets then I'll switch to my M4 and jump down and start killing all of them.

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^ lol ^

What I'd do is make a huge fire in front the the tank and get into the tank, wait until they jump onto the tank and crowd the entrance and the actual tank, I'd step on the pedal and boom I go into fire and burn those sonuvabitchs to hell, then I would jump out with a Colt .45, a M4 and a MP5 and shoot the surviving buggers to death. Then when I run out of bullets, I'd take a Katana and be a Samurai.

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