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Secrets and Easter Eggs


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  chris82 said:
I'll post the scary ones:

1. WW2 Stalker Plane-Go to any place where you are by yourself. (No roads, no cars, no peds, just you) You will hear the engine of the rustler plane. You will then see it. It goes whereever you go. As soon as it goes off screen it disappears. :unsure:

2. Bodybags and Phonebooth-In the middle of the dessert there are badybags and a phonebooth that only appear at night. When you answer the phone, no one's there even though it's ringing.

3. Farmer Chainsaw Chase-Go to the farm close to Mt. Chilliad with all the No Tresspassing signs. At night a farmer will come out and stealth-kill you.

4. Ghost Cars-In Back o' Beyond in between the two horseshoe shaped hills at 2AM game time, two beat-up Gelendale cars will roll down at you. No drivers, cars are started.


Things not confirmed:

1. Bigfoot/Yeti-In the badlands there is a bigfoot yeti monster who will kill you.

2. CJ's Mom's Ghost- From 23:00 to 1:00 CJ's Mom's ghost haunts the Johnson house in the living room and bedroom.

What time will this killer farmer attack, i wanna fight him!

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I think it's fake.

First, what fucking phoneboot at night near the bodies? (the bodies are confirmed but not the phone)

Second, WTF? What fucking chainsaw farmer? We all tried this millions of times and no farmer/piggsy appear.

And third, A Rustler following you? Let me laugh. >.<

Edited by Spider-Vice
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  • 4 weeks later...
  Cj San said:
  chris82 said:
I'll post the scary ones:

1. WW2 Stalker Plane-Go to any place where you are by yourself. (No roads, no cars, no peds, just you) You will hear the engine of the rustler plane. You will then see it. It goes whereever you go. As soon as it goes off screen it disappears. :unsure:

2. Bodybags and Phonebooth-In the middle of the dessert there are badybags and a phonebooth that only appear at night. When you answer the phone, no one's there even though it's ringing.

3. Farmer Chainsaw Chase-Go to the farm close to Mt. Chilliad with all the No Tresspassing signs. At night a farmer will come out and stealth-kill you.

4. Ghost Cars-In Back o' Beyond in between the two horseshoe shaped hills at 2AM game time, two beat-up Gelendale cars will roll down at you. No drivers, cars are started.


Things not confirmed:

1. Bigfoot/Yeti-In the badlands there is a bigfoot yeti monster who will kill you.

2. CJ's Mom's Ghost- From 23:00 to 1:00 CJ's Mom's ghost haunts the Johnson house in the living room and bedroom.

What time will this killer farmer attack, i wanna fight him!

lol the farmers a fake so is leatherface and bigfoot
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Epsilon Cult is real in the game.Whoever said it wasn't is false.In the "Gay" Barber shop the barber says things like,"Come back soon Brother Uncle".The hiker near the School areas say,"Whoa there Brother Uncle," and "Do you seek spiritual guidance?" There is even an advertisement on WCTR of the Epsilon cult.

Proof of WCTR Broadcasts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsSFfHR7tow

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  aemboy15 said:
Yeah the brown one. It wont be there all the time but every once in a while. Sweets plates say GROVE 4 L (Grove for life)

yeah the truth's one says OUTHERE and i remember ceaser had one as well

  Cj San said:
  chris82 said:
I'll post the scary ones:

1. WW2 Stalker Plane-Go to any place where you are by yourself. (No roads, no cars, no peds, just you) You will hear the engine of the rustler plane. You will then see it. It goes whereever you go. As soon as it goes off screen it disappears. :unsure:

2. Bodybags and Phonebooth-In the middle of the dessert there are badybags and a phonebooth that only appear at night. When you answer the phone, no one's there even though it's ringing.

3. Farmer Chainsaw Chase-Go to the farm close to Mt. Chilliad with all the No Tresspassing signs. At night a farmer will come out and stealth-kill you.

4. Ghost Cars-In Back o' Beyond in between the two horseshoe shaped hills at 2AM game time, two beat-up Gelendale cars will roll down at you. No drivers, cars are started.


Things not confirmed:

1. Bigfoot/Yeti-In the badlands there is a bigfoot yeti monster who will kill you.

2. CJ's Mom's Ghost- From 23:00 to 1:00 CJ's Mom's ghost haunts the Johnson house in the living room and bedroom.

What time will this killer farmer attack, i wanna fight him!

I dunno the stalker plane might be true i do see heaps o rustlers flying around but i never realy payed attention 2 them :rofl:

  claude-5 said:
get a wayfarer and a recruited gang member get on the bike and look left or right (using R2/Right Trigger) and there mouth will be cut out


(tested on pc, ps2 and xbox so i dont think its a glitch)

I got a homie glitch/egg if you recrute the guy with the cigar and do a drive by the bullets will actuly come out of the cigar

  dillsasecerethunter said:
  X GTA X said:

not my pic but its a secret lol



LOOK -> http://www.thegtaplace.com/potd/viewpotd.p...=1142108943.jpg

its fake of course ye but ive seen im real n ur game restarts if u get 2 close

that is soooooooooo photoshopped

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
  monkeyman said:
Yesterday i finished "End of Line" and i saw that the Tenpenny's firetruck has a sign of "Keep away for 500 feet" or something, like, be away from the car for 500 feet.


yea if you were that far could you even read it :dribble:<_< i dont like this guy and his crazy eyes

  JoelManiac said:
These are probably obvious so don't flame me.

I was near area 69 which is marked on the map as a no fly zone, if i fly over there i get shot at etc. But if you stand there planes will fly over it all the time and not get shot at.

well i dont know about you but i would shoot them down myself :thumbsup: yay violence

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  • 1 month later...

I couldnt be bothered to read all of these things but I know at the start u where talkin about a silver vibrater. apparently its got summit to do with Ed Gien ( I got that off this site it Number 11)

Also did you ever notice that sometimes a phonebox is in the desert at night but noone is there... I don't know if this bit is true but i remember on thegtaforums someone said if you walk into this phonebox sometimes a black car tries to kill you, like in da matrix but i don't know if its true

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  laggynoob said:
if you go into the los santos police garage with a tank and go to the end of it there is a hunter.....

in the country (forgot where i might hunt it again) theres a sign that says "getting our hands in your genes since ...." i also forgot the year >.<

The first one is fake, obviously, but I've seen the second one somewhere.

Also please don't double post (:

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